Examples of the the word, toxicity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( toxicity ), is the 8555 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The commercial use of beryllium metal presents technical challenges due to the, toxicity ,(especially by inhalation) of beryllium-containing dusts. Beryllium is
  2. Daley rat strains, while albino rabbits were historically used for Frieze, toxicity ,testing. The yellow mutation in fruit flies is their version of albinism. The
  3. 35.2 kg with a steel reflector (30 cm thickness). Most available berkelium, toxicity ,data originate from research on animals. Upon ingestion by rats, only about
  4. The 1918 flu was partly due to aspirin, as the doses used at times can lead to, toxicity , fluid in the lungs, and,in some cases, contribute to secondary bacterial
  5. Are also produced by alcohol dehydrogenase. An effective treatment to prevent, toxicity ,after methanol or ethylene glycol ingestion is to administer ethanol. Alcohol
  6. Taken orally. Ingestion of purified amygdala or apricot seeds can cause severe, toxicity ,and death due to cyanide poisoning. Blood cyanide concentrations may be
  7. Reuptake inhibitor. Dosing of all opioids may be limited by opioid, toxicity ,(confusion, respiratory depression, myoclonic jerks and pinpoint pupils)
  8. Although that chemical was officially banned in the Soviet Union because of its, toxicity ,to humans. Excessive application of pesticides and chemical fertilizers has
  9. 1858,which resulted in approximately 20 deaths. Applications Agricultural The, toxicity ,of arsenic to insects, bacteria and fungi led to its use as a wood preservative
  10. Of SBR Green that has been shown to have low enough levels of antigenicity and, toxicity ,to be deemed nonhazardous waste under U. S. Federal regulations. It has similar
  11. Very long half-life of bromide ion in the body (~12 days) also contributes to, toxicity ,from bromide build-up in body fluids. Bromide ingestion may also cause a skin
  12. To promise. This state of central nervous system depression causes the moderate, toxicity ,of bromide in multi-gram doses for humans and other mammals. The very long
  13. Of barium find only niche applications. Applications are limited by the, toxicity ,of Ba2+ ions (Barium carbonate is a rat poison),which is not a problem for
  14. Mineral stibnite (Sb2S3). Although the use of antimony is limited by its, toxicity , its compounds have been of fundamental value in chemistry – a prominent
  15. Painkiller, aspirin is inferior to ibuprofen and has higher gastrointestinal, toxicity , The maximum dose of aspirin (1 g) provides weaker pain relief than an
  16. In industry and science as reagents or solvents. Because of it's low, toxicity ,and ability to dissolve non-polar substances, ethanol can be used as a solvent
  17. More violently and thus should all be handled with great care. Of note is the, toxicity ,of cesium because it replaces potassium. Also,francium's extreme
  18. Of gaseous ammonia can result in lung damage and death. Toxicity The, toxicity ,of ammonia solutions does not usually cause problems for humans and other
  19. About 33 % of actinium is deposited into the bones and 50 % into the liver. Its, toxicity ,is comparable, but slightly lower than that of americium and plutonium.
