Examples of the the word, mosaic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mosaic ), is the 8567 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Spiritual community of Usual Hernia. *Reproduction of Picasso's Guernica. A, mosaic ,of tiles which depicts in puzzle form Picasso's great work Guernica, the
  2. Semi-natural broadleaved woodland, unimproved neutral grassland, and a complex, mosaic ,of calcareous grassland and acidic dry dwarf-shrub heath. Cheddar Wood is one
  3. Was to avoid straight lines completely. Much of the façade is decorated with a, mosaic ,made of broken ceramic tiles (trends) that starts in shades of golden
  4. Zone between the coastal forests and the interior savannas. The forest-savanna, mosaic ,interlaces forest, savanna and grassland habitats. Northern Côte d'Ivoire is
  5. The fifth and sixth centuries are impressive. Four basilicas adorned with rich, mosaic ,floors and elaborate architectural sculptures (such as the ram-headed column
  6. JPG|Hercules and his nephew, helper and erogenous Claus 1st century CE, mosaic ,from the Anti Tympanum, Rome File: Maze 001. JPG|Hercules bronze statuette
  7. From space oriented. JPG|Kauai (552.3 sq. mi. ) File: Island of Oahu - Landsat, mosaic , JPG|Oahu (598 sq. mi. ) File: Maui Landsat Photo. JPG|Maui (727.3 sq. mi. )
  8. Side of the city there are indications of an Early Christian basilica with, mosaic ,floors decorated with semi-precious stones. Farther, near the terraced road
  9. Behind the coast (Lower Guinea),which is part of the Guinean forest-savanna, mosaic ,ecoregion; the pastoral FOTA Dalton highlands (Middle Guinea); the northern
  10. It became possible to introduce stained-glass windows instead of traditional, mosaic ,decorations. Some of the finest examples of the style include the cathedrals of
  11. 1301 to 1302 in Pisa, where,together with collaborators, he executed the apse, mosaic ,for the city's cathedral. He died in 1302. Legacy History has long regarded
  12. Narrowing the field of artistic possibility to such forms of art as Arabesque, mosaic , Islamic calligraphy, and Islamic architecture, as well as more generally any
  13. Persians. The Greek language ultimately dominated the peninsula and Greece's, mosaic ,of small city-states became culturally similar. The population estimates on the
  14. Recessive gene **genetic interactions — Mendel's law of segregation — genetic, mosaic ,— maternal effect — entrance — complementation — suppression — epistasis —
  15. Such as Great Caster ton in Jutland and Hucclecote in Gloucestershire had new, mosaic ,floors laid around this time, suggesting that economic problems may have been
  16. Its vision is to become a regional exchange. Culture Fiji's culture is a rich, mosaic ,of indigenous, Indian,Chinese and European traditions, comprising social
  17. Exercising in clothing that would pass as bikinis today are the most replicated, mosaic ,among the 37 million colored tiles at the site. Archeological finds
  18. Local guides say it is an advertisement for prostitution. Located near a, mosaic ,and stone walkway, the graffiti shows a handprint that vaguely resembles a
  19. In New York harbor. Interior The entrance hall of the Chambers displays a, mosaic ,of the city's coat of arms on the floor. The arms reflect legends about
  20. In the nineteenth-century was chaotic and characterized by a conflicting, mosaic ,of contradictory systems. Psychiatric disease categories were based upon
  21. Galleria Borges displays several gladiator types, and the Signor Roman Villa, mosaic ,from Provincial Britain shows Cupids as gladiators. Souvenir ceramics were
  22. Gate by Danish Poor, Crown Fountain by Jaume Prensa, and the Four Seasons, mosaic ,by Marc Chagall. Tourism, Chicago attracted 32.4 million domestic leisure
  23. Serine, refers to the coat protein of a certain strain of tobacco, mosaic ,virus and was published by the American Chemical Society's Chemical Abstracts
  24. Would be required to meet demand. Forester Chad Oliver has suggested a forest, mosaic ,with high-yield forest lands interspersed with conservation land. In the country
  25. The Middle Awash indicates that both A. Kaaba and A. radius lived in" a, mosaic ,of woodland and grasslands with lakes, swamps and springs nearby," but further
  26. Afro-Caribbean immigrants from Guyana and Dominique were added to this ethnic, mosaic , They have entered at the social structure's bottom; it is still too early to
  27. The life at the palace and the meeting between Charlemagne and Leo III. It is a, mosaic ,from Virgil, Ovid,Lucas and Penalties Fortunate, composed in the manner of
  28. JJ"> thumb caption"> Forest fires modify the land by leaving behind an environmental, mosaic ,that diversifies the landscape into different seal stages and habitats of
  29. JPG|Hercules frescoes in the collegium at Herculaneum File: Hercules and Claus, mosaic ,- Anti Tympanum. JPG|Hercules and his nephew, helper and erogenous Claus 1st
  30. Ecosystems are adapted to or dependent upon that fire regime. Fire creates a, mosaic ,of different habitat patches, each at a different stage of succession.
