Examples of the the word, std , in a Sentence Context

The word ( std ), is the 12228 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Header provides two variables associated with this stream: std : :Carr and, std ,: :clog, the former being buffered and the latter using the same buffering
  2. Of these is often acceptable in Standard German as well: possession + PRP. Vo (, std , German on) + possessor: BS Busch someone Professor vs. Standard German an
  3. Example in C++. #include #include #include using namespace, std ,; class Fruit; //definition needed for using any static member variable
  4. No bounds checking for native arrays. C++ standard library collections like, std ,: :vector, however,offer optional bounds checking. In summary, Java arrays are
  5. In a list and their Talk () method is called. Namespace, std ,Public Interface Animal Readily Property Name () As String Function Talk ()
  6. Lists. Language supports The C++ is Standard Template Library has the function, std ,: :merge, which merges two sorted ranges of iterators, and std : :in place_merge
  7. Which merges two consecutive sorted ranges in-place. In addition,the, std ,: :list (linked list) class has its own merge method which merges another list
  8. A similar C++ example (using the Boost. Lambda library):, std , : :for_each (c. begin (), c. End (), std : :out << _1 Here the standard
  9. Function, assuming 'c' contains 'int's, would be:, std , : :for_each (c. begin (), c. End (), ( int i) ); In JavaScript since version
  10. Container type of Tempe elements void Processes (coast ItemType& I), std , : :for_each (C. begin (), C. End (), ProcessItem); // A for-each iteration
  11. SET command) target. After SET X="dpbsmith@world., std , Com" $PIECE (" world. Std. Com ",". ", 2) yields" std " SET UP (X,"
  12. Yields" std " SET UP (X,"<span title="@",1)="office/IN"> @",1)="office" causes X to become" office@world., std , Com" ( note that UP is equivalent to $PIECE and could be written as such).
  13. As an array in its own right. Both C++ and Java provide container classes (, std ,: :vector and java. Util. Arrays respectively) which are resizable and store
  14. X="dpbsmith@world. Std. Com" $PIECE (" world. Std. Com ",". ", 2) yields ", std ," SET UP (X,"<span title="@",1)="office/IN"> @",1)="office" causes X to become" office@world. Std. Com" (
  15. Design. At that time, he also worked as a typeface designer and for the world., std , Com internet service provider. He has an artistic eye for typeface and
  16. Std: :copy (C. begin (), C. End (), std : :stream_iterator (, std ,: :out," \n" )); A limitation is that this technique does not allow the body
  17. After SET X="dpbsmith@world. Std. Com" $PIECE (" world., std , Com ",". ", 2) yields" std " SET UP (X,"<span title="@",1)="office/IN"> @",1)="office" causes X to
  18. Include #include #include using namespace, std ,; int main (int arc, _CHAR
  19. Case for interrogative words are China ( std . Missä," where" ) and Mike (, std , Mihin," into where" ). Here, the word China uses the ancient Finnish
  20. Standard function templates, such as http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/for_each.html, std ,: :for_each (), http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/copy.html std : :copy () and
  21. Ostream_iterator: std : :copy (C. begin (), C. End (), std ,: :stream_iterator ( std : :out," \n" )); A limitation is that this
  22. Std: :copy () and http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/accumulate.html, std ,: :accumulate (). When used they must be initialized with existing iterators
  23. Has the function std : :merge, which merges two sorted ranges of iterators, and, std , : :in place_merge, which merges two consecutive sorted ranges in-place. In
  24. The time a flight (or other form of transport) is due to start its journey. *, std , the set direction flag instruction on x86 compatible CPUs, opposite of CLD
  25. Fibonacci numbers, imperative style int Fibonacci (int iterations), std , : :out << Fibonacci (10) <<" \n "; A functional version (in Haskell) has a
  26. The C++ standard header provides two variables associated with this stream:, std ,: :Carr and std : :clog, the former being buffered and the latter using the
  27. Std: :for_each (), http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/copy.html, std ,: :copy () and http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/accumulate.html std : :accumulate ()
  28. Polymorphism. Examples C++ #include #include using namespace, std ,; class Animal; class Cat: public Animal; class Dog: public Animal; // prints
  29. To generate stroke volume. The equation in simplified form is as follows: SV, std ,(AP) * kHz. kHz which accounts for the effects of arterial resistance, and
  30. Std: :stream_iterator:, std , : :copy (C. begin (), C. End (), std : :stream_iterator ( std : :out," \n "
  31. The following example shows a typical use of an iterator. , std , : :vector items; items. Push_back (1); // Append integer value '1' to vector
  32. Features (e.g. moving the TR1 components from std : :tr1 namespace directly to, std ,namespace). Triadic templates were also considered, but delayed until some
  33. Items. Push_back (3); // Append integer value '3' to vector 'items' for (, std ,: :vector: :iterator i items. Begin (); i! Items. End (); ++i) //Prints 123
  34. The corresponding variable is FILE* std in; similarly, the variable is, std ,: :in. Standard output ( std out) Standard output is the stream where a program
  35. Nullptr),and some library features (e.g. moving the TR1 components from, std ,: :tr1 namespace directly to std namespace). Triadic templates were also
  36. Increment, and decrement. This has the advantage that C++ algorithms such as, std ,: :sort can immediately be applied to plain old memory buffers, and that there
  37. C++ is Standard Template Library provides the class templates std : :due and, std ,: :list, for the multiple array and linked list implementations, respectively.
  38. PizzaBuilderExample C++ #include #include using namespace, std ,; //" Product" class Pizza; //" Abstract Builder" class PizzaBuilder;
  39. Set stable (i) set address (" Smith "," Daniel")="dpbsmith@world., std , Com" Local arrays: variable names not beginning with caret (i.e." ^" )
  40. Corresponding variable is FILE* std out; similarly, the variable is, std ,: :out. Standard error ( std err) Standard error is another output stream
  41. Library): std : :for_each (c. begin (), c. End (), std ,: :out << _1 Here the standard library function for_each iterates over all
  42. Was there? ") Other differences in case for interrogative words are China (, std , Missä," where" ) and Mike ( std . Mihin," into where" ). Here, the word
  43. Processes); // A for-each iteration loop The same can be achieved using, std ,: :copy and http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/ostream_iterator.html std :
  44. Type of Tempe elements // A for-each iteration loop with a lambda function, std ,: :for_each (C. begin (), C. End (), ( coast ItemType& I) ); C# and other.
  45. Namespace AbstractFactory C++ / #include using namespace, std ,; class Button; class Unbutton: public Button; class Button: public Button;
  46. The C++11 standard introduced the range-based for. In the STL there is an, std ,: :for_each template function which can iterate on STL containers and call an
  47. To create their own iterator types by deriving subclasses from the standard, std ,: :iterator class template. Iterator safety is defined separately for the
  48. The same as in the Java example. #include using namespace, std ,; class I; class A: public I; class B: public I; class C: public I; int main ()
  49. Achieved using std : :copy and http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/ostream_iterator.html, std ,: :stream_iterator: std : :copy (C. begin (), C. End ()
  50. Respectively. C++ is Standard Template Library provides the class templates, std ,: :due and std : :list, for the multiple array and linked list implementations

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