Examples of the the word, reset , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reset ), is the 8565 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Him, claiming the existence of a bug. SOE later apologized for interfering, reset , and allowed the players to retry the encounter. Two days later, the same three
  2. Technologies are used as well (cathode ray tubes, nixie tubes, etc.). After a, reset , battery change or power failure, digital clocks without a backup battery or
  3. Area acting as a sail or wing. Once set, the anchor tends to break out and, reset ,when the direction of force changes dramatically, such as with the changing
  4. Their value. If you move away, you don't count their value. The sampan can be, reset ,to the starting position instantly by a quick jerk along the horizontal axis to
  5. Sum) → loop (Sum). For the second version, we add the possibility to, reset ,the count to zero. % % Second version -module (
  6. The A register). For instruction (halting execution until an external, reset ,or interrupt). 16-bit operations Although the 8080 was generally an 8-bit
  7. In the ROM BIOS to enable special series of program instructions to cause the, reset , allowing real-mode reentry (while retaining active memory and control).
  8. Such as with the changing tide, and on some occasions it might not, reset ,but instead drag. Bruce/ Claw This claw shaped anchor was designed by Peter
  9. These rules result in loss of possession, or,if committed by the defense,a, reset ,of the shot clock (with some exceptions in the NBA). There are limits imposed
  10. Start () → loop (0). Loop (Sum) → receive → loop (Sum+Count);, reset ,→ loop (0); → PID!, loop (Sum); code_switch →? MODULE: code switch (Sum
  11. In any direction is used for the first time or when the Newton device is, reset , Handwriting recognition In initial versions (Newton OS 1. x) the handwriting
  12. Running time interval, repeatedly return to the initial-conditions state to, reset ,the problem, and run it again. Timeline of analog computers Precursors This is
  13. And subsequently on close approaches to Jupiter. The most severe effect was a, reset ,of the computers (a CDS design bus reset ) that occurred when the spacecraft
  14. A role in its founding. Landmark crisis Southern Baptist Landmarkism sought to, reset ,the ecclesiastical separation which had characterized the old Baptist churches
  15. Grows, and in most domesticated horses needs to be trimmed (and horseshoes, reset , if used) every five to eight weeks, though the hooves of horses in the wild
  16. The option of playing with a ladder character. The ladder system can be, reset ,at various intervals to allow for all players to start fresh with new
  17. Allowed by the broadcaster, Coronation Street has largely used these films to, reset ,their characters in other locations. In 1995,Coronation Street: The Cruise
  18. CRT display must be switched off and left off for at least several seconds to, reset ,the degassing circuit by allowing the PTC resistor to cool to the ambient
  19. If the internal clock battery is dead, but the computer clock will need to be, reset ,each time the computer is restarted, since once power is lost, time is also
  20. Bank. A player who lands on Free Parking wins the jackpot, which may then be, reset ,with the initial stake (if any). The jackpot is usually put in the center of
  21. The following code is to be interpreted as being in the FIGS set, until this is, reset ,by the LTRS (11111) character. " Inquiry" will trigger the other machine's
  22. Beam source and the screen surface. Each beam direction switching circuit is, reset ,by the appropriate sync timing pulse. These waveforms are fed to the horizontal
  23. Climactic battle ensues, after which the universe is systematically deleted and, reset , However, this ending has been thoroughly debated. Many fans feel it was simply
  24. Applied to the controllers. The console itself had five buttons: power, start, reset , option, and select. There are at least three different types of cartridge case
  25. Experiences déjà vu while investigating the apartment of a time traveler who, reset ,the timeline. Music Déjà Vu has been gaining more notice in current pop culture
  26. Superman and his remaining allies in constructing the new Miracle Machine to, reset ,the universe and recreate the universe without Daresay New Krypton Author
  27. Feature an analog joystick and a numeric keypad along with start, pause and, reset ,buttons. The 360-degree non-centering joystick was touted as offering more
  28. The screen, which is a feature of the VIC-II chip. By utilizing interrupts to, reset ,various hardware registers on precise timings it was possible to place graphics
  29. Not reset by the next (arithmetic) operation, but stay set until explicitly, reset , By default, an operation always returns a result according to specification
  30. Six hours later every year, amounting to one full day in four years. They are, reset ,by the occurrence of a leap year. The Gregorian calendar is designed to follow
  31. Original guardians will ever appear again on that server, unless the event is, reset , As of 12 July 2008,Perform remains asleep on both the Al'Labor (Macintosh)
  32. Position in the third and final period. For each period, all previous times are, reset , and only a driver's fastest lap in that period (barring infractions) counts
  33. A cock because of its resemblance to a rooster. ) The cock had to be manually, reset ,after each firing, and the flint had to be replaced periodically due to wear
  34. The software cannot open the door. The memory leak lasts until the system is, reset , For example: if the lift's power were turned off the program would stop
  35. Between replacing the battery inside a frozen Daemon, which would cause it to, reset ,and lose all memory, or await a competent robotics technician who would be able
  36. Sticky" error indicator bits. That they are" sticky" means that they are not, reset ,by the next (arithmetic) operation, but stay set until explicitly reset . By
  37. Powers to restore Galactic, and Mister Fantastic uses the Ultimate Nullified to, reset ,reality, preventing Abraham' initial escape and mass destruction. Galactic
  38. Via inter-register instructions. Its value is not cleared during a hardware, reset , so it can maintain a constant 'Value ', hence " V ". *An 8/16-bit Zero
  39. Mode to the basic 8086-compatible" real mode" without a hardware-initiated, reset , In the PC/AT introduced in 1984,IBM added external circuitry as well as
  40. With seven control words (or microinstructions). At power up, or full system, reset , the microcode was loaded from the card reader. The IBM 1410 emulation for this
  41. Fans call a less extreme literary technique that erases one episode the, reset ,button. Discrepancies in past continuity are sometimes made deliberately; this
  42. Digits indicating that time needs to be set. Some newer clocks will actually, reset ,themselves based on radio or Internet time-servers that are tuned to national
  43. Mouse buttons (1 = pressed). PS/2 mice also understand several commands for, reset ,and self-test, switching between different operating modes, and changing the
  44. At all. I have taken morphine pumps out of people. You turn off the pain and, reset ,the whole system. " Postoperative pain The dissociative anesthetic effects of
  45. Is removed while the power is on, and the Game Boy does not automatically, reset , the game freezes; the Game Boy may exhibit unexpected behavior, such as rows
  46. The book Leading with My Chin he stated that he is aware of surgery that could, reset ,his mandible, but does not wish to endure a prolonged healing period with his
  47. Identifying string. At a restart marker, block-to-block predictor variables are, reset , and the bit stream is synchronized to a byte boundary. Restart markers provide
  48. Jupiter. The most severe effect was a reset of the computers (a CDS design bus, reset ,) that occurred when the spacecraft was either close to Jupiter or in the
  49. Allowing the opposing team to begin a charge down, then there is no time to, reset ,the ball, and the kicker may attempt a quick drop-kick. Drop-kicks are also
  50. A blues upright bassist, stated that" starting in the 1950s,they began to, reset ,the necks on basses for steel strings ", and double bass players switched from

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