Examples of the the word, oss , in a Sentence Context
The word ( oss ), is the 12208 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Eclectic shorthand (sometimes called" Cr oss shorthand" or" Eclectic-Cr, oss , shorthand " after its founder, J. G. Cr oss ) is an English shorthand system of
- Saga, the Grayish king Giver taunts the Huns and says," EIG era Lunar, oss , felmtraða né Hornblower Yuri. " (We fear neither the Huns nor their horn bows.
- 1774). Works *Tail on Nathan, som Insecure och eras skärskådande, tilskynda, oss , ... Stockholm 1744-47. *Memoirs pour server à l'history DES insects.
- The internet. An example is UCSD's" Roger ". *Open sources software (OSS)-, oss , are software which is available free for use, run,distribute. It can not be
- In 1968 Pale was a driving force behind the release of documentary DOM Keillor, oss , mods. The controversial movie, depicting two social outcasts, was scheduled to
- Vorum skuldunautum. ":" OG age law ú OSS í phrasing,":" held fresh, oss , frá ill. ":" AVI a ITT er rigid, mátturinn OG drain ": a alight. ": Amen.
- Fyr GEF u OSS syn er oral, sem very for geom am her vi OSS height Mister: Land, oss , eigi í phrasing, heldr Las v OSS FRA all ill. Amen. Modern Icelandic: "
- 1984,23 minutes. The contents are similar to those in his book Have IOM, oss , ( the sea inside us). **Bronze medal at Union Internationale du Cinema (UTICA
- Contained a song written for the action group Give Us Back Christmas (Hi, oss , jula til bake in Norwegian) in protest against department stores' early
- Strá. Very datum, ef ú ERT a Los a OG if, sem a lighter, oss , duftinu FRA. Ó, vert ú Vern Morgan port Jocasta if, vor
- Lat rivet diet coma.: Lat Eileen din radar: PA Jordan SA some i Himmler.: GEV, oss , i dag part allege bred.: Format var skull, som vi OG forget are skuldmenn.:
- 1993 – DET some engang var (recorded April 1992) *1994 – His lyses tar, oss , ( recorded September 1992) *1997 – Saudi Balers (recorded in prison 1994–1995
- Became the city Fredrikshald in 1665 for Frederick III of Denmark. The God med, oss , ( God be with us) coat-of-arms created in 1665 shows a knight standing on a
- Svo SEM very OG fyrirgefum ":" forum skuldunautum. ":" OG age law ú, oss , í phrasing,":" held fresh OSS FRA ill. ":" AVI a ITT er rigid
- Brauð port daylight: Ok for GEF u OSS syn er oral, sem very for geom am her vi, oss , hafa Mister: Land OSS age í phrasing, heldr Las v OSS FRA all ill. Amen.
- Dag part allege bred.: Format var skull, som vi OG forget are skuldmenn.: For, oss , ikkje UT i phrasing, men feels OSS FRA DET Vonda.: For rivet her diet, og Malta
- Imprisonment (1994–2009) May 15, 1994,saw the release of His lyses tar, oss , a new album of previously recorded material from 1992. Barium stayed as a solo
- Daglige bred.: Format OSS are Snyder, som vi OG for later are sandier.: Led, oss , ikke inn i bristles, men feels OSS Frey DET one.: For rivet her diet, og marten
- Fyr geom am her vi OSS height Mister: Land OSS age í phrasing, heldr Las v, oss , frá all ill. Amen. Modern Icelandic:" Fair VOR, ú SEM ERT á him. ": "
- 1991 *** Nominated for the Deutsche Jugendliteraturpreis,1992 * Have IOM, oss , ( The ocean within us),1988. This book has largely the same contents as the
- Spar: There for you ", current United Kingdom slogan *" Du Jenner, oss ," (" You know us" ), Norwegian slogan *" Big On Value "," Expect a little
- Silver ions may not be reduced. Therefore, these traps are actually, oss , mechanisms and are considered trapping inefficiencies. For example, atmospheric
- Vilje Skye: PA Jordan some i Himmler.: Hi OSS i dag part tagline bred.: Format, oss , våre Snyder, som vi OG for later are sandier.: Led OSS Ike inn i bristles
- Hellig.: La diet like Somme.: La din vile Skye: PA Jordan some i Himmler.: Hi, oss , i dag part tagline bred.: Format OSS are Snyder, som vi OG for later are
- In March 2010 Robyn appeared on the Swedish television series DOM Keillor, oss , artister. She said that her goal is to have the new album out in June. She also
- Alley vi barn i Bulletin (1986) - director: Lapse Maelstrom * MER on, oss , barn i Bulletin (1987) - director: Lapse Maelstrom * Mid, min Mid (1987) -
- To the contest in Hilversum. The song selected was" Gamma star laser for, oss , två ", later renamed" Villa star ". It finished fourth at Eurovision on 12
- Svo á Jorge SEM á him. ":" GEF OSS í dag port dogleg Braun. ":" Fringe, oss , vorar skulker,":" so SEM very OG fyrirgefum ":" forum skuldunautum. ":" OG
- En bungling purpura arm och god, : och SEPA dig i den. 5. Du him lens Here, med,OSS, var,: some for Du me d oss var it heir, : och live PA var strand: DET gamma linnets
- Benefits of open source software is that there are a wide variety of codes in, oss , projects for program developers. Without any blocking of this wide and diverse
- Genesis 1:26–27: :26Å God SAA:’ Last OSS guard near Danish, nager some like, oss , Å DOM she Ra one fish Terri haven å over Logan pine himself, å one Tamara
- Roots of the ash tree. While doing this they said:" Nu offer jag, så for Du, oss , ingen SCADA" meaning" Now I sacrifice to you, so that you do us no harm ".
