Examples of the the word, repayment , in a Sentence Context

The word ( repayment ), is the 8552 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With the FAA, the terms of which include both the $33,000 fine and the, repayment ,of $1 million from taxes to federal airport development grants. The city admits
  2. Also physically exhausted Rogers. He returned to Britain in 1722 to plead for, repayment ,of the money he had borrowed to buildup Nassau, only to find he had been
  3. The account, it can be many days to a month or more before the consumer makes, repayment ,with actual money. Because of this, in the case of a benign or malicious error
  4. The need for monetary payment. Put simply, Roosevelt persuaded Congress that, repayment ,for this immensely costly service would take the form of defending the US; and
  5. To repay all or part of your debts. Under this chapter, you can propose a, repayment ,plan in which to pay your creditors over three to five years. If your monthly
  6. Public enterprises, always with a government (or" sovereign" ) guarantee of, repayment ,subject to general conditions. The funds for this lending come primarily from
  7. Markets to shore up the deteriorating exchange rate and reduce pressure on, repayment ,of the domestic debt market http://www.lankabusinessonline.com/fullstory.php?
  8. Expressing regret for and determining not to commit) sin, and atonement (, repayment ,) for past deeds. * The possibility of forgiveness of sins, often through
  9. Of the richer member countries. Additional funds come from IBID income and, repayment ,of IDA credits. IDA loans address primary education, basic health services
  10. Ed Whit acre announced the company's 60-day money-back guarantee and, repayment ,of $6.7 billion loan from government ahead of schedule. On August 12, 2010 GM
  11. Before they had paid their fines rather than after; an arrangement that made, repayment ,much easier. In the summer of that year, Prince Edward moved at the Isle of Fly
  12. 1941 to 1945. In sharp contrast to the loans of World War I, there would be no, repayment ,after the war. Until late in 1941,FDR refused Churchill's urgent requests for
  13. Of the power of the Roman Catholic Church. Mexico's creditors demanded, repayment , forcing then-President Benito Juárez to declare a two-year moratorium on
  14. Both of which owe Russia more than Armenia) have managed to reschedule, repayment ,of their debts. Statistics Background GDP (
  15. Support for the coalition brought economic dividends: Qatar canceled further, repayment ,of all principal and interest on outstanding loans, and Saudi Arabia offered
  16. Five-year term or, if they wished, to commute any portion of their contract by, repayment ,of a proportionate part of their indenture fee. Many Indian immigrants who had
  17. Liabilities. In a balance sheet recession, GDP declines by the amount of debt, repayment ,and borrowed individual savings, leaving government stimulus spending as the
  18. Of Maximilian in Holland, Flanders and Brabant, but failed to obtain any, repayment ,of the large sums of money which he had spent in these campaigns. His services
  19. By the mid-1960s,Ghana's reserves were gone, and the country could not meet, repayment ,schedules. To rationalize, the National Liberation Council abandoned
  20. Which typically allows companies to continue to function while they follow debt, repayment ,plans *Chapter 12: rehabilitation for family farmers and fishermen; *Chapter 13
  21. The treaty, which included U. S. payment of $1.5 million for Dominican debt, repayment , was defeated in the United States Senate in 1870 Baez was toppled in 1874
  22. To marry. * 2005 – Argentina's president Néstor Kirchner announces the early, repayment ,of its external debt to the IMF. * 2005 – Introduction of the F-22 Raptor into
  23. And would work to pay the debt. The low wages the slave would receive made, repayment ,impossible, and the debt would be inherited, even though no slave would receive
  24. Costs, was redistributed to INTELSAT members in proportion to their shares as, repayment ,of capital and compensation for use of capital. Satellite services were
  25. To starve. Credit procurement was difficult if the lender worried about, repayment ,in the event of the borrower's death or infirmity. Alternatively, people
  26. A slave purchase by him was in 1772,although he later received some slaves in, repayment ,of debts. Washington also used some hired staff and white indentured servants;
  27. Appointed, when in theory he was to repay the earnings. The infrequence of this, repayment ,was an obvious source of dispute. The Church wanted to end this lay investiture
  28. Of time has passed. In some states, restoration of those rights may depend on, repayment ,of various fees associated with the felon's arrest, processing,and prison
  29. That Germany was to repay $1.1 billion of the aid it had received. The last, repayment ,was made in June 1971. The Korean War (1950–1953) led to a worldwide
  30. Payments and eventually defaulted on its principal debt repayment s, limiting, repayment , to the interest portion of the loans. Arrears and penalty interest accumulated
  31. A period of three to five years. The amount of payment and the period of the, repayment ,plan depend upon a variety of factors, including the value of the debtor's
  32. Eligible clients include formal enterprises and borrowers who have demonstrated, repayment ,ability over several loan cycles.: Solidarity Group Lending (SGL): designed
  33. 19 billion, ostensibly enough to have paid off the debt entirely if interested, repayment ,requirements are ignored. Although Darlington Units 1,3 and 4 have operated
  34. A" straight bankruptcy ", and chapter 13,which involves an affordable plan of, repayment , An important feature applicable to all types of bankruptcy filings is the
  35. For executions ... and to intimidate potential informants and to enforce debt, repayment ,". In Serbia on 3 August 2001" assailants gunned down Movie Gavrilo on the
  36. Expand capital and grow employment to expand MEC borrowing with more extended, repayment ,horizons. Eligible clients include formal enterprises and borrowers who have
  37. Of women entrepreneurs who are collectively and individually responsible for, repayment , Starting at USD 400,with a maximum ceiling of USD 5,000,the SGL sustains
  38. Was () and its first installment covered of Greek bonds that became due for, repayment , On 27 April 2010,the Greek debt rating was decreased to BB+ (a 'junk '
  39. Relief under Chapter 13 of the Code. A Chapter 13 plan often does not require, repayment ,to general unsecured debts, such as credit cards or medical bills. BAP CPA also
  40. Colours. These they brought away, intending to give them full satisfaction (, repayment ,) when they should meet with any of them,- as about six months afterwards they
  41. Legal tender, making it unlawful to not accept the fiat currency as a means of, repayment ,for all debts, public and private. History Early currency evolved from
  42. Cash payments to 427 U. S. air carriers, with no provision for, repayment , essentially a gift from the taxpayers. (Passenger carriers operating
  43. Grants to Germany similar to that of France and the UK. The final German loan, repayment ,was made in 1971. Since Germany chose to repay the aid debt out of the German
  44. Monetary Fund's Structural Adjustment Program (SAP) to aid in the, repayment ,of the country's crushing international debt, which most federal revenue was
  45. That attacked Federalists. He hoped for a favorable new treaty and for, repayment ,of the debts owed to France. Acting aggressively, Genêt outfitted privateers
  46. 1990s,the United States withheld dues citing inefficiency, and only started, repayment ,on the condition that a major reforms initiative was introduced. In 1994,the
  47. 16,500 to put toward a down payment on the Cicero home, and rather than accept, repayment ,placed the repaid money into a college fund for Ryan's sister. In high school
  48. General conditions (PDF) ), with, repayment , periods of 35 to 40 years. Since its inception, IDA credits and grants have
  49. The French government would present a balanced budget and give priority of debt, repayment ,to the World Bank over other governments. The United States State Department
  50. And capital gain, whereas holders of debt securities receive only interest and, repayment ,of principal regardless of how well the issuer performs financially.

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