Examples of the the word, shaft , in a Sentence Context

The word ( shaft ), is the 6389 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Plus a key segment. On the French side, a diameter deep grout-curtained, shaft ,at Senate was used for access. On the English side, a marshalling area was
  2. Shallow two-stage buttresses at each angle, an and embattled parapet. The, shaft ,is crowned by an abacus with figures in niches, probably from the late 19th
  3. Underside of the float and accessed from the deck of the vessel by a vertical, shaft ,that penetrated the float and continued down to the sphere hatch. In the
  4. From the back. The bone ring was designed to break after impact so that the, shaft ,could be used again for another kill. Language While English
  5. And consisted of a main shaft and a 15–20 centimeter (6–8 inches) long fore, shaft ,with a flint point. There are no definite earlier bows; previous pointed shaft s
  6. Long, short,flat, irregular,and sesamoid. * Long bones are characterized by a, shaft , the diaphysis, that is much longer than it is wide. They are made up mostly of
  7. Of steel wool mixed in for added strength. Other technical features reveal a, shaft ,driven behind the mask at the desired facial point, driven by a DC motor with a
  8. Cave record has changed several times in recent years. *The deepest vertical, shaft ,in a cave is in Vrtoglavica Cave in Slovenia. The second deepest is Patrol Gust
  9. As well as, protecting the wooden shaft from splitting. Connected to the fore, shaft ,of the harpoon is the toggle head spear tip. This tip was made of two subs
  10. Made out of various materials, a piece of bark or bone, or an eagle’s feather, shaft , From time to time, women would decorate the nose pins by hanging pieces of
  11. At each pulse, and the minute and hour hands are moved by gears from the, shaft ,of the second hand. *Digital clocks display the time in periodically changing
  12. The joint to hold the two pieces together, as well as, protecting the wooden, shaft ,from splitting. Connected to the fore shaft of the harpoon is the toggle head
  13. Also said to have contained a solar alignment so that, on a specific sunrise,a, shaft ,of light would pass across the lips of the statue of Seraphs thus symbolizing
  14. Two discs on a common axis positioned a sliding block with pin (stubby, shaft ,) on it. One disc was a face cam, and a follower on the block in the face cam
  15. Middle of the scene, and then again from the midst of the audience. In 1895 a, shaft ,of blue light served to indicate the presence of Banquo's spirit. In 1933 a
  16. The tip penetrates the animal the upper sub-head broke off from the rest of the, shaft , however, since it was still connected with the braided loop it rotated the
  17. Rib fragment, a tooth, a toe bone, and,most useful for later discussions,the, shaft ,of the right humerus (upper arm). Thiel Charles Marsh gave these remains
  18. Access was provided at Shakespeare Cliff, while French access came from a, shaft ,at Senate. The French side used five tunnel boring machines (BMS); the
  19. 2.7 meters in diameter at the base, tapering to 2.4 meters at the top. The, shaft ,is high made out of a single piece of granite. This would be 132 cubic meters
  20. Four German sailors were found in the Nicosia engine room and propeller, shaft ,tunnel and were killed. According to the witness statements,U-27s commander
  21. Transmit power to the rear wheel. A relatively small number of bicycles use a, shaft ,drive to transmit power. A very small number of bicycles (mainly single-speed
  22. Lethal weapon. This harpoon separated into four parts. The longest part was the, shaft ,with the thicker stalk closer to the tip of the harpoon. The shaft was fitted
  23. Part was the shaft with the thicker stalk closer to the tip of the harpoon. The, shaft ,was fitted into the socket of the fore shaft and a bone ring was then placed
  24. Tipped slightly clockwise of vertical (for a right-handed shooter) and the, shaft ,of the arrow is placed on the arrow rest or shelf. The back of the arrow is
  25. The upper sub shaft held the razor stone head and attached to the lower sub, shaft ,with a small braided twine loop. Once the tip penetrates the animal the upper
  26. Natural gas. Coal is extracted from the ground by mining, either underground by, shaft ,mining through the seams or in open pits. Types As geological processes apply
  27. The simple Aleut harpoon consisted of four main parts: the wooden, shaft , the bone fores haft, and the bonehead (tip) with barbs pointed backward. The
  28. To alert themselves to dangerous levels of black damp and other gasses in a mine, shaft ,by bringing a caged canary with them as they worked. The canary is more
  29. Arrow flight. When three-fletched the Fletcher are equally spaced around the, shaft ,with one placed such that it is perpendicular to the bow when knocked on the
  30. Of aim. This flexing can be a desirable feature, since,when the spine of the, shaft ,is matched to the acceleration of the bow (string),the arrow bends or flexes
  31. Of efficiency due to the two gear sets needed. The only gearing option with a, shaft ,drive is to use a hub gear. Steering and seating The handlebars turn the fork
  32. Variable were provided by cams, with gearing to convert follower movement to, shaft ,rotation. Functions of two variables were provided by three-dimensional cams.
  33. Other combinations of options are possible but less common). With a, shaft ,drive transmission, a gear set at the bottom bracket turns the shaft , which
  34. Made of two sub shaft s that break apart on impact with an animal. The upper sub, shaft ,held the razor stone head and attached to the lower sub shaft with a small
  35. Was a pair of drums, each containing 1600 capacitors that rotated on a common, shaft ,once per second. The capacitors on each drum were organized into 32" bands "
  36. With a shaft drive transmission, a gear set at the bottom bracket turns the, shaft , which then turns the rear wheel via a gear set connected to the wheel's hub.
  37. Types of arrows and fletchings The most common form of arrow consists of a, shaft ,with an arrowhead attached to the front end and with fletchings and a rock
  38. H_ + \right) + \dot + \dot = \rho_u_A_ \left (h_ + \right) Above,the, shaft ,work and heat transfer are assumed to be acting on the flow. They may be
  39. Are employed in devices which have two rotating shaft s. In these devices one, shaft ,is typically attached to a motor or other power unit (the driving member)
  40. Use a sight picture which includes the target, the bow, the hand, the arrow, shaft ,and the arrow tip, as seen at the same time by the archer. With a fixed "
  41. Component of the arrow. Some arrows may simply use a sharpened tip of the solid, shaft , but it is far more common for separate arrowheads to be made, usually from
  42. And compound rotorcraft. Helicopters have a rotor turned by an engine-driven, shaft , The rotor pushes air downward to create lift. By tilting the rotor forward
  43. As early as 1889 and the first complete descent of a 110-metre wet vertical, shaft ,at Gaping Gill, in Yorkshire, England in 1895. He developed his own techniques
  44. Primarily because the release of the bowstring is rarely in line with the arrow, shaft , causing it to 'flex out' to one side. This is because the bowstring
  45. To the tip of the harpoon. The shaft was fitted into the socket of the fore, shaft ,and a bone ring was then placed over the joint to hold the two pieces together
  46. Been harpooned. The Throwing lance usually consisted of three parts: a wooden, shaft , a bone ring or belt, and the compound head that was made with a barbed
  47. Powertrain shared with the Wanderer, but turned 180-degrees,so that the drive, shaft ,faced the front. Before World War II, Auto Union used the four interlinked
  48. Arms, which in turn were mounted at equal angles to each other on a vertical, shaft , The air flow past the cups in any horizontal direction turned the cups in a
  49. A much-improved version of the glass harmonica, in which the glasses rotate on a, shaft , with the player's fingers held steady, instead of the other way around; this
  50. Of a temple colonnade. Including its pedestal, it is 30 m (99 ft) high; the, shaft ,is of polished red granite,2.7 meters in diameter at the base, tapering to 2.4

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