Examples of the the word, engaging , in a Sentence Context

The word ( engaging ), is the 8571 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Sites. At Sparta, however,youths each sacrificed a puppy to Entails before, engaging ,in ritual fighting at the Phoebe. The Catholic nighttime sacrifice of a dog
  2. Costume, dance,theater, music,and artwork),and one (the Blue march), engaging , in violent conflicts with the baton-armed police, with the protesters throwing
  3. Distinct groups, approaching the conference center from three directions: one, engaging ,in various forms of civil disobedience (the Yellow march),one (the
  4. While men who engaged in homosexual relationships were generally suspected of, engaging ,in anal sex, many such individuals did not. Among these, in recent times, have
  5. The McCarry Internal Security Act, which prohibited individuals suspected of, engaging ,in subversive activities from obtaining a passport, was passed in 1950
  6. Of HIV is higher for anal sex than for vaginal sex. Experts caution couples, engaging ,in this practice to take steps to prevent damage to the rectal area, such as
  7. Without intercourse; no need for sleep, food,medicine, or bathing, although, engaging , in such" in conformity with the world "; omniscience, and the ability to "
  8. On charges of ritual heresy while, at the same time, others were criticized for, engaging ,in public worship services with ministers of Reformed churches. Resistance to
  9. 1980 and 1985,these offensives were conducted twice a year. Yet, despite, engaging , more men and hardware on each occasion, the Soviets were unable to defeat
  10. First met the Philistines, but the king was too impatient to consult it before, engaging ,in battle. In 1 Chronicles 13:3 it is stated that the people were not
  11. And remained a Portuguese vassal state until 1622. There Albuquerque stood, engaging ,in diplomatic efforts and receiving envoys while becoming increasingly ill. In
  12. However, recent work suggests that some agnostics were benthic predators, engaging ,in cannibalism and possibly manifesting pack-hunting behavior. They are
  13. Some key officials at NATO headquarters in Brussels were pushing hard for, engaging ,Azerbaijan on the membership question. " Turkey, Romania,Italy, Poland,the
  14. Was falsified and that he plans to sue Schwarzenegger and his ex-wife for, engaging ,in conspiracy to falsify a public document, a serious crime in California.
  15. The rebel army fended off several attacks by Northumberland's forces, before, engaging ,Henry's army at the Battle of Stoke Field on 16 June 1487. Oxford and Bedford
  16. Agreed to pay Jones and her attorneys a sum of $850,000.00. Clinton denies ever, engaging ,in a sexual affair with her. Jennifer Flowers, Elizabeth Ward Grace, Sally
  17. Strike packages into Iraq, and scanned over the border with their radars, often, engaging , detected Iraqi flights. Also, some F-14s were modified into specialized
  18. U. S., Argentina,Paraguay, Chile,and other nations accused of still regularly, engaging ,in such operations. In 1986,U. S. President Ronald Reagan (who survived an
  19. Qualified individuals do not include any employee or applicant who is currently, engaging ,in the illegal use of drugs when that usage is the basis for the employer's
  20. Of Our Lady of Victory (later renamed Fort of Our Lady of the Conception)., engaging ,his men of all ranks in the works. However, some of his officers revolted
  21. Many Atari 2600 games have a lot of action on the screen, creating an, engaging ,experience. Additionally, the 2600 supported several types of input devices (
  22. He is involved in a" never ending defeat," but this does not stop him from, engaging ,in the struggle. Room is also aware that working for the common good demands
  23. Myself into politics. " Name IMDB/> The opposition criticized him for, engaging ,in" political spectacle" (" showbiz politics" ). Name IMDB/>
  24. Conflict as the exclusive construct of Arius and a handful of rogue bishops, engaging ,in heresy, other historians recognize Arius as providing a conservative
  25. Impact theory, which discusses persuasion in part through the number of persons, engaging ,in influence; as well as studies made on the relative influence of communicator
  26. Type of aircraft facing them, although the Americans had much better success, engaging ,Iraqi fighters with their F-15E Strike Eagles in the same vicinity where
  27. Hills. Hill settlements origins were as the economic loci of the district, engaging ,in the spinning and weaving of woolen cloth. Wool lead and coal were other
  28. Papal conclaves between 1294 and 1621,with an average of about forty cardinals, engaging ,in repeated rounds of voting until one candidate was listed on at least
  29. Performance art, walking about in the streets with a yoke about his neck and, engaging ,in other efforts to attract attention. He is taunted and retaliates; he is
  30. In the various series have become sexually involved with each other, sometimes, engaging , in intercourse in front of Big Brother's cameras. This recorded material is
  31. In the United States and elsewhere by keeping urban youth off the streets and, engaging ,them with sports alternatives to drugs and crime. * Maxi Basketball played by
  32. Is equal before heaven ", and that people should seek to imitate heaven by, engaging ,in the practice of collective love. His epistemology can be regarded as
  33. Were to the Western wall, Westerners could not intervene for fear of triggering, engaging ,fire from the 'Greps ', the East Berlin border guards. The guards often let
  34. The internal and external sphincter muscles (the most important muscles when, engaging ,in anal sex). The sphincter muscle is a sensitive membrane with many nerves
  35. Beautiful" has a third requirement: sensation must give rise to pleasure by, engaging ,our capacities of reflective contemplation. Judgments of beauty are sensory
  36. Fought for the best players, often disregarding each other's contracts and, engaging ,in bitter legal disputes. A modicum of peace was eventually established
  37. Allotment spread the work of administration throughout the whole citizen body, engaging ,them in the crucial democratic experience of, to use Aristotle's words,"
  38. Proved politically disastrous, with Johnson widely ridiculed and occasionally, engaging ,in hostile arguments with his audiences. The Republicans won by a landslide and
  39. Enemy is always wrong, as it reduces one's morale. Indeed, he had been seen, engaging ,in such pre-battle, morale-boosting harangues on a number of occasions in the
  40. Germanic tribes of Germania, Alexander apparently alienated his legions by, engaging ,in diplomacy and bribery, and they assassinated him. Early Reign Alexander was
  41. To incursion Alfred led an Anglo-Saxon force against the Danes who, instead of, engaging ,the army of Wessex, fled to their beached ships and sailed to another part of
  42. In September 2010 a Swedish court acquitted a 32-year-old man of assault for, engaging ,in consensual BDSM play with a 16-year-old woman (the age of consent in Sweden
  43. To range. Beatty had ordered his ships to engage in a line, one British ship, engaging ,with one German and his flagship doubling on the German flagship. However, due
  44. Has aroused much curiosity. It seems clear that he was a good-looking, engaging ,young man, whose easy humor and kindness towards the Bronte sisters made a
  45. The museum sector must continue to develop improved practical techniques for, engaging ,communities of all sorts. # Museums' collections will be more dynamic and
  46. That anxiety is a protective mechanism designed to prevent the organism from, engaging ,in potentially harmful behaviors. Although single genes have little effect on
  47. Sensitivity to emotional and unpleasant words, a less acute sense of humor, engaging ,a smaller variety of sexual practices than their more risk-comfortable
  48. Age of consent laws in the Antarctic. In the unlikely event of an adult, engaging ,in sexual activity with a minor, under the Antarctic Treaty, scientists and
  49. Be painful. Experts say that as social mores ease, more young heterosexuals are, engaging ,in anal sex, a behavior once rarely mentioned in polite circles. And the
  50. Homes there. However, such efforts proved futile as real estate agents began, engaging ,in blockbusting, encouraging white homeowners to sell at rock-bottom prices so

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