Examples of the the word, disappointment , in a Sentence Context

The word ( disappointment ), is the 6388 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A World Series berth, for the first time since 1954. The World Series ended in, disappointment ,with the Indians falling in six games to the Atlanta Braves. The Indians
  2. With a promotional campaign that included several personal appearances. To his, disappointment , however, his role in this film was of a mute, with no dialogue. Personal life
  3. For Miami 24–21. While the Browns faithful may have felt the initial sting of, disappointment , there was tremendous upside in the loss: Schottenheimer's team, with Solar at
  4. To which a hesitant Steel agreed. Merger, disestablishment and splits After the, disappointment ,of 1987,Steel proposed a formal merger of the two parties. Jenkins and Steel
  5. But compared to his previous two dominating seasons, the 1922 season was a, disappointment ,for Ruth. Despite Ruth's off-year, Yankees managed to win the pennant to face
  6. As Rome's diplomat to the East. Werner Deck claims that this was a great, disappointment ,for Romans seeking to avenge Crass us' defeat by military means. However, Maria
  7. Life from an (undiagnosed) mental illness, his inferior intellect a terrible, disappointment ,to his father and this tragedy a matter of distress to the mathematicians and
  8. Temporary, just until a mistake or chance event caused another failure, another, disappointment , for the frustrated duck. Barks also reported that this was another thing he was
  9. From Muhammad's uncle, Abbas in ABD al-Muttalib and not from. Following this, disappointment , they finally split from the majority Sunni Muslims and formed what are today
  10. Illnesses interrupted his studies. The following year, much to his father’s, disappointment , Munch left the college determined to become a painter. His father viewed art
  11. West before realignment with a 94–68 record. However, the White Sox were a big, disappointment ,in the ALCS, losing to the defending World Champion Toronto Blue Jays in six
  12. Extensive playing time. CEDEAO, while providing steady veteran play, was a, disappointment , and was unable to recapture his glory days with the Houston Astros. The
  13. Learning problems. He had to decide to stop his school education, much to his, disappointment , From job to job Barks started taking various jobs but had little success in
  14. Byron, expected that the baby would be" the glorious boy ", and there was some, disappointment ,at the contrary news. She was named after Byron's half-sister, Augusta Leigh
  15. Film career Laurent's' first Hollywood experience proved to be a frustrating, disappointment , Unhappy with the script for The Snake Pit (1948),submitted by Frank Parts
  16. They wanted to budget the next installment similarly to the first. Citing his, disappointment ,with the first release due to the low budget, Straczynski said he did not want
  17. Botham Carter, and Seven collaborator Brad Pitt, the 1999 film was an early, disappointment ,at the box-office and received mixed reviews. Fight Club was panned by several
  18. A year with the Cadette (2007–08) Chief bounced back quickly from the, disappointment ,of their relegation on the last match day of 2006/07,going in search of an
  19. Where God accuses Israel of breaking their previously made agreement. God’s, disappointment ,towards Israel is therefore expressed through the broken marriage covenant made
  20. At Göttingen as an assistant to the great mathematician David Hilbert proved a, disappointment , as Hilbert was no longer active in his works. Wigner nonetheless studied
  21. Louis XIV, with whom Olympia formed an intimate relationship. Yet to her great, disappointment ,her chance to become queen passed by, and in 1657 Olympia married Eugene
  22. Construction buildings, novel author Lothar-Günter Buckram expressed great, disappointment ,with Petersen's adaptation in a film review published in 1981,especially with
  23. A fourth and final edition appearing in 1873. The book was widely regarded as a, disappointment ,because of Lyell's equivocal treatment of evolution. Lyell, a devout Christian
  24. Poor, until the day when, by a natural and inevitable process, discontent and, disappointment ,were converted into penitence and remorse" and they would beg to return to his
  25. Quranic relates that fans" were becoming increasingly voluble about their, disappointment , but it all seemed to go right past Elvis, whose world was now confined almost
