Examples of the the word, consular , in a Sentence Context
The word ( consular ), is the 12216 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- He married in 225. Another wife was Suspicion Media. Her father was a man of, consular ,rank; her grandfather's name was Catullus. Alexander is a common male first
- Maintains foreign diplomatic missions in 94 countries on six continents and, consular ,posts in two countries that are not represented by an embassy. Lithuania's
- Probes first gave him a place in the council and then in about 372 made him, consular ,prefect or" Governor" of Liguria and Emilia, with headquarters at Milan
- Order of the Senate. With opinion in Rome turning against him and his year of, consular ,power nearing its end, Antony attempted to pass laws which would lend him
- In 1995,Costa Rica established a consular office in Havana. Cuba opened a, consular ,office in Costa Rica in 2001,but relations continued to be difficult. In 2006
- European countries used various systems to count years. Systems in use included, consular ,dating, imperial regnal year dating, and Creation dating. Although the last
- Into public life. Although he had resigned as consul, Augustus retained his, consular ,imperium, leading to a second compromise between him and the Senate known as
- Romans and their crucial sources of supply. Once the Roman Senate resumed their, consular ,elections in 216 BC, they appointed Gains Parties Carry and Lucius Arminius
- European citizens in need of consular help in a country without diplomatic or, consular ,representation of their own country may turn to any consular or diplomatic
- Fidel Castro's government in March 2009. In 1995,Costa Rica established a, consular ,office in Havana. Cuba opened a consular office in Costa Rica in 2001,but
- Of Rome of 21 April 753 BC, was initiated by Carry. Carry may have used the, consular ,list with its mistakes, and called the year of the first consuls" 245 ab urge
- Then Octavian for defeating Antony, the Senate attempted to give command of the, consular ,legions to Decides Brutus, yet Octavian decided not to cooperate. Instead
- Abroad. On 23 May the Starting passed the Consulate Act establishing a separate, consular ,service. King Oscar, refused his assent; on 27 May the Norwegian cabinet
- From September 1961 to June 1963,diplomatic relations, trade,transit, and, consular , services were suspended by Pakistan. The April 1978 revolution further strained
- Cuba by the Organization of American States. In 1995,Costa Rica established a, consular ,office in Havana. Cuba opened a consular office in Costa Rica in 2001.
- Months of the Roman calendar were named Aquarius, When this happened,the, consular ,date was given a count of years since the last consul (so-called "
- Loss of the spouses' original nationality, the spouse losing the right to, consular ,assistance (since consular assistance cannot be provided to nationals under
- Less highly than I do the safety of the Emperor and his sisters," or, if in, consular ,motions:" Good fortune attend to the Emperor and his sisters. " Around the
- S scope includes political, commercial,economic, financial,cultural and, consular ,relations, areas in which it performs the classical tasks of diplomacy:
- Marriage to be celebrated in Rome. Domitian came from a distinguished family of, consular ,rank. Through his mother Antonia Major, Domitius was a great nephew of Augustus
- V. Two years later, Vendôme having died in the interval, Alberoni was appointed, consular ,agent for Parma at Philip's court, where he was the royal favorite, being
- Within 24 hours. Fijian missions abroad Fiji maintains direct diplomatic or, consular ,relations with countries with historical, cultural,or trading ties to Fiji;
- 1946) as well as being a former cavalry officer and member of the German, consular ,service. Göring had among his paternal ancestors Eberle/Berlin, a Swiss-German
- To dismount and fight his enemies to liberate his land. He was interviewed by a, consular ,officer, who again approved his application. Records at the time only recorded
- Against the Sarmatians. Diocletian replaced the prefect of Rome with his, consular ,colleague Basses. Most officials who had served under Carious, however
- By the Senate. The civic crown, which later Emperors took to actually wearing, consular ,insignia, and later the purple robes of a Triumphant general (toga dicta)
- Close enough to remain in regular contact with each other. Galleries assumed the, consular ,faces in 308 with Diocletian as his colleague. In the autumn of 308,Galleries
- Australian nationals enjoy even greater cooperation between their respective, consular ,services, as outlined in Canada-Australia Consular Services Sharing Agreement.
- Still living and working in the region. Foreign governments have established 89, consular , offices in metropolitan Houston. Forty foreign governments maintain trade and
- Friend of Pliny the Younger. His mother married Public Julius Lupus (a man of, consular ,rank) effect consul in 98,and bore him two daughters Aria Cupola and Julia
- The 1890s,the chief issue in question being Norway's rights to its own, consular ,service. Nansen, although not by inclination a politician, had spoken out on
- And traded in the flesh of Taiwanese aboriginals. Roger Casement writing to a, consular ,colleague in Lisbon on 3 August 1903 from Lake Macumba in the Congo Free State
- Legislating the alliance into official existence for a term of five years with, consular ,imperium. Cicero and all of his contacts and supporters were numbered among the
- Maintains foreign diplomatic missions in 94 countries on six continents and, consular ,posts in two countries that are not represented by an embassy. Lithuania's
- In 1995,Costa Rica established a consular office in Havana. Cuba opened a, consular ,office in Costa Rica in 2001. Forty-seven years after the initial freeze, Costa
- By the member states of the European Union (EU). European citizens in need of, consular ,help in a country without diplomatic or consular representation of their own
- Nationality, the spouse losing the right to consular assistance (since, consular ,assistance cannot be provided to nationals under the jurisdiction of a foreign
- To an embassy. Likewise, the French Institute in Taipei has an administrative, consular ,section that delivers visas and fulfills other missions normally dealt with by
- In public and before the Senate, Like his tribune authority, the granting of, consular ,powers to him was another instance of holding power of offices he did not
- S Republic of China. Cuba The Dominican Republic and Cuba recently established, consular ,relations, and there is contact in fields such as commerce, culture,and sports
- In a letter to The Times, he presented Norway's legal case for a separate, consular ,service to the English-speaking world. On 17 May 1905,Norway's Constitution
- Of the reasons of Banzer's downfall that very year. Chile and Bolivia maintain, consular ,relations, and appear to have become friendlier. Former Chilean President
- Embassy (to serve the region of the capital) in what is sometimes called a, consular ,section. In cases of dispute, it is common for a country to recall its head of
- Modern states, notably in the First French Republic. The relating adjective is, consular , from the Latin consular is (which has been used, substantiated,as a title in
- Commanders in the Roman army, with each being granted two legions during their, consular ,year. Consuls also exercised the highest juridical power in the Republic, being
- The cursus honorum. Tiberius, the new emperor, responded by granting Claudius, consular ,ornaments. Claudius requested office once more and was snubbed. Since the new
- Was his decision to divide Italy into 4 regions under imperial legates with, consular ,rank. Being effectively reduced to the status of mere provinces did not go down
- Among the aristocracy, despite attempts to appease hostile factions with, consular ,appointments. His autocratic style of government accentuated the Senate's loss
- Diplomatic or consular representation of their own country may turn to any, consular ,or diplomatic mission of another EU member state. The rights and immunities (
- Until 443 BC. In 442 BC, no consuls were elected, but military tribunes with, consular ,power were appointed instead; this was a move by the plebeians to try to attain
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