Examples of the the word, graffito , in a Sentence Context
The word ( graffito ), is the 12214 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- When renovation work finally began. Moe Loofah In the early 1970s,a strange, graffito ,started to appear on campus. A picture in the 1973 yearbook shows" Moe Loofah
- Mausoleum with an altar built against the apse: on the left wall a surviving, graffito ,reading" domes Petra" either hints at Peter having been buried here or
- Ought to burn down the world - just let it burn down baby" The most celebrated, graffito ,attributed to King Mob was the slogan which was painted along a half-mile
- At Peter having been buried here or testifies to the belief at the time the, graffito ,was written that Peter was buried here. Catacombs of San Valentino These
- Early image generally thought to be a representation of Jesus is the Alexandros, graffito , a unique piece of wall graffiti near the Palatine hill in Rome. The
- Like Father, Like Son ". In episode 20 of the Family Matters second season,the, graffito ,nigger was written on Laura Winslow’s school locker, and found a note addressed
- Of two people on the wall, but paints over the initials when Peel sees his, graffito , In" The Superlative Seven" the call to duty and the tag both involve a duck
- There were also comedy fights; some may have been lethal. A crude Pompeian, graffito ,suggests a burlesque of musicians, dressed as animals named URSS tibiae (
- Both games may be predecessors to the present-day backgammon. Graffito boards A, graffito ,version of the game was discovered on one of the human-headed winged bull gate
- His personality. The only surviving work which may be in his own hand is a, graffito ,on the wall of the Sistine Chapel, and only one contemporary mention of his
- Time the gardener moves to another area of the garden. Graffiti (singular:, graffito ,; the plural is used as a mass noun) is the name for images or lettering
- Of arms, Oedipa finds this symbol first in a bar bathroom, where it decorates a, graffito ,advertising a group of polyamories. It later appears among an engineer's
- Brutus Albus, a candidate for drummer at Pompeii, mentioned in a political, graffito , * Lucius Brutus Maximus, proconsul of Cyprus in AD 80. * Gains Brutus L.
- His hair long. Jesus was a practicing Jew so presumably had a beard. Alexandros, graffito ,A very early image generally thought to be a representation of Jesus is the
- Command, at least when observed in the United Kingdom. At some point,the, graffito ,(Chad) and slogan (Kilroy was here) must have merged. An early example of
- Horn at Abyss—and one scarab. His only known date is a Year 1,I Part day 2, graffito , in the tomb of Keynes at Thebes. Burial He is the sole pharaoh of the
- Was subsequently confined to a mental institution. * Debord's legendary 1953, graffito ," Ne travailed Jamie! " (" Never work! "),inscribed on a wall at the
- The 18th or 19th year of his reign at the very latest. This is suggested by" a, graffito ,in the quarry at Turn whereby 'oxen from Canaan' were used at the opening of
- Power herself after the death of Sixth, Seti II's successor. According to a, graffito ,written in the first corridor of Twosret's KV14 tomb, Seti II was buried in
- Within a day, the hand-made piece of promotion was mistaken for an anti-Semitic, graffito ,(as Jude, beside being an English first name, happens to mean" Jew" in
- But is not discussed in ancient sources. Some scholars interpret the Alexandros, graffito , the earliest surviving depiction of the Crucifixion, as including such a
- Letter 41 (not 62) (Went,75f; cf 15) with reference to West Theban, graffito ,No.1393 likely shows that the Whm-Mswt era reached into a Year 12 (or Year 30
- 14 but this figure should be raised by a decade. As for the Year 27 hieratic, graffito ,at Horemheb's Funerary temple at Medina ABU and the Year 59 date from the
- U. S. president. Rock and roll graffiti is a significant sub-genre. A famous, graffito ,of the 20th century was the inscription in the London subway reading" Clapton
- Of his long reign. It is believed that Ra messes ruled into his Year 29 since a, graffito ,records that the High Priest of Amen Pinky returned to Thebes from Nubia on