  26. With his brother. He became a member of the Church of England – somewhat to the, disappointment ,of Tolkien, who had hoped that he would convert to Roman Catholicism. Lewis was
  27. S wife Anne Morrow, who died from heart disease. It was in fact Lindbergh's, disappointment ,that contemporary medical technology could not provide an artificial heart pump
  28. Media reports,Raj's censure of Amitabh, whom he admires, stemmed out of his, disappointment ,of not being invited to Amitabh's son Abhishek's marriage to Aishwarya
  29. Endeavours. Marriage Where his political and military career had ended in, disappointment , Domitian's private affairs were more successful in 70. Vespasian attempted to
  30. However, Santa Claus' faith in love and his rejection of the materialism and, disappointment ,he associates with Science are reaffirmed, and he is reunited with Woman and
  31. The point of view of the Dutch East India Company Tasman's explorations were a, disappointment ,: he had neither found a promising area for trade nor a useful new shipping
  32. Eugène USA e spent much time with Elgar going through the work. There was great, disappointment ,when contractual difficulties prevented USA e from playing it in London. Elgar
  33. Life of the 2600,the most prominent of which included Pac-Man and E. T. Public, disappointment ,with these two titles and the market saturation of poor third-party titles are
  34. His visit to the constructed portion of the Analytical Engine" the greatest, disappointment ,of my life ". The Mark I showed no influence from the Analytical Engine and
  35. And YUL Brynner and some impressive battle scenes, the film was considered a, disappointment ,by many. Though Demise was respected by his peers, his individual films were
  36. His four years there while writing A Treatise of Human Nature, Despite the, disappointment , Hume later wrote," Being naturally of a cheerful and sanguine temper, I soon
  37. Flew this prototype some 300 miles in 57 minutes, approximately. Hiding his, disappointment , he told reporters that future versions would likely go 100 mph faster. Kelsey
  38. To live in a motor home as they have always dreamed of doing. They meet comic, disappointment , Brooks's Defending Your Life (1991) placed his lead character in the
  39. Beaten out of sight" in the 200. The film thus has Abrahams overcoming the, disappointment ,of losing the 200 by going on to win the 100,a reversal of the real order.
  40. The Red Sox in the American League Championship Series. The season ended in, disappointment ,when Boston swept the final three games to advance to the 2007 World Series.
  41. Lesley was unable to consistently excel, and former all-star Jim Kern was a big, disappointment , Kern was also publicly upset over having to shave off his prominent beard to
  42. And was buried in the Canon gate Kirk yard. On his deathbed, Smith expressed, disappointment ,that he had not achieved more. Smith's literary executors were two friends
  43. Was traded to the New York Yankees for outfielder Roberto Kelly. Kelly was a, disappointment ,for the Reds over the next couple of years, while O'Neill blossomed, leading a
  44. Largely shared by other cross-cultural critics, common responses included both, disappointment ,over the large number of documented non-Western mental disorders still left out
  45. Government or its official establishments. Folk music and composition After his, disappointment ,over the Fine Arts Commission competition, Bartók wrote little for two or three
  46. Earned Eugene the Governorship of Milan. But the following year was to prove a, disappointment ,for the Prince and the Grand Alliance as a whole. The Emperor and Eugene (
  47. The show was a critical success, winning two Emmy Awards, but was a ratings, disappointment ,and was canceled in October 1980. Late Night with David Letterman NBC kept
  48. Of the season. Charlton's return to the second tier of English football was a, disappointment , with their promotion campaign tailing off to an 11th place finish. Early in
  49. Played in all of England's matches at Euro 2004,but the tournament was a, disappointment ,for him. He had a penalty saved in England's 2–1 defeat to France and missed
  50. Of human behavior and the appropriate visualization of his own bitterness and, disappointment , " Criticisms Despite the extraordinary acclaim that Kurosawa’s work has

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