Examples of the the word, wit , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Often used in connection wit h a military force.; esprit de l'espalier: ", wit ,of the stairs ": a concise, clever statement you don't think of until too late
  2. An American poet, short story writer, critic and satirist, best known for her, wit , wisecracks, and eye for 20th century urban foibles. From a conflicted and
  3. Until 1797,she reappeared, quitting it finally in 1799. Her ambition, personal, wit , and cleverness won her a distinguished position in society, in spite of her
  4. Of rhyming couplets where the sense as well as the sound" rhymes "::: True, wit ,is nature to advantage dress'd;:: What oft was thought, but ne'er so well
  5. But I will tell the reason: Their heads are round because they have but little, wit , ...: :Q. Why have the Africans broad feet? –: :A. Because they inhabit a
  6. The Conning Tower," Dorothy began developing a national reputation as a, wit , Parker's caustic wit as a critic initially proved popular, but she was
  7. University plays The Return From Parnassus (1598) who wrote," Pity it is that, wit ,so ill should dwell, / Wit lent from heaven, but vices sent from hell. " The
  8. By the time Welles contacted him he had" established himself as a brilliant, wit , a writer of extraordinary talent, and a warm friend to many of the screen
  9. Today as one of the greatest masters of French prose. His use of satire and, wit ,influenced later polemicists. The content of his literary work is best
  10. Aristocrats, but he grew ever more progressive as he grew older: he was, as one, wit ,put it," a Tory in all but essentials ". Queen Victoria, who had grown up as a
  11. In 1893,at age 20,she married Henri Gauthier-Villars, a famous bisexual, wit ,known as" Willy" who was 15 years her senior. Her first books, the Claudine
  12. In this sub-genre blend comic antics and action where the film stars combine, wit ,and one-liners wit h a thrilling plot and daring stunts. The genre became a
  13. Immediately asked: If the Huntington equation is replaced wit h its dual, to, wit , : :4. Robbins Equation: n (n (x + y) + n (x + n (y) )) = x, do (1),(2
  14. Of connectedness can be formulated independently of the topology on a space. To, wit , there is a category of connective spaces consisting of sets wit h collections
  15. Which introduces a triplet after two couplets:: But satire needs not those, and, wit , will shine: Through the harsh cadence of a rugged line:: A noble error,and
  16. Pronunciation. Titles Anagrams used for titles afford scope for some types of, wit , Examples: * Shakespeare's Hamlet is an anagram for the Danish Prince Hamlet.
  17. Filing attorney in support of the motion, as certain assumptions are made, to, wit , : The affidavit in place of sworn testimony promotes judicial economy. The
  18. Were considered original and Charles was described as having a natural ironic, wit ,which appealed to talent scouts. Charles began to appear on television
  19. Bring wit h you a good and great: dinner, not wit hout a white girl: and wine and, wit ,and laughs for all. The phrase is cecum antlers money true magnum / CENAC (
  20. Comments this" ingenious poem" wit h its" playful sallies of sarcastic, wit ," against" our modern ladies," though others found it" a tedious, lifeless
  21. Carefully distinguishes between the Polish and the real targets of his acerbic, wit ,:: :People among us, and I don't mean the Polish, : :Remember this — I don't
  22. Being the Wall the other the Lower Rhine/Old Rhine. The strategic position, to, wit , the high bank of the Wall—which offered an unimpeded view far into Germania
  23. Plays. Audiences have admired the plays of Golden for their ingenious mix of, wit ,and honesty. His plays offered his contemporaries images of themselves, often
  24. It, the purpose of Candide was to" bring amusement to a few men of, wit ,". The fast-paced and improbable plot—in which characters narrowly escape death
  25. To build a reputation as a raconteur and outrageous writer, heavy drinker and, wit , Thomas was well known for being a versatile and dynamic speaker, best known
  26. In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo describes Rosaline, saying that" She hath Dian's, wit ,". In painting and sculpture Diana has been one of the most popular themes in
  27. Adams. " From beginning to end, Capp was acid-tongued toward the targets of his, wit , intolerant of hypocrisy, and always wickedly funny. After about 40 years
  28. The model of Molière wit h the strengths of Com media dell'ARTE and his own, wit ,and sincerity). This style was typified in La Donna DI Garbo, the first
  29. Aristotle once said the elephant was" the beast which passed all others in, wit ,and mind. " The word" elephant" has its origins in the Greek, meaning " ivory
  30. Pfeiffer gives this feminist avenger a tough core of intelligence and, wit ,; she's a classic dazzler ... Michael Keaton's manic-depressive hero remains a
  31. Because of comments made by panelist Jimmy Carr. She wrote," His idea of, wit ,is a barrage of filth and the sort of humor most men grow out of in their
  32. Of singles such as" Nu thin' but a 'G' Than "," Let Me Ride ", and " Fuck, wit ,Are Day (and Everybody's Celebration' )" ( known as" Are Day" for radio
  33. Are not solely bleak in nature and demonstrate the artist's sharp satirical, wit , particularly evident in etchings such as Hunting for Teeth. Additionally, one
  34. Best moments in comedy came when a line was blown and the star had to rely on, wit ,to rescue a bad situation. Fred Allen, Jack Benny, Phil Harris, and,yes
  35. Dorothy began developing a national reputation as a wit . Parker's caustic, wit ,as a critic initially proved popular, but she was eventually terminated by
  36. Hosts the annual O. Henry Pun Off, a pun contest where the contestants exhibit, wit , Other annual events include Eeyore's Birthday Party, Spamarama, the Austin
  37. Missing in the early drafts but present in the final film is" the stylistic, wit ,and fluidity that is the most engaging trait of the film itself. " (ibid)
  38. The words" When a man's verses cannot be understood, nor a man's good, wit ,seconded wit h the forward child, understanding,it strikes a man more dead than
  39. That he had published it under Oxford's 'honorable protection... because your, wit , learning and authority hath great force and strength in repressing the curious
  40. Over by Wyndham-Lewis some time in 1919 who reinvented it as an outlet for his, wit ,and humor. It was then passed to Morton during 1924 though it is likely there
  41. Was identically designed for quick and efficient industrialized killing. To, wit , SS Obersturmführer Kurt Ger stein, of the Institute for Hygiene of the
  42. Why a new prayer book was necessary, began:" There was never anything by the, wit ,of man so well devised, or so sure established, which in continuance of time
  43. Earthquake, was already a well-established author, known for his satirical, wit , He had been made a member of the Academic Franchise in 1746. He was a deist, a
  44. Now lost) was named after the poisonous plant CICTA for its biting, wit , and Lucas, more famous for his epic Phrasal. Authors whose epigrams survive
  45. Survived - about 340 in all, totaling about 1,000 lines. They attest to the, wit ,and refinement of the author, which Athens praises. The surviving fragments
  46. Poetic epigrams: What is an Epigram? A dwarfish whole;: Its body brevity, and, wit , its soul.: — Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Little strokes: Fell great oaks.: —
  47. Structure. In time, an empire may metamorphose to another form of polity. To, wit , the Holy Roman Empire, a German re-constitution of the Roman Empire
  48. History of the theater replete wit h personal anecdotes and his trademark, wit , A book of Lerner's lyrics entitled A Hymn To Him, edited by British writer
  49. Wisecracker. " Nevertheless, her literary output and reputation for her sharp, wit ,have endured. Early life Also known as Dot or Lottie, Parker was born Dorothy
  50. Convolution wit h a tempered distribution whose Fourier transform is bounded. To, wit , they are all given by bounded Fourier multipliers. Convolutions on groups If G

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