Examples of the the word, jake , in a Sentence Context
The word ( jake ), is the 8562 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Became known as the Jake walk and those afflicted were said to have Jake leg, jake , foot,or Jake paralysis. Additionally, the calves of the legs would soften and
- A bakery show Crazy Jake's Joke Emporium - About a crazy Forester named, jake , ( Bram)who tells jokes to kids and Ella hiding in the doors of a wall wondering
- Which is why normal diesel engines don't have any engine braking),but with a, jake , brake,the compressed air is released (with a loud pop). Without the
- The academy than mock-classical mock-soundtracks. Granted, this sounds, jake , to me, and my continental friends tell me it's excellent of its sort. But I do
- Terms as truck rodeo, dog house, twin screw, Georgia overdrive, saddle tanks, jake , brake,binder and others borrowed from the lingo of truckers is commonly
- Color: vocals bar: sashimi from:09/03/2008 till:03/25/2009 color: vocals bar:, jake , from:04/13/2005 till: end color: guitar 1211 Avenue of the Americas (also
- Down a steep grade. For more details about steep grade operation see either, jake , brake,or engine brake. Many other circumstances face operators of
- Run or to hit a home run. " Hitting a jack" or" Jacking one out of here. ", jake , : Half-hearted or lazy effort by a player,i.e." He Jake that play. " Jam:
- Was no longer being supported. As of July 14, 2009,the http:// jake .openly.com/, jake ,website now directs users to OCLC's Wildcat Link Manager, an expensive
- Early on that his mother went blind and fell to her death after drinking, jake , leading to his resentment of his father for purchasing it. * The character
- Tap-click" sound as they walked. This very peculiar gait became known as the, jake , walk and those afflicted were said to have Jake leg, jake foot, or Jake
- The Jointly Administered Knowledge Environment, or,Jake, was the first open source Open URL link server. It was a free database created
- Bar: Noelle text:" Noelle" bar: sashimi text:" Sashimi Kawasaki" bar:, jake , text:" Jake" PlotWatt= width:10 text color: black align: left anchor: from
- Wildcat Link Manager, an expensive subscription service that replicates what, jake , once offered for free. External links * http:// jake .openly.com/ Jake The
- What Jake once offered for free. External links * http:// jake .openly.com/, jake ,The Supplier Credit Guarantee Program (SCGP) is an Export Credit Guarantee
- Brennan endows with a peculiar gait that may be meant to suggest, jake , leg. Earl Bellicose is a title in the Peerage of the United Kingdom. It was
- Resource management solution. Despite its initial growth, by December 2006,Jake, was no longer being supported. As of July 14, 2009,the http:// jake .openly.com/
- With rough terrain or snow usually have squad trucks with four-wheel drive, jake , brake,locking differentials, hydraulic brakes, and aggressive tires. Often
- As the Jake walk and those afflicted were said to have Jake leg, jake foot, or,Jake, paralysis. Additionally, the calves of the legs would soften and hang down and
- Gait became known as the Jake walk and those afflicted were said to have, jake , leg,Jake foot, or Jake paralysis. Additionally, the calves of the legs would
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