Examples of the the word, demise , in a Sentence Context

The word ( demise ), is the 8564 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Rogers' final requests: Stark should" save" Bucky, and that, despite his, demise , the world still needs Captain America. Bucky accepts Stark's offer to take on
  2. For computer monitors and then for televisions, has been the key factor in the, demise ,of competing display technologies such as CRT, rear-projection,and plasma
  3. Particularly in the White City of Tel Aviv) in the decades following its, demise , as many of the artists involved fled, or were exiled, by the Nazi regime. Tel
  4. By his own sorrow ". In Sophocles' play Ajax, a famous retelling of Ajax's, demise ,takes place - after the armor is awarded to Odysseus the hero Ajax falls to the
  5. At the hands of the Green Goblin in" The Night Gwen Stacy Died" ( #121). Her, demise ,and the Goblin's apparent death one issue later formed a story arc widely
  6. Their North American website and has not replaced them with new models. The, demise ,of CRT, however,has been happening more slowly in the developing world.
  7. Were elected, up from two in 1874. The Third Reform Act also facilitated the, demise ,of the Whig old guard: in two-member constituencies, it was common to pair a
  8. Of machine politics preserved the Chicago Democratic Machine long after the, demise ,of similar machines in other large U. S. cities. During much of that time, the
  9. Apple GS/OS, the major operating systems for the Apple II series following the, demise ,of the Apple III. This hierarchical file system influenced the evolution of the
  10. Later, although its inability to drape as well as metal tinsel led to the, demise ,of tinsel in tree decorating in the United States (it remains popular in
  11. As a personal battle for Commodore president Jack Trammel; TI's subsequent, demise ,in the home computer industry in October 1983 was seen as revenge for TI's
  12. As the Session In The Nations (the 'Session' tag was later dropped due to the, demise ,of the Evening Session); they later moved to run from 7:30pm to 9:00pm,with
  13. Called CDTV. As early as 1986,the mainstream press was predicting Commodore's, demise , Nevertheless, The Philadelphia Inquirer's Top 100 Businesses annual continued
  14. The show's third season, but going into the fourth season, the impending, demise ,of network PTEN left a fifth year in doubt. Unable to get word one way or the
  15. That the cars would wear through several changes of sponsor, until the team's, demise ,in 1992. With a better understanding of ground effect, the team further
  16. When Entire Bugatti died on 21 August 1947. The business underwent a lingering, demise , making its last appearance as a business in its own right at a Paris Motor
  17. Application" of Massoud's principles to the whole country, and the final, demise ,of the Afghan communist government. From the start of the war,Massoud's
  18. Narrowing window between a film's debut and its video release that caused the, demise ,of second-run movie theaters; the accelerated acquisition of pre-existing
  19. Which had been warned by the Armani of the Pasternak invasion, ensured the, demise ,of Macedonia as an independent state. Rome declared war on Perseus in 171 BC
  20. Oath and govern the country. Tancred Never had said that his election and the, demise ,of military regime would create a" New Republic" and Sarney's term of
  21. Of the defunct Arena Football League played there as well until the league's, demise , The Columbus Crew of Major League Soccer play at their own stadium, Columbus
  22. Include Roger Bacon, and Tycho Brahe. The decline of Western alchemy The, demise ,of Western alchemy was brought about by the rise of modern science with its
  23. Of Christians resulted from his edict on sacrifices) described the emperor's, demise ,as following:" he was suddenly surrounded by the barbarians, and slain
  24. Walk of Fame. Songwriters Tom Russell and Dave Alvin addressed Haley's, demise ,in musical terms with" Haley's Comet" on Alvin's 1991 album Blue Blvd.
  25. Then several accidents, such as the Hindenburg disaster in 1937,led to the, demise ,of these airships. Nowadays, a" balloon" is an unpowered hemostat, whilst an "
  26. C64 and Amiga series, retain a cult-following among their users years after its, demise , Post-Commodore International, Ltd. Following its liquidation,Commodore's
  27. Far north of the Amu Darya. However, as occurred so often in this region,the, demise ,in 1030 of this military genius who had expanded the empire to its farthest
  28. Outsourced). A pioneering folk singer that was instrumental in bhangra's, demise ,was the" Canadian folksier ", Jazzy B, who debuted in 1992. Having sold over
  29. Warned the Trojans about the Trojan Horse, the death of Agamemnon, and her own, demise ,), she was unable to do anything to forestall these tragedies since no one
  30. Several 3D rendering packages, including Light Wave 3D and Aladdin 4D. Since the, demise ,of Commodore, various groups have marketed successors to the original Amiga
  31. Video digitizers, extra serial ports, and IDE controllers. Additions after the, demise ,of Commodore company are USB cards. The most popular upgrades were memory, SCSI
  32. Burka as an existing city, Scholia 138 of IV 29 describes Birka's sudden, demise , Talking about Harvard the Younger, the bishop of Sigmund and later that of
  33. First, thou dauntless heart, As thou were won't of yore! ", prior to Douglas's, demise ,at the Battle of Tea in Andalusia. The first major battle sequence (where Mel
  34. The year in 1985 when he won 20 games, the rotation was devastated by the early, demise ,of Mario Soto's career to arm injury. Under Breach, from – 89 the Reds
  35. Changing conditions in the late 1950s brought about their decline and eventual, demise ,at the end of season in 1974. The Princess Marguerite was acquired by the
  36. Similar doubtful stories in the Historian and calls its account of Alboin's, demise ," a suitably ironic tale of the doings of depraved humanity ". Skull cup
  37. And three comrades were executed by firing squad on June 26, 1917. With the, demise ,of the Black Hand in June 1917 after the Salonika Trial, The White Hand
  38. League until its dissolution in 1911. There were two main reasons for Alumni's, demise ,: the first cause was the shortage of players due to the fact that Alumni rarely
  39. The Reform Act was the climax of Piggery but also brought about the Whigs ', demise , The admission of the middle classes to the franchise and to the House of
  40. Late Middle Ages. Capitalism became dominant in the Western world following the, demise ,of feudalism. Today the capitalist system is the world's dominant economic
  41. Are perverted for use by the military, including the instrument of his, demise ,: Project X (Xylophone). The character was, in part, modeled on J. Robert
  42. Technologies especially cellular telephones that eventually resulted in the, demise ,of these services even after formation in 1967 of CN-CP Telecommunications in
  43. To be the end of the Golden Age of the Commonwealth and the beginning of its, demise , Even though it would survive the rebellion and the period of Deluge that
  44. Of Action by the fleet of Octavian commanded by Agrippa in 31 BC. After the, demise ,of the Second Triumvirate, Octavian restored the outward facade of the Roman
  45. 1993),a 32-bit CD-ROM games console. Though discontinued after Commodore's, demise ,it met with moderate commercial success in Europe. Following purchase of
  46. Been given by trade publications and user groups as the reason for the Amiga's, demise , but this view is controversial. For information on the specific challenges in
  47. BONE) networking stack, was leaked to the public shortly after the company's, demise , In 2002,Be Inc. sued Microsoft claiming that Hitachi had been dissuaded from
  48. Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event at the end of the Cretaceous that saw the, demise ,of the last non-avian dinosaurs and the end of the Mesozoic Era. The Cenozoic
  49. In the Kremlin. The Sandinista insurgency in Nicaragua, which lead to the, demise ,of the Somoza dictatorship in 1979,was openly supported by Cuba. However, it
  50. Thus reaching the end of their normal lifespan, the drought accelerated their, demise ,by shrinking the trees' roots. However, the problem is being addressed by

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