Examples of the the word, flooring , in a Sentence Context

The word ( flooring ), is the 12226 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The thickness depending on the distance between floor joists. Plywood for, flooring ,applications is often tongue and groove; the mating edge will have a" groove "
  2. In the NBA and NCAA the court is 94 feet by 50 feet. Most courts have wood, flooring , usually constructed from maple planks running in the same direction as the
  3. People. The fight lived up to the hype, and Frazier punctuated his victory by, flooring ,Ali with a hard, leaping left hook in the 15th and final round. Frazier
  4. Gauged, meaning that the back surface is ground for ease of installation. Slate, flooring ,can be slippery when used in external locations subject to rain. Slate tiles
  5. Include carpet, area rugs, and resilient flooring such as linoleum or vinyl, flooring , Materials commonly called flooring include wood flooring , laminated wood
  6. Next steps: opening (making a centered hollow into the solid ball of clay), flooring , ( making the flat or rounded bottom inside the pot),throwing or pulling (
  7. Mile High Stadium was one of the NFL's loudest stadiums, with steel, flooring ,instead of concrete, which may have given the Broncos an advantage over
  8. Mills also produced a variety of milled wood, plywood,chipboard, and parquet, flooring , Although the country cut and processed only a fraction of its hundreds of
  9. The bark is smooth and yellow-bronze and the wood is extensively used for, flooring , cabinetry, and toothpicks. * The Thorny yellow wood is an Australian rainforest
  10. Self-extinguishing, and contributes less to toxic gases and smoke than other, flooring ,products, when used in carpets. Wool carpets are specified for high safety
  11. Is also made into railroad ties, mine timbers, house logs, posts and poles, flooring , pulp, and furniture. Coast Douglas-fir is used extensively in landscaping. It
  12. A solid feeling floor when the joints do not lie over joists. Tongue & groove, flooring ,plywood is typically 1" in thickness. Hardwood plywood Used for demanding end
  13. Voltages from accumulating on workers' bodies, anti-static mats or conductive, flooring ,materials to conduct harmful electric charges away from the work area, and
  14. Spruce-pine-fir),cedar, and hemlock, but also some hardwood, for high-grade, flooring , Terminology In the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth Countries such as
  15. To be described in square feet rather than square meters, and carpet or, flooring ,tile is purchased by the square foot. Motor-vehicle fuel consumption is
  16. Glued-laminated (Ghulam) beams, pallets,furniture, cabinets,doors, flooring , window frames, and other miscellaneous woodwork and mill work. Rocky Mountain
  17. To them, and their lack of sphincter muscles which would require carpet-less, flooring ,and frequent cleaning up after them. Cultural references In 2002,psychologist
  18. Et Métiers snapped causing irreparable damage to the pendulum and to the marble, flooring ,of the museum. An exact copy of the original pendulum has been swinging
  19. Therefore, hardened carriers are installed below ceilings or above, flooring ,so they can be visually inspected to ensure that no intrusions have occurred.
  20. Buildings. Today oak wood is still commonly used for furniture making and, flooring , timber frame buildings, and for veneer production. Barrels in which red wines
  21. Asphalt, which had uses beyond paving. For example, asphalt could also be used for, flooring , damp proofing in buildings, and for waterproofing of various types of pools
  22. Such as. Other vinyl products including car interiors, shower curtains, and, flooring , initially release chemical gases into the air. Some studies indicate that this
  23. Wood derivatives can also be used for kinds of flooring , for example laminate, flooring , Next generation wood products Further developments include new lignin glue
  24. Air levels of DEEP and BBP (butyl benzyl phthalate),which is used in vinyl, flooring , In December 2006,the European Chemicals Bureau of the European Commission
  25. Purposes, including furniture, split-rail fences, shingles,home construction, flooring , piers, plywood,paper pulp, and telephone poles. Tannins were also extracted
  26. For historic properties. Slate tiles are often used for interior and exterior, flooring , stairs, walkways and wall cladding. Tiles are installed and set on mortar and
  27. Restore the front porch brick railing, the rear interior of the house, the wood, flooring , and the front rooms. Hall of History The Hall of History is a museum about the
  28. Reign, though he was not the first to actually build with stone. Stone walling, flooring , lintels, and jambs had appeared sporadically during the Archaic Period, though
  29. Of some synthetic materials. Wood derivatives can also be used for kinds of, flooring , for example laminate flooring . Next generation wood products Further
  30. Carpeted flooring in most of the C1 cars was replaced with spray-on composite, flooring ,after passengers complained that the cars were unclean. The A, B,and C cars
  31. The furniture in Keats's room, scraped the walls, made new windows, doors and, flooring , The ashes of Shelley, one of Keats’s most fervent champions, are buried there
  32. KSK officer. (...) The Germans are quoted to have witnessed U. S. Forces, flooring ,entire villages during Operation Anaconda: 'Let's go, free to pillage' ( ...
  33. Always classified as floor covering include carpet, area rugs, and resilient, flooring ,such as linoleum or vinyl flooring . Materials commonly called flooring include
  34. Significant uses of rubber are door and window profiles, hoses,belts, matting, flooring , and dampeners (antivibration mounts) for the automotive industry in what is
  35. Members above (12 inches to beams or girders,18 inches to joists or plank, flooring ,members). • Support post columns by concrete piers, so there’s at least six
  36. To provide designated areas for luggage, wheelchairs and bicycles. The carpeted, flooring ,in most of the C1 cars was replaced with spray-on composite flooring after
  37. Of baseball bats and tool handles. The wood is also favorable for furniture and, flooring , Woodworkers use the timber mainly for internal uses due to high perishability
  38. A wire nail with a slightly larger head than finish nails; often used for, flooring ,* CC or Coated -" cement coated "; nail coated with adhesive (cement) for
  39. Of funds into the new venture, both at the outset, Asphalt was also used for, flooring , paving and waterproofing of baths and swimming pools during the early 20th
  40. Been associated between the concentration of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) used as, flooring ,and the dust concentrations. Water leakage were associated more with BBP, and
  41. To store clothes on two or three sides. They may have lighting, mirrors,and, flooring ,distinct from adjacent rooms. *Wall closet: A very shallow closet closed off
  42. Modern Building Granite has been extensively used as a dimension stone and as, flooring ,tiles in public and commercial buildings and monuments. Aberdeen in Scotland
  43. Grained termite-resistant timber make it valuable for cabinet making, flooring , paneling and outdoor furniture. The finished timber has a deep rich
  44. Include glass and plastic bonding, optical fiber coatings, the coating of, flooring , UV Coating and paper finishes in offset printing, and dental fillings. Curing
  45. Romanesque chapel of the Holy Sepulcher, at the beginning of the left aisle, flooring ,of different ages can be seen: the lowest is from a Roman villa of the age of
  46. Rings on the shank to prevent the nail from being worked back out often used in, flooring ,* Shank - the body the length of the nail between the head and the point; may
  47. Quilt – Quoin R Richard – Rafter – Railroad apartment – Raised floor – Raised, flooring ,– Ranch – Rajkot Fort – Rap and Rap – Resonant – Recreation room – Red
  48. Slip meter, a measurement instrument for measuring the slip resistance of, flooring ,material including the effects of hydrodynamic squeeze film caused by
  49. Company in Canada owned by Husky Energy *Mohawk Industries, a manufacturer of, flooring ,and other home products *Mohawk Innovative Technology, a product and research
  50. Fact that the veal calves are highly restricted in movement; have unsuitable, flooring ,; spend their entire lives indoors; experience prolonged sensory, social,and

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