Examples of the the word, militant , in a Sentence Context
The word ( militant ), is the 6391 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Serb militant s of the nationalist group Lleida Bosnia, supplied by the Serbian, militant ,group Black Hand, ambushed his convoy and assassinated him. There were several
- Conversions occurred mostly in the Maghreb, especially under the Almohad's,a, militant ,dynasty with messianic claims, as well as in Persia. In the 12th century
- The second of the authority of ecumenical councils, and of the Church, whether, militant , expectant, or triumphant; the third of the sacraments; and the fourth of
- Always been cordial due to the former French government's policy of supporting, militant ,separatists in Angola's Cabinet province and the international Angola gate
- A few incidents of violence against them by the Preventive Security Service and, militant ,factions. The outbreak of the Second Intifada and the resultant decrease in
- To Internet death threat On August 17, 2011 it was reported that a Muslim, militant ,had posted a death threat against Letterman on a website frequented by Al-Qaeda
- Lead singer with Run rig *1954 – James Charles Opp, American anti-abortion, militant , murderer of Barnett Stephan * 1954 – Sammy McIlroy, Northern Irish footballer
- Mujahideen leader. And founder and leader of the Hebe Islam radical Islamic, militant ,faction, alone amounted" by the most conservative estimates" to $600 million.
- To mediate the co-existence of mutants and humans, to protect mutants from, militant ,humans and to protect society from antagonistic mutants, including his old
- Attacks on Jewish sites and physical attacks on Jews in Europe come from, militant ,Islamic and Muslim groups, and most Jews tend to be assaulted in countries
- Nico sometimes performed the national anthem at concerts and dedicated it to, militant ,Andreas Balder, leader of the Red Army Faction. She included a version of Was
- And none in Afghanistan; and that the Afghan Arabs were almost invariably, militant ,Islamists reflexively hostile to Westerners whether the Westerners were
- Jihad in Kashmir while living in Sudan in the early nineties. By 2001 Kashmiri, militant ,group Harkat-ul-Mujahideen had become a part of the al-Qaeda coalition.
- In Muslim countries, especially Iraq. Woman Benjamin, a former Afghan Arab and, militant ,of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, went public with an open letter of
- Stealth aircraft. *1991 – A Missouri court sentences the Palestinian, militant ,Can ISA and his wife Maria to death for the honor killing of their daughter
- Vandalism, assaults,beatings and assassinations. In order to eliminate black, militant ,leaders whom they considered dangerous, the FBI conspired with local police
- As to provide the United States detailed intelligence information about growing, militant ,organizations in the region, including Hezbollah and Hamas, and that U. S.
- Was related to Maulana Mascot Altar by marriage. Lashkar-e-Taiba, a Kashmiri, militant ,group which is thought to be behind 2008 Mumbai attacks, is also known to have
- By giving him immunity for his opium trafficking that financed operation of his, militant ,faction. The MAK and foreign mujahideen volunteers, or " Afghan Arabs," did
- 1905. At the end of the month he was jailed on suspicion of belonging to a, militant ,group. Afterwards he gained a reputation for his work as a defense lawyer in a
- East in 1913 she joined Alice Paul, Lucy Burns, and others in founding the, militant ,Congressional Union, which became the National Woman's Party. After the
- By Luis Augusto Trios Lima, and supported the establishment of the URN,a, militant ,organization that has evolved into one of Guatemala's current political
- Regulations ultimately caused economic stagnation. Hugh Thomas asserts that ", militant ,unions succeeded in maintaining the position of unionized workers and
- Celebrating a time preceding land division. Paired with the dissipation of, militant ,political efforts of the Chicano movement in the 1960s was the emergence of the
- Society of contract vs. society of authority, and industrial society vs., militant ,society, just to name a few. According to Harder, Stirner wants to" abolish
- Spelled al-Qaida and sometimes alpha'Ida) is a global broad-based, militant ,Islamist organization founded by Osama bin Laden sometime between August 1988
- But was outlawed by France in the 1950s. It waged war on French and UPC, militant ,forces until 1971. In 1960,the French administered part of Cameroon became
- Was" certainly not part of the original text of St John's Gospel" ) More, militant ,Christians consider Romans 13:3–4 to support the death penalty. Many Christians
- Increasingly turned his attention toward religious texts and cassette tapes of, militant ,Islamic preachers ". Hangout left Saudi Arabia in late 1999,telling his family
- By 1919,the ANC led a campaign against passes, and in 1929 the ANC supported a, militant ,mine workers' strike. The ANC became dormant in the mid-1920s. During that time
- The teachers were led by Trotskyites, and were considered to be the most, militant ,union in the COB. Their downfall was a major blow to the COB, which also became
- Only when President Ulysses S. Grant ordered Joseph Brooks to disperse his, militant ,supporters. Following the Brooks-Baxter War, a new state constitution was
- Wuhan, Deng first established contact with Mao Zedong, then a little valued by, militant ,pro-Soviet leaders of the party. Between 1927 and 1929,Deng Xiaoping lived in
- Parts as called by Ba bur),Babur's army also included Qizilbāsh fighters,a, militant ,religious order of Shi'a Sufi's from Safavid Persia who later became one of the
- To a great extent responsible for this situation. The largest and most, militant ,of these organizations was the Federation Opera Regional Argentina ... it grew
- To hunt for Bin Laden after reports that he was being sheltered by Kashmiri, militant ,group Harkat-ul-Mujahideen which had previously been responsible for 1995
- Speaker on college campuses, where he reportedly relished hecklers. He attacked, militant ,antiwar demonstrators, both in his personal appearances and in his strip. He
- And to protect society from antagonistic mutants, including his old friend,the, militant ,Magneto. To achieve these aims, he founded Xavier's School for Gifted
- In the same Madrasahs as Taliban and al-Qaeda. Failure Lehman Khalil of Kashmiri, militant ,group Harkat-ul-Mujahideen was a signatory of al-Qaeda's 1998 declaration of
- For the ending of Apartheid, but these individuals became a minority as the, militant ,leaders such as Nelson Mandela gained significant popularity. Many consider
- Financial buildings plot, had received training in weapons and explosives at a, militant ,training camp in Kashmir. Maulana Mascot Altar, the founder of another Kashmiri
- In the state. He however stated that al-Qaeda had strong ties with Kashmiri, militant ,groups Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed based in Pakistan. It has been
- 8,1857,died July 24, 1936 in Bad Saar ow *Horst Mahler, lawyer,former RAF, militant , now Neo-Nazi activist, born January 23, 1936 International relations Twin
- Ilya Kashmiri who was the chief of Harkat-ul-Jihad Alnilam, a Kashmiri, militant ,group associated with al-Qaeda. Kashmiri was described by Bruce Raided as a
- Party, a mass revolutionary party composed of what they called" the most, militant ,and class-conscious" workers capable of leading the masses of Russian workers.
- New eon; no longer the mere vehicle of her male counterpart, but armed and, militant , " In his Commentaries on The Book of the Law Crowley stated what he considered
- To fall into the hands of al-Qaida. In November 2010,the Islamic State of Iraq, militant ,group, which is linked to Al-Qaeda in Iraq, threatened to" exterminate Iraqi
- Was a fierce, violent man, a soldier and nothing else, whose piety was wholly, militant , His tomb is in the monastery of San Pedro in Hues ca. Death Will and testament
- A string of suicide bombings struck the city in early 2007. A suspected, militant ,blew himself up at a Casablanca internet café on March 11, 2007. On April 10
- Some of his fellow partisans with his brand of staunch fiscal conservatism and, militant ,anti-communism. He was viewed by many traditional Republicans as being too far
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