Examples of the the word, contradict , in a Sentence Context

The word ( contradict ), is the 6390 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The human soul the light of reason; moreover, God cannot deny Himself, nor ever, contradict ,truth with truth. But, a vain appearance of such a contradict ion arises chiefly
  2. The Dales agree to follow him and leave Earth. Novels Terror Firm seemed to, contradict ,the events of the Eighth Doctor Adventures novel War of the Dales by John Peel
  3. That the heterosexual family was created by God and that same-sex relationships, contradict ,God’s design for marriage and violate his will. Christians who oppose
  4. Is that the presence of the theory of epiphenomenalism seems to, contradict ,the very idea. Most would agree that thinking is a mental process, but,if
  5. Contradictions and anti-Nero bias. All surviving stories of Agrippina's death, contradict ,themselves and each other, and are generally fantastical. Tacitus's account
  6. Go so "," That's fine so "," We'll do that so" ). The word is also used to, contradict ,a negative statement (" You're not pushing hard enough" –" I am so! "). (
  7. Matter that is inferred from its ending. *The resolution of two Scriptures that, contradict ,each other must wait until a third Scripture arrives and resolves their
  8. Act of their establishment. ” name" Will" /> While they must not directly, contradict ,the overarching laws of the land, the central or local government cannot be
  9. A trial would require the" presumption of innocence," such a proceeding would, contradict ,the mission of the National Convention. The Girondins, in contrast, agreed that
  10. Reinforced each other well, leading to better development, and did not mutually, contradict , Criticism Extreme programming's initial buzz and controversial tenets, such
  11. Singularly unsuitable for use in lawsuits. In fact, several of Alfred's laws, contradict ,the laws of INE that form an integral part of the code. Patrick Wormald's
  12. Texts like Hesiod's Works and Days, an ancient farming manual, would appear to, contradict ,this. Instead, astronomical observations are used in combination with ecological
  13. Gaul László claims that geological data from" tree pollen analyses" seems to, contradict ,placing the ancient homeland of the Magyars near the Urals. The Turkic
  14. Say its eyes glow like candles or lightning, but the poet Cancer seems to, contradict ,this by describing it as" always dull of eye ". He also says:" From either
  15. There is a substantial emphasis on monotheism; such doctrines as the Trinity, contradict ,the Bahá'í view that God is single and has no equal. The Bahá'í teachings state
  16. However, people in charge like chief of the Government relief Charles Trevelyan, contradict ,a" neglect" but rather hazarded the consequences from the colonial
  17. Writer Michael Crichton, have asserted that Antarctic temperature measurements, contradict ,global warming. Observations unambiguously show the Peninsula to be warming.
  18. Fossil and genomic data are evidence for worldwide human evolution and, contradict ,the recent speciation postulated by the Recent African origin hypothesis. The
  19. Violation by the legislature is an attempt to pass a law that would, contradict ,the constitution, without first going through the proper constitutional
  20. Albeit with very restricted powers),to pass laws on any matter that do not, contradict ,either the state or the national constitutions, and to create symbols for
  21. Have been 53 amendments. States have their own constitutions, which must not, contradict ,the Federal Constitution. Municipalities and the Federal District have "
  22. Constitutional Council may declare acts to be unconstitutional, even if they, contradict ,the principles of the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
  23. Some within the ELLA argued that requiring the historic episcopate would, contradict ,the traditional Lutheran doctrine that the church exists wherever the Word is
  24. Will have greater influence in supporting science education that does not, contradict ,their religious views. — a position described by the term theistic evolution.
  25. Authorizing the arms deals, he first stated that he had; later, he appeared to, contradict ,himself by stating that he had no recollection of doing so. In his 1990
  26. Leibniz asserted that the truths of theology (religion) and philosophy cannot, contradict ,each other, since reason and faith are both" gifts of God" so that their
  27. Languages should use the same spelling for the nominative singular. This may, contradict ,normal rules for word formation in some languages; e.g., those where there is
  28. Helen Andy must have felt quite safe in testifying as she did for who could, contradict ,her? Only one other person knew exactly what the files contained, and he was
  29. Version of the Gospel of Barnabas: and As mentioned above, these pronouncements, contradict ,Islamic belief. Some Muslim scholars argue that the Gospel of Barnabas has been
  30. Of this film. Grey notes that participants in the original events sometimes, contradict ,one another, but he relates each person's information for posterity. He also
  31. Into terror. The biography is problematic however, in that it appears to, contradict ,itself in regard to Domitian's rule and personality, at the same time
  32. And is very uniform in thickness. Several other points can be considered which, contradict ,the" cathedral glass flow" theory: *Writing in the American Journal of
  33. Causal influences can cross it in only one direction ". This did not strictly, contradict ,Oppenheimer's results, but extended them to include the point of view of
  34. Disliked her husband, but Day's public statements regarding Belcher appear to, contradict ,that assertion. The Doris Day Show Upon her husband's death on April 20, 1968
  35. Resemble a coup d'état than a social revolution. This view of events does not, contradict ,what was originally meant by" revolution ": the coming round of an old system
  36. Republican then against gun control" ) by providing evidence he believes would, contradict ,its implication. However,B's example of his uncle does not contradict A's
  37. Jewess was an ancient alchemist who lived in Alexandria, which would seem to, contradict ,the tradition that she was Moses' sister: Alexandria was founded by Alexander
  38. At the time, as the relevant provisions in Table A (as it was then) seemed to, contradict ,this approach rather than to endorse it. Election and removal In" most" legal
  39. Of most plant genera is not final. Scientific names listed here may therefore, contradict ,other sources. Common aquarium plant species: class" references-small "
  40. Away. When the speed calculations assume it does not. The phenomenon does not, contradict ,the theory of special relativity. Interestingly, corrected calculations show
  41. Crown" would be the destruction of the Church of England because" it would, contradict ,the essential character of that church ". He continued: When Thomas Hobbes
  42. Religious sects that consider themselves Christian, but hold beliefs thought to, contradict ,the Bible, including Mormons, the Unificationists, Christian Science, and
  43. Come to hate books as a result of life's tragedies and of the fact that books, contradict ,and refute each other. Beatty allows himself to be burned to death by Montag
  44. The greatest thinker of the ancient world. In cases where they didn't directly, contradict ,the Bible, Aristotelian physics became the foundation for the physical
  45. Chemical and barrier methods of contraception. All these are held to directly, contradict ,the" moral order which was established by God ". Abortion, even for
  46. Research produces empirical evidence and theoretical conclusions which, contradict ,a literalist creationist interpretation of scripture, creationists often reject
  47. System (p. 155). Fackler's critics argue that Fackler's evidence does not, contradict ,distant injuries, as Tackler claimed, but the WD MET data from Vietnam actually
  48. And astrological writings; his scientific writings are dismissed because they, contradict ,Aristotle, but excused on the ground that the author of the astrological works
  49. Theorem and the incompleteness theorem, despite their names, do not, contradict ,one another. Further discussion Early mathematicians regarded axiomatic
  50. Would contradict its implication. However,B's example of his uncle does not, contradict ,A's statement, which says nothing about non-Republicans. What would be needed

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