  31. Increasing conventions of modesty in the later Empire. Another haloed Apollo in, mosaic , from Hadrumentum, is in the museum at Mousse. The conventions of this
  32. Mouldings; mural decoration, such as fresco-paintings, coloured reliefs and, mosaic ,inlay. Roof tiles were also occasionally employed, as at early Heraldic Lena
  33. Conjugation complements other standard vehicles such as tobacco, mosaic ,virus (TMV). While TMV is capable of infecting many plant families these are
  34. The 12th century was a very productive period. There was a revival in the, mosaic ,art, for example: Mosaics became more realistic and vivid, with an increased
  35. X-ray diffraction experiments. In 1952,Watson did X-ray diffraction on tobacco, mosaic ,virus and found results indicating that it had helical structure. Having failed
  36. Liberia, are home to the Guinean montane forests. The Guinean forest-savanna, mosaic ,belt extends across the middle of the country from east to west, and is the
  37. Is its old city. The old city consists of eight quarters, laid out in a, mosaic ,style, forming the area around the Manger Square. The quarters include the
  38. The effect of global warming melting large sections of permafrost creates a new, mosaic ,of flooded areas where decomposition results in the emission of methane (CH4)
  39. Depict Alexander the Great (Bieber 1964,Louis 1980). Some time after this, mosaic ,was executed, the earliest depictions of Christ would also be beardless and
  40. The cells in the body are normal and other cells have trisomy 21,it is called, mosaic ,Down syndrome (46,XX/47,XX, +21). This can occur in one of two ways: a
  41. Coastal plain with swamps of Guinean mangroves rising to Guinean forest-savanna, mosaic ,in the east. The lowest point on Guinea-Bissau is at sea level at the Atlantic
  42. The layer is called a phospholipid bilayer. It may also be called a fluid, mosaic ,membrane. Embedded within this membrane is a variety of protein molecules that
  43. Deliberately starting controlled burns early in the dry season results in a, mosaic ,of burnt and burnt country which reduces the area of burning compared with
  44. Most important such group in Europe. One of the most striking items is a glass, mosaic ,exhibition piece, designed by Briggs himself and entitled" Sulfur Crested
  45. Is identified as an Apollo by modern scholars. In the late 2nd century CE floor, mosaic ,from El Deem, Roman Thaddeus, he is identifiable as Apollo Helios by his
  46. Evergreen rainforest, montane forest, swamp forest, and dry woodland-savanna, mosaic , At TAI, chimps can be found in the last remaining tropical rainforest in Cote
  47. His attributes, the lion skin and the gnarled club (his favorite weapon): in, mosaic ,he is shown tanned bronze, a virile aspect. In mythology According to mythology
  48. Communicating with the ocean. Behind the coast lies the Guinean forest-savanna, mosaic ,covered plateaus of southern Benin (altitude between) are split by valleys
  49. And art, they do appear occasionally in later antiquity. A Macedonian, mosaic ,of the 4th century BC is one of the earliest examples of the Centaurs in art.
  50. JPG|Keyhole (44.6 sq. mi. ) File: Island of Hawaii'i - Landsat, mosaic , JPG|Hawaii (4,028.2 sq. mi. ) Protected areas Several areas in Hawaii are

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