Examples of the the word, cartridge , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cartridge ), is the 8569 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Effective to 300 meters. To reduce manufacturing costs, the 7.92x57mm Mauser, cartridge ,case was shortened, the result of which was the lighter 7.92x33mm Kurt. The
  2. In two versions, software-only-, and a hardware version that plugged into the, cartridge ,slot or kludged internally. After running the PC-Ditto software, you had to
  3. Applications using special video-capture 'dongles' connected using the, cartridge ,port — low frame rate, mainly silent and monochrome, but progressing to sound
  4. The design was not going to be cartridge -based, but after seeing a" fake ", cartridge ,system on another machine, they realized they could place the games on
  5. The most basic solution was a pure software system supplied on a ROM, cartridge ,that drew a low resolution approximation of the mode 7 display in a graphics
  6. Was excessive for most small arms firefights. As a result, armies sought a, cartridge ,and rifle combining submachine gun features (large-capacity magazine
  7. The Advanced Plus 3 was very similar to the Acorn Plus 3 but packaged as a ROM, cartridge ,for the Plus 1 with a disc drive connector at the head. This made it possible
  8. Sampler that cleverly used the ST cartridge port to read in parallel from the, cartridge ,port from the ADC. For output of digital sound, it used the on-board frequency
  9. Replay Professional product featured a sound sampler that cleverly used the ST, cartridge ,port to read in parallel from the cartridge port from the ADC. For output of
  10. Processor. The design, called Slot A, was similar to Intel's Slot 1, cartridge , used for Pentium II and Pentium III. The mating motherboard receptacle was the
  11. Fast page mode DRAM's Memory Track Released in 1995,the Memory Track is a, cartridge ,that contains a 128 K EEPROM, allowing Atari Jaguar CD games to save persistent
  12. Music. In 2002,Dallas musician and visual artist Paul Slocum developed a, cartridge ,called Synth cart for the Atari 2600,which allows the user to turn an Atari
  13. Can be provided in one of two ways: either as cartridge bags or in metal, cartridge ,cases. Generally anti-aircraft artillery and smaller caliber (up to 6" or
  14. Artillery and smaller caliber (up to 6" or 152.4 mm) guns use metal, cartridge ,cases that include the round and propellant, similar to a modern rifle
  15. Seagate ST277R 60 Byte drive) with ST506 interface * Megafile 44 - Removable, cartridge ,drive, ACSI bus, Mega ST matching case * SLM804 - Laser printer, connected
  16. Features (large-capacity magazine, selective-fire ) with an intermediate-power, cartridge ,effective to 300 meters. To reduce manufacturing costs, the 7.92x57mm Mauser
  17. Lynx) and many others. The 2600 port was the first game to use a bank-switched, cartridge , doubling available ROM space. A port was in development for the 5200 and
  18. The 7.62x41mm cartridge developed by Elisa and Semi in 1943 (the 7.62x41mm, cartridge , predated the current 7.62x39mm M1943). A particular requirement of the
  19. Facility, contained on the included Burning' Rubber and Locomotive BASIC, cartridge , This resulted in reduced hardware localization cost (only some select key
  20. With two joystick controllers, a conjoined pair of paddle controllers, and a, cartridge ,game—initially Combat and later Pac-Man. The Atari 2600 was wildly successful
  21. Architecture and can be modified to play original 2600 cartridge s by adding a, cartridge ,port, and is compatible with original 2600 controllers. Additionally, Benjamin
  22. The chamber and prevent gases escaping through the breech. This may use a metal, cartridge ,case that also holds the propelling charge, a configuration called 'QF' or
  23. Notable for being one of the few programs to actually be supplied as a ROM, cartridge ,instead of on disc),and the relatively famous STOP, which then inspired and
  24. Less than ten seconds. Concerns of accidental opening were addressed by using a, cartridge ,of pressurized nitrogen to drive the release mechanism in an emergency, instead
  25. They were found to be the right size for housing their Hot Rod camera. The game, cartridge ,molds were reused to create an optional memory expansion card. Arcade games
