Examples of the the word, refurbish , in a Sentence Context
The word ( refurbish ), is the 12720 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Committees of that body about the court's needs for additional funding to, refurbish ,its building and for other projects. However, in the state attorney general's
- The line during the closure. Beyond these changes, Metronet had planned to, refurbish ,Bank station by 2011 – this is now uncertain since that company subsequently
- Library on the grounds of Smiley Park in downtown Redlands. The Museum will, refurbish ,the old 1940 City Hall, now used as the Redlands Police Department as their new
- In 1975,State Representative Louise B. Johnson obtained passage of a law to, refurbish ,the monument. Restoration efforts were finally unveiled in 2009. Geography
- Both the OIC and XM8 are now indefinitely suspended. HK is also contracted to, refurbish ,the SA80 range of weapons for the British Army, mainly because at the time the
- For promotion to the Premier League in 2009. The new owners also pledged to, refurbish ,Loftus Road and use their experience in Formula One to increase sponsorship
- During the period where the UN was facing delays in its efforts to, refurbish ,its existing buildings, alternative sites considered as temporary sites also
- Hamlets & Ne wham are working with English Heritage and Transport for London to, refurbish ,the historic buildings at this location and improve the market.
- 70 people repairing railroad cars. TRANSCO Employees donated their time to, refurbish ,a Chicago Great Western EMD FP7 diesel locomotive that is displayed near the
- Partnership. Initially renamed Columbia Studios, Sony spent $100 million to, refurbish ,the rechristened Sony Pictures Studios. Huber and Peters set out to prove they
- 400 million in November 2006. In November 2010,RED was granted permission to, refurbish ,the station for public use and build 3,400 homes across the site. The station
- Phase, with muralist Herb Roe returning to town each year to repaint and, refurbish ,the panels. Roe is the only muralist associated with the project to have worked
- Region in 1868. Jack Swilling set up the Swilling Irrigation Canal Company to, refurbish ,and improve upon the ancient irrigation system originally constructed by the
- Like Geeks Into The Streets, reBOOT, Free Geek and Computer bank try to, refurbish ,old computers for charity or educational use. Sometimes dumpsters may contain
- So. Elder was a longtime coach at Gilroy High School. Garcia donated money to, refurbish ,the athletic field at the school, and the field was renamed Garcia-Elder Field
- Historic Treasure in 1998. The community invested more than $22 million to, refurbish ,the 100-year-old Colonial Theatre,one of the few theaters of its kind from
- In 1975,State Representative Louise B. Johnson obtained passage of a law to, refurbish ,the monument. Restoration efforts were finally unveiled in 2009. Geography The
- a million for the 144 SM-2 missiles. A contract was awarded to Lockheed Martin to, refurbish ,the 12 P-3C Orion aircraft for the ROC on 2009-03-13,with deliveries to start
- Contracted with Attract (acquired by Bombardier Transportation in 2001) to, refurbish ,and overhaul the 439 original Ruhr A- and B-cars, updating the old brown fabric
- Aircraft to convert them into“ Super Traders ”. It also won a contract to, refurbish ,100 ex RAF F86E Sabre jet fighters. The Afro Tudor conversion involved making a
- Home with the aid of the Oklahoma Historical Society, including grants to, refurbish ,the house and set up display areas within its walls. The museum board conducted
- Announced in October 2010; Dawns planned to construct 50 km of new line, and, refurbish ,67 km of existing line. Talks started with Russia in 2006 to seek help to
- Decision to move the franchise, which provided $175 million in tax dollars to, refurbish ,the outmoded and declining Cleveland Municipal Stadium. Modell's plan was
- Of operating the Shuttle is for the payroll for the army of workers needed to, refurbish ,the Shuttle after it has landed. The fuel used is orders of magnitude cheaper
- 2007 it received £200,000,about the same as the original cost to build it, to, refurbish , its interior. The New Theatre is the home of the Cygnet Training Theatre, a
- Of submarines to carry existing Trident missiles, and join the D5LE project to, refurbish ,them. The total cost of the Trident program thus far came to $39.546 billion in
- François I When Francis I took power in 1515,his wife Queen Claude had him, refurbish ,Blogs with the intention of moving to it from the Château d'Boise. Francis
- Be named after her father. While she was here, she also donated money to help, refurbish ,the Performing Arts Center in Leavenworth at 401 Delaware. In 1994,Lethbridge
- To be designated. Education Tame side council announced in 2007 a £180M plan to, refurbish ,the borough's schools. The plan involves closing six schools and building six
- Train the Azeris Navy. There is also an agreement to provide US support to, refurbish ,Azeris warships in the Caspian Sea. In 2006,the US Government donated 3
- Hours can contribute to the match. One of the plans for the money is to, refurbish ,the historic Missouri and North Arkansas Railroad depot in St. Joe. School
- The local authority considered demolishing these properties but chose to, refurbish ,them as part of an Urban Renewal scheme. Most of these Victorian terraces still
- Fokker exists to sustain remarketing of the company's existing aircraft: they, refurbish ,and resell F50s and F100s,and converted a few F50s to transport planes.
- With a hotel developer, Gary Matthews, to build a Marriott Hotel and to, refurbish ,the existing historic Père Marquette Hotel. If completed, it is hoped that
- Square, the State House, and the Organization of African Unity building, and to, refurbish ,Christiansburg Castle. Nkrumah decided to leave the Atlantic coastal region
- Down by a truck in 2010,the City of Coleman Texas decided to preserve and, refurbish ,its last two pedestals mounted dummy lights as part of its historic district
- Suggestions were made as to its future. These were to close and demolish it, to, refurbish , it at an estimated cost of £1.6 million, and to build a new bridge on the same
- Park, formed in 2005,successfully bid for a Heritage Lottery Fund grant to, refurbish ,the park. There has been a lifeboat in Whitby since 1802 and the old boathouse
- Quadrangle project Hawthorne Parker Architects were appointed by the College to, refurbish ,three Grade II Listed buildings fronting on to St Giles. Works were carried out
- Ban ff and Buchanan College). The college is going under a £40 Million, refurbish ,and is said to be finished in December 2011 according to the college's website
- To develop its Park System. The city actively sought federal money to, refurbish ,its twenty-two-acre Murray City Park and buildings and to purchase an
- Aircraft outfitted with First Class seating. Also, American is looking to, refurbish ,the Admirals Club at LaGuardia and find a way to connect Concourse C and D so
- Nearly one-quarter of whom were unqualified. Turks and Pieces also worked to, refurbish ,its primary schools, reduce textbook costs, and increase equipment and supplies
- Degraded considerably since that time and would take significant efforts to, refurbish , In addition, it completed and commissioned a reprocessing plant that makes the
- And American Airlines executive, in January 1988. While a program to, refurbish ,Pan Am Aircraft and improve the company's on-time performance began showing
- Community College in Lexington, and Soar Valley College in Rushed Mead, and to, refurbish ,Fullest Community College in Brownstone. Leicester City Council underwent a
- Serious questions" relating to the village's handling of a program to, refurbish ,single-family homes, Cook County had suspended the release of grant money to
- Such as Stoughton Land participated in a grassroots effort to purchase and, refurbish ,one of the company's abandoned plants in neighboring Campbell, Ohio. This
- Half of the 20th century. Since 1994,Enid's Main Street program has worked to, refurbish ,historic buildings, boost the local economy, and initiate local events such as
- Loan from a brewery, either to finance the purchase of the pub initially, or to, refurbish ,it, and be required as a term of the loan to observe the souls tie. A growing
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