Examples of the the word, surf , in a Sentence Context

The word ( surf ), is the 6395 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Octavian's ships were generally smaller, but more manageable in the heavy, surf , capable of reversing their course on short notice and returning to the charge
  2. At East Point Reserve. The Darwin Surf Lifesaving Club operates long boats and, surf ,skis and provides events and lifesaving accreditations. Parks and gardens
  3. Going through. Thrill-seeking kayaks go there during large tide changes to, surf ,the standing waves and brave the class 2 and 3 rapid conditions. History and
  4. Haptic feedback, such as giving feedback when crossing a window boundary. To, surf ,by touch requires the user to be able to feel depth or hardness; this ability
  5. Is used to mark the limits of the bathing area on a beach, usually guarded by, surf ,lifesavers. If the beach is closed, the poles of the flags are crossed. The
  6. Lewis with backup by The Dells. The Hammond B-3 organ can be heard in the 1960s, surf , music,where the spinning Leslie speaker, usually a 122,created distinctive
  7. Jaguar, a rather unusual choice of guitar for jazz (being associated more with, surf ,music). iPhone has produced an edition of the Emperor line of semi-acoustic
  8. To their application as sea or touring kayaks, whitewater (or river) kayaks, surf ,kayaks, and racing kayaks, and hybrids, broadly labeled recreational kayaks.
  9. Least privilege is logging into Windows as user Administrator to read Email and, surf ,the Web. Violations of this principle can also occur when an individual
  10. Access will mean that, by 2011.22 percent of the Earth's population will, surf ,the Internet regularly. The report says 1.1 billion people have regular Web
  11. Bay; however, because the sea was too rough the carpenter swam through the, surf ,and planted the Dutch flag in North Bay. Tasman then claimed formal possession
  12. Waves and surf -zone rescues. Wave skis A variation on the closed cockpit, surf ,kayak is called a wave ski. Although the wave ski offers dynamics similar to a
  13. Surf prone in South Africa and in Waikiki became some of the first Britons to, surf ,standing up. Disappearance In late 1926,Agatha's husband, Archie,revealed
  14. Band The Escorts. Moon initially played in the drumming style of American, surf ,rock and jazz, with a mix of R&B, utilising grooves and fills of those genres
  15. In Chats worth, California in August 1965. Changing times: 1965–1966 After the, surf ,craze, Jan and Dean scored two Top-30 hits in 1965:" You Really Know How to
  16. Magazine founded as The Atlantic Monthly in 1857 * The Atlantic's, an Australian, surf ,rock band formed in the early 1960s Companies * Atlantic Broadband, a cable
  17. 1925,Kahanamoku rescued eight men from a fishing vessel that capsized in heavy, surf ,while attempting to enter the city's harbor. 29 fishermen went into the water
  18. Abalone and produce on the California coast, while on the East Coast the, surf ,clam, quahog,and the soft-shell clam. Oysters were eaten on both shores, as
  19. It is a main priority for me as Culture Minister to make sure children can, surf ,the net safely at libraries,' states Brian Mikkelsen in a press-release of the
  20. Of the drug might have impaired Holt's judgement in entering the dangerous, surf , Inquiries into Holt's disappearance No official federal government inquiry
  21. The eastern arm of Port Phillip Bay. Holt decided to go swimming, although the, surf ,was heavy and Cheviot Beach was notorious for its strong currents and dangerous
  22. Throughout the 1960s whose tracks revolved around central themes, including, surf , music,country, outer space, TV themes, and psychedelic music. Ray Charles also
  23. Similar to surf boards. The design of a surf kayak promotes the use of an ocean, surf ,wave (moving wave) as opposed to a river or feature wave (moving water).
