Examples of the the word, vatican , in a Sentence Context

The word ( vatican ), is the 8557 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A temple under the high altar. The graffito itself is more ambiguous than the, vatican , conclusion would appear; several letters are missing, and though the Vatican
  2. And readable. Skeptics have argued that this is excessively convenient for the, vatican , and some have even argued that it was deliberately broken from the wall so
  3. They were secular relief workers. The, vatican , 's mission went ahead and delivered food as well as medicine to the Russian
  4. To declare himself a prisoner of the Italian State and seclude himself in the, vatican , complex. After 1870,the walls of Pius IV, which bordered the Rhone to the N
  5. Heterosexual intercourse at all. However, Federico Lombardi, spokesman of the, vatican , clarified that it applied to heterosexual and transsexual prostitutes, whether
  6. Vatican, Va *Raymond Kennedy (former SII professor)," Is a Catholic University a "
  7. Whether male or female, as well. He did, however,also clarify that the, vatican , 's principles on sexuality and preservatives had not been changed. Scientific
  8. Profile of the Secretariat from, vatican , Va *http://www.catholicculture.org/docs/doc_view.cfm? Recnum=110 The Pope's
  9. http://www.google.com/search? Hl enter die UTF-8&safe ActiveMQ site%3Awww., vatican , Va+%22papal+primacy%22&btnG Search" primacy of Peter "
  10. Organization created by the Vatican to carry out what Cob urn describes as 'the, vatican , 's dirty laundry '. Their real name is Michael's Sword. They have the
  11. Simon Peter's, since they had been able to find a nearby graffito which the, vatican , states said that Peter is inside. These archaeological remains are now pointed
  12. To the public. Name and email servers within the. Va namespace include john., vatican , Va (DNS and email),Michael. Vatican. Va (DNS),Paul. Vatican. Va (email
  13. Statue of Giulio Bruno in bronze. The main Bruto's works are now located in, vatican , gardens in Rome. Clauses The war indemnity passed 21 to 36 million lire, the
  14. German) territories and removed apostolic administrators from these areas. The, vatican , began to appoint Polish bishops to these bishoprics after this point. In May
  15. Attitudes. (camposanto Teutonic a graveyard behind the St. Peters in the, vatican , ) Teutonic Only used in old-fashioned poetic language. It is the Italian
  16. Struggle in which monks engage every day against the temptations ”, name ", vatican , ./IN"> VA"/> very different from the quote of Wagner cited above. At the other
  17. They named the aedicula (meaning little temple). According to the official, vatican , sanctioned report, underneath the aedicula the 1939 excavation uncovered an
  18. Or alumni) are known as" Mountaineers" * Fr Tom Conan SJ, papal medal, vatican , II,captured first German ship WWII, founder of colleges in Rhodesia, historian
  19. Marielle. He was actually a descendant of Jesus Christ but due to the, vatican , 's wrath he was forced to change his surname. Sophie Never Saint-Clair Sophie
  20. Bypassed the polish episcopate by being allowed to directly negotiate with the, vatican , which allowed the government to isolate the polish episcopate. When Paul VI
  21. Together by Vatican officials, with heavily skeptical scholars arguing that the, vatican , officials were deliberately committing fraud, to explain why there seemed to be
  22. http://www.google.com/search? Hl enter die UTF-8&safe ActiveMQ site%3Awww., vatican , Va+%22successor+of+Peter%22&btnG Search," Patrice Theory ", Petrinity (
  23. Society (UK) *http://translate.google.com/translate? U http%3A%2F%2Fwww., vatican ,
  24. Vatican conclusion would appear; several letters are missing, and though the, vatican , concludes that it states metros ENI, meaning peter is inside, the gap between
  25. Itself was found on a piece of plaster, that supposedly, according to the, vatican , had broken from a nearby wall in such a way that it is no longer possible to
  26. And, where the grave went under a red wall, they found a set of bones that the, vatican , claims were Simon Peter's, since they had been able to find a nearby graffito
  27. Within the. Va namespace include john. Vatican. Va (DNS and email),Michael., vatican , Va (DNS),Paul. Vatican. Va (email),lists. Vatican. Va (email),and
  28. Marino. The Vatican City state has switched to the euro like Italy. As with old, vatican , lira coins, the Vatican City has its own set of euro coins. San Marino The
  29. By the excavators from around the necropolis, and only grouped together by, vatican , officials,with heavily skeptical scholars arguing that the Vatican officials
  30. John. Vatican. Va (DNS and email),Michael. Vatican. Va (DNS),Paul., vatican , Va (email),lists. Vatican. Va (email),and vatiradio. Va (email).
  31. He had a background knowledge better than theirs. In 1983 the two were at, vatican , City invited by the Pope John Paul II, who congratulated with them for their
  32. And email),Michael. Vatican. Va (DNS),Paul. Vatican. Va (email),lists., vatican , Va (email),and vatiradio. Va (email). Strangely enough, some offsite
  33. http://www.google.com/search? Hl enter die UTF-8&safe ActiveMQ site%3Awww., vatican , Va+%22primacy+of+Peter%22&btnG Search or" Roman primacy ";
  34. http://www. vatican .va/archive/ESL0506/_INDEX.HTM El Libra del Pueblo de Dios (, vatican , Va)
  35. Paenitentiaria. Va ** http://www.mlists.va WWW. Mlists. Va (but seem lists., vatican , Va below) *" Portable Catholic Di Test Access AI service intranet" - Java
  36. http://www.google.com/search? Hl enter die UTF-8&safe ActiveMQ site%3Awww., vatican , Va+%22Roman+primacy%22&btnG Search one might encounter" Peter in primacy over

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