  26. Both video and sound are used in 2600 games. ** Optional POKEY sound chip on, cartridge ,for improved sounds. Graphics The graphics are generated by a custom Graphics
  27. The casework to provide a contemporary appearance, and to enhance support of, cartridge ,media. The new model palette includes three variants, the 464plus and 6128plus
  28. Their AK-47 and AKM rifles with a newer design, the AK-74. This new rifle and, cartridge ,had only started being exported to eastern European nations when the Soviet
  29. He entered a competition for a new weapon that would chamber the 7.62x41mm, cartridge , developed by Elisa and Semi in 1943 (the 7.62x41mm cartridge predated the
  30. Without a firmware present, the machine itself could not copy a game, cartridge ,'s content). Both the 464plus and the 6128plus were introduced to the public
  31. With the 2600's expansive library of games, especially since an Atari 2600, cartridge , adapter had been released for the Intellivision. (A revised 2-port model was
  32. Atari can be executed using either an emulator or copied directly to a blank, cartridge ,making use of either a PROM or EPROM chip. This allows the construction of
  33. QF' or 'quick firing' by some nations. The alternative does not use a metal, cartridge ,case, the propellant being merely bagged or in combustible cases with the
  34. Crafty enthusiasts eventually discovered that a connector on the PCB of the, cartridge ,could control the multiplier. Eventually a product called the" Gold fingers
  35. Using up even 4 KB, and when they got a deal on 24-pin connectors for the, cartridge ,socket, they were only too happy to thereby limit the games to 4K. Later games
  36. Start, reset,option, and select. There are at least three different types of, cartridge ,case styles and artwork, with variations on each. Emerson-family carts come in
  37. Supply and standard non-autoswitching RF switch. It also has changes in the, cartridge ,port address lines to allow for the Atari 2600 adapter released that year.
  38. Cases that include the round and propellant, similar to a modern rifle, cartridge , This simplifies loading and is necessary for very high rates of fire. Bagged
  39. The latter often led to fixed ammunition where the projectile is locked to the, cartridge ,case. There is no generally accepted minimum muzzle velocity or barrel length
  40. Was originally priced at US$199,and shipped with two joysticks and a Combat, cartridge ,(eight additional games were available at launch and sold separately). In a
  41. Is sometimes known as season cracking after it was first discovered in brass, cartridge ,cases used for rifle ammunition during the 1920s in the Indian Army. The
  42. The large gas piston, generous clearances between moving parts, and tapered, cartridge ,case design allow the gun to endure large amounts of foreign matter and fouling
  43. A marketing budget of just $300,000. Additionally, the keyboard and high score, cartridge ,were canceled, the expansion port was removed from later production runs of the
  44. To enhance the gaming experience further, GCC had also designed a 'high score, cartridge ,' a battery-backed RAM cartridge designed for storing game scores. On the side
  45. And Archimedes were first features of Electron expansion units, including ROM, cartridge ,slots and the Advanced Disc Filing System — a hierarchical improvement to the
  46. Products but keyed differently to prevent installation of the wrong CPU. The, cartridge ,assembly allowed the use of higher speed cache memory than can be put on the
  47. Console switch IO handled byte 6532 RIOT and TIA * Ports: 2 joystick ports,1, cartridge , port,1 expansion connector, power in, RF output * Sound: TIA video and sound
  48. Charges for tube artillery can be provided in one of two ways: either as, cartridge ,bags or in metal cartridge cases. Generally anti-aircraft artillery and smaller
  49. Further, GCC had also designed a 'high score cartridge ,' a battery-backed RAM, cartridge ,designed for storing game scores. On the side of the 7800 was an expansion port
  50. To be manufactured, after the original Sturmgewehr 44. Firing the 7.62x39mm, cartridge , the AK-47 produces significant wounding effects when the projectile tumbles

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