Examples of the the word, humour , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Sky and the city of Atlantis in Asterix and Obelix All at Sea. Humor The, humour , encountered in the Asterix comics is typically French, often centering on puns
  2. Puns into the dialogue, whereby they often completely killed the original, humour , However, this practice was a success with The Persuaders!, where Tony Curtis '
  3. Situations are developed logically to absurd conclusions, an approach to, humour , that is echoed for instance in the works of Lewis Carroll and Eugene Ionesco (
  4. Source, which generated some heat. The heat generation was a frequent source of, humour , For example, series of humorous tips in Microbiota 5/1989 said" When
  5. Comedian is one who entertains through comedy, such as jokes and other forms of, humour , Comedians (English language) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X
  6. The initials AKM. Milne's work came to the attention of the leading British, humour , magazine Punch, where Milne was to become a contributor and later an assistant
  7. To develop. *Obvious costumes: Consistent with the holiday spirit, much of the, humour , in Old Comedy is slapstick buffoonery that doesn't require the audience's
  8. And Ashley Peacock (Steven Arnold). The amount of slapstick and physical, humour , in storylines increased during the 1990s,with comic characters such as Reg
  9. Wyndham-Lewis some time in 1919 who reinvented it as an outlet for his wit and, humour , It was then passed to Morton during 1924 though it is likely there was a
  10. Car. Metonymy miscommunication is considered a primary mechanism of linguistic, humour , Psychology and management In sociology and social psychology, the term "
  11. Freedom to explore the limits of humor, even to the point of undermining the, humour , itself. *Inclusive comedy: Old Comedy provided a variety of entertainments for
  12. To deepen their well-formed screen characterizations and enhance their visual, humour , and went on to great success in talking films. The comedian Charlie Chaplin
  13. And the Holy Grail. The people responsible for the dub deemed Monty Python's, humour , unsuitable for a German audience (which was disproven by the huge success of
  14. Jokes and the spirit of the story. Some translations have actually added local, humour , : In the Italian translation, the Roman legionnaires are made to speak in 20th
  15. In suppleness, in width of interest, and in analytical grasp, and above all in, humour , and a sense of fun ". However, after complaining of a painful hip, she was
  16. Jurisdiction. Comedy film is a genre of film in which the main emphasis is on, humour , They are designed to elicit laughter from the audience. Comedies are mostly
  17. And helped to launch the careers of Patrick Marker and Steve Organ. The black, humour , which had featured in On the Hour and The Day Today became more prominent in
  18. Combines comedy and music, inspired by the North-East's Doric dialect and, humour , In March 2012,the University of Aberdeen will host the Inter Varsity Folk
  19. And cultural. Satire is arguably the primary characteristic of Canadian, humour , evident in each of these threads, and uniting various genres and regional
  20. Of a standard print book *Best Comic Ever - A webcomic which often derives, humour , from computer games *Benefit Crystallization Event - a term introduced by the
  21. Style and randomness could be off-putting, however,and it is safe to say the, humour , could be something of an acquired taste. Oddly, one of the column's greatest
  22. His rambling walks through the French countryside. These were not intended as, humour , " By the Way" was popular with the readership, and of course, one of the
  23. World. Candide has had a significant influence on modern writers of black, humour , such as Céline, Joseph Heller, John Barth, Thomas Pynchon, Kurt Vonnegut, and
  24. Television series. Examples include La Camille Pouffe, with its mix of drama, humour , politics and religion and sitcoms such as King of Kensington and La Petite Vie
  25. Fact a complex and sophisticated dramatic form incorporating many approaches to, humour , and entertainment. In Aristophanes' early plays, the genre appears to have
  26. Aridity; the choleric temperament (of a person dominated by the yellow bile, humour , ); the masculine; and the eastern point of the compass. In alchemy the chemical
  27. Dark comedy, is a type of comedy film that often uses cruelty as the source of, humour , Most black comedies involve crime or other intense moments like average
  28. 1993,Craig worked with Russell Bell to write about his 'streetwise' sense of, humour , on to a range of topics from the world's the most embarrassing stories to how to
  29. Relatively recent development, and rely heavily on vulgar, sexual or" toilet ", humour , Examples include Porky's (1982),Dumb and Dumber (1994),There's
  30. Stereotypes of contemporary European nations and French regions. Much of the, humour , in the initial Asterix books was French-specific, which delayed the translation
  31. Jimmy Carr. She wrote," His idea of wit is a barrage of filth and the sort of, humour , most men grow out of in their teens .... There's no amount of money for which
  32. And notwithstanding some alleged streaks of French chauvinism,the, humour , has been very well received by European and Francophone cultures around the
  33. That" My Lord of Oxford is returned this night into England, upon what, humour , I know not. " On 25 June 1586 the Queen granted Oxford an annuity of £1000 a
  34. And was much" darker" in tone than the television series, having much of the, humour , removed,and dealing with such topics as incest and murder. Lynch himself
  35. And moisture; the sanguine temperament (of a person dominated by the blood, humour , ); hermaphrodite (combining the masculine quality of heat with the feminine
  36. And Not Another Teen Movie series. Probably more representative of British, humour , were the working class comedies Grassed Off (1996) and The Full Monty (1997
  37. Fill the time available for its completion '. Typical of his satire and cynical, humour , the book included a discourse on Parkinson's Law of Triviality (debates
  38. For cannibalism stated that it came about within a black acrimonious, humour , which, being lodged in the linings of the ventricle, produced the voracity for
  39. Aridity; the melancholic temperament (of a person dominated by the black bile, humour , ); the feminine; and the southern point of the compass. In alchemy, earth was
  40. Was appointed as producer and aimed to re-introduce" gentle storylines and, humour ,", after deciding that the Street should not try and compete with other soaps.
  41. Flavour of the talk was not to be ignored or overlooked, or put down to heavy, humour , or generational prejudice. It was vividly unpleasant ..." Stereotyping
  42. Of the hardships of the working class, his intricate plots, and his sense of, humour , But he is perhaps most famed for the characters he created. His novels were
  43. Friend (pub. Post. 1690) made an early dental observation with characteristic, humour , – It is said that the 17th century French physician Pierre Bouchard started
  44. In Latin (" HIC, haec, hoc "). The newer albums share a more universal, humour , both written and visual. In spite of (or perhaps because of) this
  45. For the early silent films, as it was dependent on visual action and physical, humour , rather than sound. Slapstick, one of the earliest forms of comedy, poked fun at
  46. Who had a strong but unrecognized claim. Cecil coached the impatient James to, humour , Elizabeth and" secure the heart of the highest, to whose sex and quality
  47. It seems clear that he was a good-looking, engaging young man, whose easy, humour , and kindness towards the Bronte sisters made a considerable impression. It is
  48. Responsible for drawings in several books, including A Treasury of Jewish, humour , Filmography * The Jungle Book (1967),Buffer (1988 Hebrew Dub) * The
  49. S General Relativity, and an interesting anecdote well illustrates his, humour , and personal intellectual investment: Ludwig Silverstein, a physicist who
  50. Of its power and it gave Aristophanes the freedom to explore the limits of, humour , even to the point of undermining the humor itself. *Inclusive comedy: Old

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