Examples of the the word, emblem , in a Sentence Context
The word ( emblem ), is the 12211 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- With his Five great Emanations, each one pointed out by means of an expressive, emblem , Thus, from the human body, the usual form assigned to the Deity, forasmuch as
- Celebrated artistically, and in other ways, in Canada to this day. Part of the, emblem ,of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics is an Inukshuk, a rock sculpture that is
- And the dramatic gesture of ripping open his shirt to reveal the familiar" S ", emblem ,when called into action. Superman usually stores his Clark Kent clothing
- Road has a brick façade rarely seen amongst Stadia and features the club's old, emblem ,in the artwork. Decorative pillars show the club's foundation date as 1880
- Such as Frances Fontanelle and Frances Vice Garcia as well as the unique, emblem ,book Athene ode Grandesa by Joseph Roguery. In Colonial Spanish America some
- It is also present in the emblem of Kaunas, Lithuania,and was part of the, emblem ,of Bovine during its time as a Roland of Austria-Hungary. The Swiss Canton
- On the club's badge in different forms throughout their history. Currently, the, emblem ,of the team is the one which was used when the club was first founded. It
- Version of the common lyre),the plectrum and the sword. Another common, emblem ,was the sacrificial tripod, representing his prophetic powers. The Pythias
- In literary works of these eras, Ares is replaced by the Roman Mars, a romantic, emblem ,of manly valor rather than the cruel and bloodthirsty god of Greek mythology.
- 917K of Martini Racing in),in with the R15 TDI Plus. Marketing Logos The Audi, emblem ,is four overlapping rings that represent the four marques of Auto Union. The
- Piran's Flag is regarded by many as the national flag of Cornwall, and an, emblem ,of the Cornish people; and by others as the county flag. The banner of Saint
- Catalonia, called La Genera, is a vexillological symbol based on the heraldic, emblem ,of Counts of Barcelona and the coat of arms of the Crown of Aragon, which
- To the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base museum. Mission insignia The circular, emblem ,featured an eagle with wings outstretched, perched atop a red, white and blue
- But rather to sound the same as the name of the bird, auk (which acts as an, emblem ,of the language such as on http://plan9.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/awkbook/ The AWK
- He taught that it was an" abomination" to keep wine (grape juice) as an, emblem ,of the Lord's Supper daily (as the Rodents had taught) because Jesus was no
- With AFC Ajax in the past: Logo In 1900,when the club was founded,the, emblem ,of Ajax was just a picture of an Ajax player. In 1928,the club logo was
- The eight-spoked Macedonian star (a variation of which is the Verging Sun), emblem , of the royal Area dynasty and the ancient kingdom of Macedonia, within a
- Religious discrimination, such as the call for the introduction of a Ásatrú ", emblem ,of belief" by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs to parallel the
- Using variations of the ABBA logo, using a different font and adding a crown, emblem ,to it in 1992 for the first releases of 'ABBA Gold '. When Universal Music
- Museum in London, where it is on display. Mission insignia The shield-shaped, emblem ,for the flight shows a large, three-dimensional Roman numeral X sitting on the
- To the present day. Club strip Badge The official, emblem ,of the city of Florence, a red fleur-de-lis on a white field, has been pivotal
- God of air and the husband of Tent, goddess of moisture. He became an, emblem ,of strength by virtue of his role in separating Nut from Get. He played a
- Was particularly distinct, consisting of one half of the city of Florence's, emblem ,and one half of the letter" F ", for Florentina. People disliked it when it
- Four overlapping rings that represent the four marques of Auto Union. The Audi, emblem ,symbolizes the amalgamation of Audi with DKW, Horch and Wanderer: the first
- Of a sovereign state apart from the Flag of the Vatican City); the Red Cross, emblem ,was based on the Swiss flag. Sovereign state flags with crosses File:
- Wittelsbachs House. The white-and-blue physics are indisputably the, emblem ,of Bavaria and these arms today symbolize Bavaria as a whole. Along with the
- Gordon used Bar dot as the model for a bust of Marianne, the French national, emblem , In 2007, she was named among Empire magazine's 100 Sexiest Film Stars. The
- Margrave Albert the Bear, ( later they were united into one city, Berlin ). The, emblem ,of the House of Scania, red eagle and bear, became the heraldic emblem s of
- The battle flag of the Umkhonto we Size. The official party flag also has the, emblem ,of the party incorporated onto the flag. Party list Politicians in the party
- Prior to the naming of Canberra as the National Capital in 1913. The floral, emblem ,of the ACT is the Royal Bluebell and the bird emblem is the Gang-gang Cockatoo.
- The Graphs Squadron) is known as the" Southern Cross ", and his squadron's, emblem ,is an Andean Condor with the Southern Cross in its beak. Eugene Solano, his
- The English verb" to beaver" means to work hard and constantly. As a national, emblem ,The importance of the Beaver in the development of Canada through the fur trade
- Not end up featuring any navy blue. The alternate club logo and jersey Mr. Red, emblem ,was replaced by the mustachioed Mr. Red leg from 1956. Awards Retired numbers
- Logo was announced. Bought sued the team, claiming to be the designer of the, emblem ,; representatives of the team asserted that the image had been designed
- By a symbol or iconic motif associated with their life, termed an attribute or, emblem , in order to identify them. The study of these forms part of iconography in Art
- Arms and armor nearly identical to each other. Each hop lite bore the Spartan, emblem ,and a scarlet uniform. The main pieces of this armor were a round shield, a
- At one point, Clark picks up a blue Buffalo Bills hat with the Charging Buffalo, emblem ,in the center and uses it to help disguise himself. Dean Cain, who played Clark
- Covering most of the face featuring a pair of batlike ears, and a stylized bat, emblem ,on the chest, and the ever-present utility belt. The costumes' colors are
- In 1913. The floral emblem of the ACT is the Royal Bluebell and the bird, emblem ,is the Gang-gang Cockatoo. Geography The ACT is bounded by the Goulburn-Cooma
- A charge of the coat of arms of Courage, Lithuania. It is also present in the, emblem ,of Kaunas, Lithuania,and was part of the emblem of Bovine during its time as
- The boundaries of the City are marked by black bollards bearing the City's, emblem , and at major entrances, such as at Temple Bar on Fleet Street, a grander
- All-male residence building in the University of Toronto. The Gate House, emblem ,is the Phoenix, visible in the bottom-right corner of the Victoria College
- Pleasure; the second, drunkenness; the third, disgust. So he became a kind of, emblem ,to the Athenians, who inscribed on his statues: 'Restrain your tongues, your
- Four-lion capital (four lions standing back to back) which was adopted as the, emblem ,of the modern Indian republic. The lion symbolizes both Ashoka's imperial rule
- Saint Petrol, but Saint Iran is by far the most popular of the three and his, emblem ,is internationally recognized as the flag of Cornwall. St Piran's Day (5
- Players wore red and white halved shirts derived from the color of the city, emblem , The more well-known and highly distinctive purple kit was adopted in 1928 and
- Verse texts and accompanying woodcuts created an entire European genre,the, emblem ,book, which attained enormous popularity in continental Europe and Great
- Who tried to put into practice a secular state ethic of non-violence. The, emblem ,of the modern Republic of India is an adaptation of the Lion Capital of Ashoka.
- For convenience in 1929,twelve years after the roundel was created. The, emblem ,evolved from the circular Rap Motorenwerke company logo, from which the BMW
- Sing God's praise, Than when we have first begun. " Amazing Grace" came to be an, emblem ,of a religious movement and a symbol of the U. S. itself as the country was
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