Examples of the the word, dummy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dummy ), is the 8568 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Fought, the gladiators may have held informal warm-up matches, using blunted or, dummy ,weapons – some Monera, however,may have used blunted weapons throughout. The
  2. Holding the ball. These include: Footwork Techniques used before a tackle. *, dummy ,– pretending to kick or handball, to confuse an opponent Current AFL players
  3. Now execute the finesse, perhaps trapping the king as planned. South enters the, dummy ,(i.e. wins a trick in the dummy 's hand) by leading a low diamond, using
  4. It' comes from the Old English neuter gender. In a pro-drop language,the, dummy ,pronoun can be dropped: Cover ONEM is literally" rained yesterday" in
  5. The attacker is not permitted to play the ball more than once, to fake or, dummy ,the shot, or to move towards or interfere with the goalkeeper once the shot is
  6. Se comes before any such particles:: 3. Use sew here French and English have a, dummy ," it" subject:: 4. Finally, use the other copula form ye in situations where
  7. Operator perched precariously underneath the lift cars. His position (with a, dummy ,operator) can still be seen on the lifts today. The Fives-Lille elevators were
  8. Essence of the finesse). The game is now safe: South ruffs a small club with a, dummy ,'s trump, then ruffs a diamond in hand for an entry back, and ruffs the last
  9. A mod b is equivalent to the above recursion formula OK ≡ rk−2 mod rk−1. The, dummy ,variable t holds the value of rk−1 while the next remainder OK is being
  10. From a Handel He 111) crashed on Bornholm during a test - the warhead was a, dummy ,made of concrete. This was photographed or sketched by the Danish Naval
  11. To mate with if their stripes were darker than those of a real female, or, dummy , fish which a territorial male stickleback fish would fight more violently than
  12. Suit, with the column of the trump suit (if there is one) on the right as, dummy ,looks at the table. The declarer is responsible for selecting cards to play
  13. This trick was worked by stopping the camera and replacing the actor with a, dummy , then restarting the camera before the axe falls. The two pieces of film were
  14. So that the goose will ignore its own displaced egg in favor of the giant, dummy ,egg. These exaggerated releasers for instincts were termed super normal stimuli
  15. Leading a low diamond, using dummy 's A to win the trick, and leads the Q from, dummy ,to the next trick. East covers the queen with the king, and South takes the
  16. Side to the left of declarer; the displayed hand is referred to as the, dummy ,and is played by declarer.: Scoring: After all thirteen tricks have been played
  17. Would be the declarer (being the first to bid spades),North would be the, dummy , and spades the trump suit; 10 tricks would be required by declarer (and dummy
  18. The declarer may attempt to cover losers in his hand by trumping them in, dummy , while also taking care to draw out the defenders' trumps if necessary.
  19. Leading from the wrong hand (by stating, e. g.," you won the last trick in, dummy ,") but must not comment on opponents' actions or make suggestions as to play.
  20. Dummy, and spades the trump suit; 10 tricks would be required by declarer (and, dummy ,). Since East's double of 2 was invalidated by the subsequent South's 3 bid
  21. The king as planned. South enters the dummy (i.e. wins a trick in the, dummy ,'s hand) by leading a low diamond, using dummy 's A to win the trick, and
  22. So; there was a call of no trumps (birth); dealer's partner's hand became, dummy ,; points were scored above and below the line; game was 3NT,4H and 5D (
  23. Pronouns In languages with only a masculine and a feminine gender, the default, dummy ,pronoun is usually the masculine third-person singular. For example, the French
  24. Stickleback fish would fight more violently than a real invading male if the, dummy ,had a brighter-colored underside. Harvard psychologist Deirdre Barrett has done
  25. Opponents' actions or make suggestions as to play. In casual bridge games the, dummy ,often does nothing, but in duplicate bridge dummy must play cards from the
  26. In casual bridge games the dummy often does nothing, but in duplicate bridge, dummy ,must play cards from the dummy hand at declarer's instruction (e.g., by
  27. i.e. wins a trick in the dummy 's hand) by leading a low diamond, using, dummy , 's A to win the trick, and leads the Q from dummy to the next trick. East
  28. Then ruffs a diamond in hand for an entry back, and ruffs the last club in, dummy ,(sometimes described as a crossruff). Finally, South claims the remaining
  29. The" A" ABM program) launched from the Sary-Shagan test range, destroyed a, dummy ,warhead released by an R-12 ballistic missile launched from the Austin YAR
  30. Often does nothing, but in duplicate bridge dummy must play cards from the, dummy ,hand at declarer's instruction (e.g., by saying" jack of hearts please
  31. Using power attenuates such as Tom Scholz' Power Soak as well as re-amplified, dummy ,loads such as Eddie Van Halen's use of a variant, power resistor
  32. Name. In August 1919,Bentley Motors Ltd. was registered, and a chassis with, dummy ,engine was exhibited at the London Motor Show in October of that year. An
  33. By an R-12 ballistic missile launched from the Austin YAR commodore. The, dummy ,warhead was destroyed by the impact of 18,000 tungsten-carbide spherical
  34. Into the gas chamber, which was disguised as a shower facility, complete with, dummy ,shower heads. After the doors were shut, SS men would dump in the cyanide
  35. At the table. The declarer is responsible for selecting cards to play from the, dummy ,'s hand and from his own hand in turn. The defenders each choose the cards to
  36. The defender to the left of the declarer. After the opening lead is played,the, dummy ,lays his/her hand face up on the table in four columns, one for each suit, with
  37. Such uses include ALLOCATABLE arrays as derived type components, in procedure, dummy ,argument lists, and as function return values. (ALLOCATABLE arrays are
  38. The rules, but otherwise must not interfere with the play; for example, dummy ,may attempt to prevent declarer from leading from the wrong hand (by stating
  39. West plays the card face down, to give their partner and the declarer (but not, dummy ,) a chance to ask any last questions about the bidding or to object if they
  40. To lead. After that,North's cards are laid on the table and North becomes, dummy , as both the North and South hands will be controlled by the declarer. West
  41. The declaring side, referred to as declarer, plays the hand, while the other is, dummy , and does not participate actively in the play of the hand. In addition to
  42. Funds. Each country spent one million" lives tourists" to buy munitions. A, dummy ,corporation run by Pierre Beaumarchais concealed their activities. Americans
  43. Furthermore, from the two reserve parachutes given him, he selected a ", dummy ,", an unusable unit with an inoperative ripcord intended for classroom
  44. And he had told the authorities in advance he would test it first with a, dummy , * In 1913,Stefan Basic jumped from a building in order to demonstrate his new
  45. Because many of them are named after Greek letters * Greeting: inserting, dummy ,text in a computer display or typographic layout * Greek love, a term referring
  46. His own strength and to allow the enemy to observe, and be misled by,the, dummy ,preparations for an attack in the area. Nevertheless, Montgomery was keen to
  47. To the design. The robot features an elastic mask made from the average head, dummy , It uses a driving system with a 3DOF unit. The WD-2 robot can change its
  48. Any game into a (possibly asymmetric) zero-sum game by adding , dummy ,player (often called" the board" ), whose losses compensate the players '
  49. Of the final contract becomes the declarer and his partner becomes the, dummy , For example, suppose West is the dealer and the bidding was: Then East and
  50. A tactic known as a finesse. After considering the cards, the declarer directs, dummy ,(North) to play a small spade. East plays low (small card) and South takes

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