Examples of the the word, specially , in a Sentence Context

The word ( specially ), is the 6398 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Beekeeping province of Canada, with some beekeepers wintering hives indoors in, specially ,designed barns in southern Alberta, then migrating north during the summer into
  2. Thought was an essential factor of Russian patriotism and that this was to be, specially ,cultivated by every right-minded Tsar. On his deathbed,Alexander's elder
  3. Hymn book in a guise other than Parry's own, so it may have been harmonized, specially ,for the film. The film's working title was" Running" until Colin Welland saw
  4. In full, the legacies abate in proportion, unless there is a priority given, specially ,to any particular legacy. Annuities are also subject to the same rule as
  5. To accomplish this the F and violet mercury lines are united. This artifice is, specially ,adopted in objectives for astronomical photography (pure actinic achromatic)
  6. 777,an aircraft which is designed for nine-abreast seating. This utilized, specially ,built narrow seats and aisles, and was applied to three GE-engined 777-200ERs
  7. The coastal region is even more well versed with the varieties of seafood, specially ,known for" Chapel Plus "," Bommidala plus "," Foramen Kurt ".
  8. Such as hummingbirds, sunbirds, lories, and lorises amongst others have, specially ,adapted brushy tongues and in many cases bills designed to fit co-adapted
  9. With time. A few days before India became independent on August 1947,the, specially ,constituted Constituent Assembly decided that the flag of India must be
  10. Wheelchair basketball, created by disabled World War II veterans, is played on, specially ,designed wheelchairs for the physically impaired. The world governing body of
  11. Of six people took part in the Ice Special People Expedition. Travelling in a, specially ,designed six-wheel drive vehicles, the team completed the journey from the
  12. To the use of regular inanimate objects in stop-motion animation, as opposed to, specially ,created items. ** Graphic animation uses non-drawn flat visual graphic material
  13. Clergy, whether the oil must necessarily be olive oil and have been previously, specially ,consecrated, and about other details. Several Evangelical groups reject the
  14. Be understood, given Aristotelian metaphysics. Among the doctrines which were, specially ,developed and, so to speak, fixed by Alexander of Hales, are the thesaurus
  15. The Latin word ballad which means 'to dance' ( a ballroom being a large room, specially ,designed for such dances). In times past, ballroom dancing was social dancing
  16. Died after an imam ate of sixty-four years in April 1881. He was buried in a, specially ,built shrine at Faisalabad in the Malegaon area of Bombay. He was survived by
  17. Was present at the time of initial pairing. The active method makes use of a, specially ,constructed message that must be inserted at a specific point in the protocol
  18. Substrates. The beryllium-beryllium oxide composite" E-Materials" have been, specially ,designed for these electronic applications and have the additional advantage
  19. Permanently in the MCC Cricket Museum where it can be seen together with the, specially ,made red and gold velvet bag and the scorecard of the 1882 match. Because the
  20. Night, Cologne plant. With capacity to produce up to 5000 engines a year by 100, specially , trained personnel, like traditional Aston Martin engine production from Newport
  21. Tetris was licensed and managed by Soviet company Elora which had been founded, specially ,for this purpose, and advertised with the slogan" From Russia with Love" ( on
  22. Cause a reversion to growth on a histidine-free medium. The tester strains are, specially ,constructed to have both frameshift and point mutations in the genes required
  23. Carrying advertisements along routes preselected by clients, they can also be, specially ,equipped cargo trucks or, in some cases, large banners strewn from planes. The
  24. To penetrate the ground before exploding. Armor- or concrete-piercing fuses are, specially ,hardened. During World War I and later, ricochet fire with delay or graze fused
  25. To import restrictions, with the creation of the“ camels” ( camel bus),a, specially ,manufactured trailer bus. After the Second World War, manufacturers in Europe
  26. 21 m) long, previously known as the South Drawing Room, has a ceiling designed, specially ,by Nash, coffered with huge gilt console brackets. A 1999 book published by the
  27. April to July 2007,this show played in a mobile theater in Berlin, which was, specially ,designed for this show. In April 2007,pop singer Peter Wilson, who during the
  28. Achieved IOC in 1985 and used mainly by USMC aviation. *Maverick F, designed, specially , for US Navy, uses a modified Maverick D infrared guidance system optimized for
  29. Position is counted the same as an error by any other player. Earned runs are, specially ,denoted because of their use in calculating a pitcher's earned run average –
  30. In contrast, within the Abbey is the massive kitchen with a running stream, specially ,diverted to pass through as a supply of fresh water. The open area of the
  31. Passion of the Christ is notable for its use of much dialogue in Aramaic only, specially ,reconstructed by a scholar, but not an Aramaic specialist, William Full. Where
  32. Is evident on many occasions. The actor has often said that Maharashtra and, specially ,Mumbai has given him great fame and affection. He has also said that what he is
  33. In having such events. Off-road racing In off-road racing, various classes of, specially ,modified vehicles, including cars, compete in races through off-road
  34. Abbots are followed by an encroachment on episcopal functions, which had to be, specially ,but ineffectually guarded against by the Lateran council, AD 1123. In the East
  35. To away games, to a competition or to a final event. These buses are often, specially ,decorated in a livery matching the team colors. Private companies often
  36. As they were shown in the case of Moses, and as Solomon asked that the place be, specially ,consecrated. " http://bibref.hebtools.com/? Book %202Maccabees&verse 2:4-8 2
  37. In APM as the CPU clock, cache,system bus and system timers) is treated, specially ,in APM, as it is the last device to be powered down, and the first device to be
  38. Therefore, of use in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy; and spectrometers, specially ,adapted to detecting the boron-11 nuclei are available commercially. The 10B
  39. By promotions' personnel, giving out gifts. Campaign buses are often, specially ,decorated for a political campaign or other social awareness information
  40. 227Ac is highly radioactive and experiments with it are carried out in a, specially ,designed laboratory equipped with a glove box and radiation shielding. When
  41. Future of the church of Ephesus (20:28–30),are treated as though they would, specially ,interest" Theophilus" and his circle; also an early tradition has Luke die in
  42. Punjab Sultan Baku (ca 1628 - 1691),who wrote a book with spiritual secrets, specially ,for him. The book was written in Persian and titled" Aurang-i-Shāhī ", too
  43. Can be studied by rearing or temporarily maintaining them in formic aria, specially ,constructed glass framed enclosures. Individuals may be tracked for study by
  44. Or 477 °C, or 892 °F. This is why a high compression engine requires fuels, specially ,formulated to not self-ignite (which would cause engine knocking when operated
  45. Took great pains to lock up his notebooks and laboratory equipment. Bell had a, specially ,made table where he could place his notes and equipment inside a locking cover.
  46. Those gems which had no claim to be considered in any sense Gnostic, or, specially , Basilidian, or connected with Abraham. The subject is one which has exercised
  47. Specific charities may exist to fund and operate bus transport, usually using, specially ,modified mobility buses or otherwise accessible buses (See Accessibility
  48. Bacillus, Mycobacterium Boris, that has lost its virulence in humans by being, specially ,subculture (230 passages) in an artificial medium for 13 years, and also
  49. The SS selected some prisoners, often German criminals, as, specially , privileged supervisors of the other inmates (so-called capos). Although
  50. Beekeeping province of Canada, with some beekeepers wintering hives indoors in, specially ,designed barns in southern Alberta, then migrating north during the summer into

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