- Som vi OG forget are skuldmenn.: For OSS Ike UT i phrasing, men feels, oss , frå DET Vonda.: For rivet her diet, og Malta OG æra i all æve. Amen. Modern
- God, : och SEPA dig i den. 5. Du him lens Here, med oss var, : some for Du med, oss , varit heir, : och live PA var strand: DET gamma linnets art gen: hos sveakungen
- Itt hæilagt: Til some like ITT,værði Vila in: SVA an IAU SEM í him. GEF, oss , í dag Braun port daylight: Ok for GEF u OSS syn er oral, sem very for geom am
- Som vi Alaska (But when it comes to our beloved AIK) SA Skinner sole start PA, oss , ändå (The sun will soon shine upon us) Vi short on story wider some heir Sunnis
- In: SVA an IAU SEM í him. GEF OSS í dag Braun port daylight: Ok for GEF u, oss , syn er oral, sem very for geom am her vi OSS height Mister: Land OSS age í
- Little Child to play a Part. Or in Norwegian: I Morgan former Finn OG bringer, oss , maanen: her Han former forgave so log kristenblod: locker Barney til sang OG
- ISBN 3-7959-0708-X * Leila Barkers: Allan Patterson: DET Brenner en sol IOM, oss ,- en tonsättares Liv och very. Series Radios Format, Stockholm,1999. ISBN
- Som vi OG for later are sandier.: Led OSS Ike inn i bristles, men feels, oss , fra DET one.: For rivet her diet, og marten OG æren i eight. Amen. Faeroese:
- Folkets majestic: AR even diet: karma DET: och Verna DET Fran fall!: STA, oss , all gardens Hagar mot, : vi blink ex for eras hot:: vi ragga them inform din
- Det AR min driveshaft? Tank gen. DET var series critic Fran en culture some far, oss , att MA some Skit. Men Du Kan valley ATT Cessna PA euro disco sling an SA Kan jag
- Til KOI ITT wiki,":" Verdi inn villi, svo á Jorge SEM á him. ":" GEF, oss , í dag port dogleg Braun. ":" Fringe OSS moral skulker,":" so SEM very OG
- På jam ska. An excerpt from the book: Genesis 1:26–27: :26Å God SAA:’ Last, oss , gjära near Danish, nager some like OSS. Å DOM she Ra one fish Terri haven å
- Which is broad and expanded, is directed upward and forward. * The apex (apex, oss , Sacri) is directed downward, and presents an oval facet for articulation with
- 1986 – Alley vi barn i Bulletin (All us children in Gallery) * 1987 – MER on, oss , barn i Bulletin (More about all us children in Gallery) The Great star
- Melodifestivalen again and reached sixth place with the song" Indiana wander, oss ," (" The Winds Turn Us" ). Magnus Backhand went on to take part in
- Tröjorna i AIK (We see the black shirts of AIK) Vi vet ATT alley agar bar, oss , rätt (Whatever path we take will lead us right) Chorus: Å vi e AIK (Oh, we
- Government before dawn had broken on the morning of invasion. " Vi air, oss , ikke frivillig, kampen er alleged I gang ", replied Kohl. " We will not submit
- Jarl's and Jan Lindqvist's documentary They Call Us Misfits (DOM Keillor, oss , mods ) was released. The film, the first in what would become a trilogy, is an
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