- To protection, sometimes within the same jurisdiction. Etymology Graffiti and, graffito ,are from the Italian word graffito (" scratched" ). " Graffiti" is applied
- Currently under repair. *The Palazzo Racani-Arroni (16th century) has a worn, graffito ,decoration attributed to Giulio Romano. The inner courtyard has a notable
- Trinity | What would Jesus do? Writings Acts of Pilate | Alexandros, graffito ,| Bible | The Bible and history | Bible story | Book of Mormon | Dating the
- Of art produced by scratching a design into a surface. A related term is ", graffito ,", or " graffito ," which involves scratching through one layer of pigment to
- Gallery File: Many sabotage twice. JPG|A Warsaw monument bearing Twice, graffito ,painted on by Star Sergei member Jan Year. File: AK group Campinas pomnik01
- Father is unknown. Additionally, a prince Aakheperure is mentioned in a Knossos, graffito ,alongside a prince Amenhotep, and if one again assumes that this Amenhotep was
- From that period. It received a new façade in the late 16th century, with, graffito , decoration by Ludovic But. The interior, on a single hall, has a 13th century
- Effect used in the movie The Wizard of Oz, which later attained local fame as a, graffito ,in the Washington’D. C metropolitan area. Appearance in the movie The first
- Her name and royal titular is today located in the British Museum. A Nile, graffito , at the Nubian fortress of Burma records the Nile inundation height of 1.83
- This claim comes from his intimate knowledge of its lodge in Cairo and from a, graffito ,referring to himself as" Evliya-yı Gulden" ( Eliza of the Gulden). He
- Base or pedestal of one of Djoser's statues (Cairo JE 49889) and also by a, graffito ,on the enclosure wall surrounding Sekhemkhet's unfinished step-pyramid. The
- Tenet Opera Rotas" ( The sower, Arepo, holds works wheels) was found as a, graffito ,at Herculaneum, buried by ash in that year. This palindrome is remarkable for
- To a heavy defeat that was inflicted upon the kingdom of Kush. A well-known, graffito ,inscribed in Greek on the left leg of the colossal seated statue of Ra messes II
- Was soon followed by a remix EP, titled Some Deaths Take Forever, named from, graffito ,on the wall of Brisbane venue The Zoo. It consisted of experimental remixes of
- Defenders ship mosaic (late 5th to early 6th century) and the Kelli ship, graffito ,from the early 7th century complement the picture. It became the standard rig
- And grand prince Jaroslav (1019–1054) by the title of Kagan, while a, graffito ,on the walls of the Cathedral of St. Sophia in Kiev gives the same title to the
- Most are still in their original state. The earliest scenes were made by a, graffito ,technique: drilling tiny holes and scratching lines in the marble and filling
- Missing Foundation was the most ubiquitous, graffito ,in Lower Manhattan, and copied by hard core punk fans throughout the U. S. and
- That Horemheb's highest year-date is likely attested in an anonymous hieratic, graffito ,written on the shoulder of a now fragmented statue from his mortuary temple in
- Name and the addition of a long" Merman" ( Beloved of Amen) epithet in the, graffito ,suggests a living, eulogised king rather than a long deceased one. The
- 1964 general elections and in a 1962 by election. The so-called" Elvis Rock ", graffito ,beside the A44 road in Ceredigion was originally written with the word" Eli's "
- Sources and settlement The name of the Helvetian's is first mentioned in a, graffito ,on a vessel from Mantra (ca. 300 BC). The inscription in Etruscan letters
- Of final consonants was already underway by the 1st century AD in some areas. A, graffito ,at Pompeii reads risque AMA valid, which in Classical Latin would read
- Or a royal cult statue representing the king, for a religious feast. The ink, graffito ,reads Year 27,first Month of Sh emu day 9,the day on which Horsemen, who loves
- Has a refined stucco ceiling, Latin inscriptions in Greek characters, and a, graffito ,with the initials of the Greek words for" Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour ".
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