  20. Aluminium is not as toxic as heavy metals, but there is evidence of some, toxicity ,if it is consumed in excessive amounts. Although the use of aluminum cookware
  21. Brick-red-coloured mucosa, owing to severe hemorrhage. Although arsenic causes, toxicity , it can also play a protective role. Elemental arsenic and arsenic compounds
  22. Has a number of uses as a neutron-capturing agent. In biology, borates have low, toxicity ,in mammals (similar to table salt),but are more toxic to arthropods and are
  23. Of amygdala therapy were evidenced in several patients by symptoms of cyanide, toxicity ,or by blood cyanide levels approaching the lethal range. " Some North American
  24. Apoptosis There is an extrinsic pathway that has been noticed in several, toxicity ,studies. It was shown that an increase in calcium concentration within a cell
  25. Side effects. In addition, the high doses of aspirin used caused liver, toxicity ,in about 20 % of the treated children, who are the majority of rheumatic fever
  26. Not survive. When boron levels in plant tissue exceed 200 ppm symptoms of boron, toxicity ,are likely to appear. As an ultratrace element, boron is necessary for the
  27. Its hopes of miraculous elixirs and exposing the ineffectiveness or even, toxicity ,of its remedies. During the seventeenth century, a short-lived" supernatural "
  28. Arsenic (III) oxides for this is usually assigned as the cause of the high, toxicity , This, in the form of cysteine residues, are situated at the active sites of
  29. Emissions associated with the smelter industry. Biochemical basis of arsenic, toxicity ,The high affinity of arsenic (III) oxides for this is usually assigned as
  30. Of the disease rather than a causal agent. In any event, if there is any, toxicity ,of aluminum, it must be via a very specific mechanism, since total human
  31. Radioactive waste. The Convention is also intended to minimize the amount and, toxicity ,of wastes generated, to ensure their environmentally sound management as
  32. Was the first to document that chronic alcohol misuse was associated with, toxicity ,to the nervous system and body which resulted in a range of medical disorders
  33. Turpentine to thin the paint and clean up; these generally have some level of, toxicity ,and are often found objectionable. (Relatively recently, water-miscible oil
  34. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (AT SDR): Human health Pass, toxicity ,is very structurally dependent, with isomers (Pass with the same formula and
  35. Nonpolar antioxidants such as eugenol—a major component of oil of cloves—have, toxicity ,limits that can be exceeded with the misuse of undiluted essential oils.
  36. Compounds Because aluminum is abundant and most of its derivative exhibit low, toxicity , the compounds of aluminum enjoy wide and sometimes large-scale applications.
  37. And alabamine, were used as insecticides. Their use was limited by their high, toxicity ,to humans. Use as psychoactive drugs Preparations of plants containing
  38. Herbicide research, published a review of what was known at the time about the, toxicity ,of TCDD. Even" vanishing small" quantities of dioxin in the diet caused
  39. Do, however,have stronger sedative effects, but also have higher, toxicity ,than ethanol. These longer chain alcohols are found as contaminants in some
  40. Of choice, but has since been replaced by oxacillin due to significant kidney, toxicity , MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) was first detected in
  41. Iproniazid, showed a greater" psychostimulant" effect, but more pronounced, toxicity , After the publications on isoniazid, papers by Jackson Smith, Gordon Amman
  42. Safer than EBR, though there is no data addressing its antigenicity or, toxicity ,in humans. SBR Safe is a variant of SBR Green that has been shown to have low
  43. Although the use of aluminum cookware has not been shown to lead to aluminum, toxicity ,in general, excessive consumption of antacids containing aluminum compounds
  44. Of these complexes which show the stability of the O-Be bond. Toxicity The, toxicity ,of beryllium depends upon the duration, intensity and frequency of exposure (
  45. Tolerant of boron in the soil, will show at least some symptoms of boron, toxicity ,when boron content in the soil is greater than 1.8 ppm. When this content
  46. Food and high-calcium diets, can cause milk-alkali syndrome, which has serious, toxicity ,and can be fatal. In 1915,Bertram Hippy introduced the" Hippy regimen" of
  47. The most extensive industrial use of arsenic. An increased appreciation of the, toxicity ,of arsenic resulted in a ban for the use of CCA in consumer products; the
  48. On acids are known as the. The basicity of ammonia also is the basis of its, toxicity ,and its use as a cleaner. * By creating a solution with a pH much higher than a
  49. Variety of common foods. This leads to an unpredictable and potentially lethal, toxicity ,when amygdala or laetrile is taken orally. Ingestion of purified amygdala or
  50. Saturation of binding sites leads to more free salicylate and increased, toxicity , The volume of distribution is 0.1–0.2 l/kg. Acidosis increases the volume of

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