Examples of the the word, stray , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stray ), is the 8560 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. People lead Christian lives. Priests are supposed to be pure, though when they, stray ,away, no one condemns them. He criticizes the riches of the popes, believing
  2. Muse. He tells his muse to" rest and sleep" because otherwise the poem will, stray ,into territory already written about by Shakespeare in Venus and Adonis.
  3. ドラ) and hiragana (えもん). " Dora" is from" Dora Nero" ( brazen cat, stray ,cat, どら猫 ), and is a corruption of Nora ( stray ). " Demon" is a component of
  4. To make sure that no pieces of old, potentially leavened dough remain, as any, stray ,pieces are now Chavez, and can contaminate the next batch of matzo. Fast of
  5. It's the story of a young boy in Mississippi who takes in a most unusual, stray , The book was made into a movie of the same name in 1956,with a cast that
  6. Situated on a private beach on Lake Geneva. The family has two dogs – one, stray ,that Corinne fell in love with in Brazil, and an Australian Shepherd named" Ed
  7. To observe the night sky from their property is likely to be inhibited by any, stray ,light from nearby. Most major optical astronomical observatories are surrounded
  8. Animal Rescue Ranch, also located near Kerrville, whose mission is to care for, stray , abused and aging animals; more than 1,000 dogs have been saved from animal
  9. Dora Nero" ( brazen cat, stray cat, どら猫 ), and is a corruption of Nora (, stray ,). " Demon" is a component of male given names, such as Common, though no
  10. Of his works Modern scholarship reveals that Aristotle's" lost" works, stray ,considerably in characterization from the surviving Aristotelian corpus.
  11. Earth, so they work well as electronic compasses: but this also means that such, stray ,fields can hinder accurate measurements of small magnetic fields. To solve this
  12. Maximum dark adaptation. In one Italian regional lighting code this effect of, stray ,light is defined as" optical pollution ", due to the fact that there is a
  13. Mani era (Counter-Mannerism) artists, it dared not stray from high themes or, stray ,into high emotion. Among his collaborators was Giovanni Maria Butter and his
  14. Must sign in with name, industry and invitation number. A bit unwelcoming to a, stray ,writer with no credentials in heavily funded industrial research and no formal
  15. With infection rates ranging from around 40 to 60 % in both domestic and, stray ,cats worldwide. Allergic reactions to cat dander and/or cat saliva are common.
  16. Attributes, but later became a male demon. ALU liked to roam the streets like a, stray ,dog at night and creep into people's bedrooms as they slept to terrify them.
  17. Feel guilty of a murder. Fleeing from the scene through the desert, they, stray , onto a field of rattlesnakes and are both bitten. They drive to a drugstore to
  18. Systems efficiently; *Inadequate lighting maintenance resulting in increased, stray ,light and energy costs; *"Daylight lighting" demanded by citizens to reduce
  19. There have been cases of bears with five cubs, although females sometimes adopt, stray ,cubs. Older females tend to give birth to larger litters. The size of a litter
  20. The CDC believes that the patient, a veterinarian, contracted plague from a, stray ,cat. As the cat wasn't available for necropsy, this could not be ultimately
  21. Episcopal magnates (singular: Episcopal pagans, Latin for wandering bishops or, stray ,bishops) are persons who have been consecrated as Christian bishops outside
  22. Is a possibility. Electric fields, electromagnetic pulses (EMP),and, stray ,fields from other in vivo electrical devices can all cause interference. Also
  23. Dangers faced by volunteers Aside from injuries and death associated with, stray ,bullets, mines and epidemic disease, MSF volunteers are sometimes attacked or
  24. Or Anuprekshas that assist one to remain on the right course of life, and not, stray ,away. Please note that Jains apply the sevenfold predicate methodology of
  25. Him back to camp on his back, only to discover upon their arrival that a, stray ,splinter had hit Kat in the back of the head and killed him on the way. He is
  26. Sensor integrated into a fer rite ring (as shown) can reduce the detection of, stray ,fields by a factor of 100 or better (as the external magnetic fields cancel
  27. Is sometimes referred to in slang as a barn or alley cat, even if it is not a, stray , Cats come in a variety of colors and patterns. These are physical properties
  28. Where he did not play a big part, but did make some speeches, which tended to, stray ,into the realms of history and philology rather than whatever political
  29. Speed, drive with extra care, and avoid driving at night because animals can, stray ,on to roads. Travelling in remote areas in northern Australia is not advisable
  30. To the drawing surface. This will protect the surface from receiving any, stray ,marks before it is ready to be filled in. Another method to preserve a section
  31. Cutting slices of flesh from his victim's body, Dengiz distributed the rest to, stray ,dogs on the street, according to his own testimony. He ate some of the man's
  32. Of those children killed by individuals from unintentional discharges and, stray ,bullets, and of those" children," under the age of majority—which is 18-21 in
  33. For measuring solar radiation and cosmic rays. Training Lanka was found as a, stray ,wandering the streets of Moscow. Soviet scientists chose to use Moscow stray s
  34. Three battles: vanguard, centre, and rearguard. He ordered the troops to, stray ,no further than from their banners, fearing that they would become enveloped.
  35. Requires. Steven Earned is critical of speed and complexity replies when they, stray ,beyond addressing our intuitions. He writes" Some have made a cult of speed
  36. Tripoli and not in Venezuela. Do not believe the (TV) channels belonging to, stray ,dogs. " His government also portrayed the recent rebellion as being engineered
  37. By Time Asia magazine. Name The name" Daemon" translates roughly to ", stray ,". Unusually, the name is written in a mixture of two Japanese scripts:
  38. Of 1973,Parsons' Topanga Canyon home burned to the ground, the result of a, stray ,cigarette. Nearly all of his possessions were destroyed except a
  39. Souls; if you follow (right) guidance, no hurt can come to you from those who, stray , but you misinterpret it and do not know what it means. I once heard the
  40. Stray dogs, estimated to number 300,000. She is planning to house many of these, stray ,animals in a new animal rescue facility that she is having built on her
  41. The exception to the Contra Mani era (Counter-Mannerism) artists, it dared not, stray ,from high themes or stray into high emotion. Among his collaborators was
  42. Over two years for a mass sterilization and adoption program for Bucharest's, stray ,dogs, estimated to number 300,000. She is planning to house many of these stray
  43. The thin-film transistor array as a matrix and to avoid undesirable, stray ,fields in between pixels
  44. Battle: Minnie Wade (also widely known as Jennie),20 years old, was hit by a, stray ,bullet that passed through her kitchen in town while she was making bread.
  45. Album was halfway completed. Bennington later added that the new album would, stray ,away from its previous nu metal sound. Warner Bros. Records officially
  46. Systems. Fer rite torrid Hall effect current transducer Hall sensors can detect, stray ,magnetic fields easily, including that of Earth, so they work well as
  47. They retire to the Himalaya and climb towards heaven in their bodily form. A, stray ,dog travels with them. One by one the brothers and Draped fall on their way.
  48. Dynamic convergence. The beams may converge at the center of the screen and yet, stray ,from each other as they are deflected toward the edges; such a CRT would be
  49. Not known how far Marcus' writings were circulated after his death. There are, stray ,references in the ancient literature to the popularity of his precepts, and
  50. Opened fire upon the national guard, and the archbishop fell, struck by a, stray ,bullet. He was removed to his palace, where he died on 27 June. Next day the

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