  24. Other small, non-motorised watercraft. Reasons for closing the beach include: A, surf ,flag exists, divided into four quadrants. The top left and bottom right
  25. Terrence (born March 10, 1940). They became associated with the vocal ", surf ,music" craze that was popularized by The Beach Boys. Beginnings: 1958–1963 Jan
  26. Edge of the island. The Navy reported the loss of 11 landing craft in the, surf ,during World War II. Image gallery Image: Baker Island Coastline. JPG|Baker
  27. Leaks are often under the water, the hull may fill with water. Surf Specialty, surf ,boats typically have flat bottoms, and hard edges, similar to surf boards. The
  28. Like most West African countries, Ghana has no natural harbors. Because strong, surf ,pounds the shoreline, two artificial harbors were built at Gatorade and Team (
  29. A complex, intricate and multi-layered sound that was a far cry from the simple, surf ,rock of The Beach Boys' early years. However, Brian would soon lose control of
  30. Like seabirds and turtles. Dolphins enjoy riding waves and frequently, surf ,coastal swells and the bow waves of boats, at times“ leaping” between the
  31. Expert balance and paddling skill. Surf Skis were originally created for, surf ,and are still used in races in New Zealand, Australia,and South Africa. They
  32. Leisure use, as derivatives of surf boards (e.g. paddle or wave skis),or for, surf ,conditions. Variants include planing surf craft, touring kayaks, and sea
  33. Of the country's population. Natural hazards include the heavy, surf ,and the lack of natural harbors on the coast; during the rainy season
  34. As well as the corresponding" emo/pop punk" fashion, but some imitate 1960s, surf , and garage rock revivalist acts like The Horrors or post-punk revivalists like
  35. To South Africa, Australia,New Zealand and Hawaii. The couple learned to, surf ,prone in South Africa and in Waikiki became some of the first Britons to surf
  36. Russ Regan, made the change to more obviously tie the group in with other, surf ,bands of the time. The limited budget meant the labels could not be reprinted.
  37. Have flat bottoms, and hard edges, similar to surf boards. The design of a, surf ,kayak promotes the use of an ocean surf wave (moving wave) as opposed to a
  38. Support LAN, uses the space station's high-speed KU band microwave link. To, surf ,the Web, astronauts can use a station laptop computer to control a desktop
  39. And performed with the Beach Boys, and discovered the appeal of the latter's ", surf ,sound ". By this time, Berry was co-writing, arranging,and producing all of
  40. Die Another Day, Berry recreated a scene from Dr. No, emerging from the, surf ,to be greeted by James Bond as Ursula Andres's had 40 years earlier. Lindy
  41. While a student at the University of Texas. The band - which poked fun at, surf ,music - recorded only one single in 1966 (" Schwinn 24/Beach Party Boo, Boo" )
  42. After 26 episodes. Terry Belcher first made a brief attempt to become a, surf ,music singing star, then became a staff producer for Columbia Records in the
  43. Are based on older imperial sizes but rounded to the nearest 5 ml, while some, surf ,reports are given in feet. Republic of Ireland The Republic of Ireland has
  44. To contain a few of the soon-to-be famous elements that became associated with, surf ,(close vocal harmonies, selective use of major and minor chords, falsetto
  45. It is one of only a few songs the group performed where Keith Moon (a huge, surf ,music fan) provided the lead vocals. That not everybody considered Jan and
  46. Until 19 December 1967,at which time he disappeared after entering rough, surf ,for a swim. Holt increased Australian commitment to the growing War in Vietnam
  47. Is very popular, as locations such as Bud and New quay offer some of the best, surf ,in the UK. Pilot gig rowing has been popular for many years and the World
  48. Money ", both from 1958,contained a few elements of what would later become, surf ,music. With the help of record producers Herb Alpert and Lou Adler, Jan and
  49. e.g. paddle or wave skis),or for surf conditions. Variants include planing, surf ,craft, touring kayaks, and sea marathon kayaks. Increasingly, manufacturers
  50. Specialty surf boats typically have flat bottoms, and hard edges, similar to, surf ,boards. The design of a surf kayak promotes the use of an ocean surf wave (

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