Examples of the the word, lifting , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lifting ), is the 8572 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Has become an essential part of the technology industry, providing the heavy, lifting ,for many of the most difficult problems in computer science. Computers were
  2. Push off with their feet in order to move effectively. Forward motion involves, lifting ,the lead leg and pushing with the rear leg. Rearward motion involves lifting
  3. Once dry. For this reason, acrylics do not lend themselves to color, lifting ,techniques as do gum Arabic based watercolor paints. Acrylic paints with gloss
  4. The hook is rated at., the limited power produced by the engines preclude the, lifting ,of such weight. It usually has a crew of three, but can accommodate a larger
  5. When the claw was dropped onto an attacking ship the arm would swing upwards, lifting ,the ship out of the water and possibly sinking it. There have been modern
  6. Forces defeat Irish forces. *1709 – Bartolomeu de Gusmão demonstrates the, lifting ,power of hot air in an audience before the King of Portugal in Lisbon *1786 –
  7. Large caliber demolition cannon, augers,winches, excavator arms and cranes or, lifting ,booms. These vehicles are designed to directly conduct obstacle breaching
  8. Fuselage, though it may have small blisters or pods. The opposite of this is a, lifting ,body, which has no wings, though it may have small stabilizing and control
  9. The advent of the helicopter provides the ability to speed replenishment by, lifting ,supplies at the same time that fuelling hoses and lines are delivering other
  10. Such as the Martin-Marietta X-24,which led up to the Space Shuttle, were, lifting , bodies (though the shuttle itself is not),and some supersonic missiles
  11. A specially designed flogging machine, and a pulley suspension system for, lifting ,them off the floor. Such historical use of corporal punishment and suspension
  12. Remains extremely limited. The United States Department of State approved the, lifting ,of Section 508 aid restrictions triggered by the coup; U. S. assistance to the
  13. At least enough so that I could start going to the gym and start Olympic, lifting , " During a speech in 2001,he said," My own plan formed when I was 14 years
  14. As well as rescue techniques and cribbing. Hands-on activities include, lifting ,and cribbing an object, and practicing rescue carries. * Unit 6: CERT
  15. De Monte who had already applied Bugatti Brescia engines in his" Type 7.5 ", lifting ,body. Railways Entire Bugatti also designed a successful motorized railcar, the
  16. Toxin, the cane toad is capable of inflating its lungs, puffing up and, lifting ,its body off the ground to appear taller and larger to a potential predator.
  17. 6 satellites. On 4 May 2007 the Ariane 5 ECA set another new commercial record, lifting ,into transfer orbit the Astra 1L and Galaxy 17 communication satellites with a
  18. The public safety ". As of June 18, 2009,a regional federal court order, lifting ,the prohibition on the sale of Counter-Strike was published. The game is now
  19. The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAM BLA),a group which supports, lifting ,all age restrictions on pederasty. In the case of NAM BLA, the ACLU's
  20. For vertical flight and vertical for forward flight. Other methods of lift *A, lifting ,body is the opposite of a flying wing. In this configuration the aircraft body
  21. More than. On 27 May 2006,an Ariane 5 ECA rocket set a new commercial payload, lifting ,record of 8.2 tonnes. The dual-payload consisted of the Thai com 5 and Same 6
  22. Without further incident. Yeager completed five flights in the NASA M2-F1, lifting , body. In 1966, he took command of the 405th Tactical Fighter Wing at Clark Air
  23. Competition from Vietnam and emerging risks (slowdown in the US economy and, lifting ,of safeguards on China’s exports). Although exports of cash crops have grown
  24. Cooling. Adiabatic cooling occurs in the Earth's atmosphere with geographic, lifting ,and lee waves, and this can form piles or lenticular clouds if the air is
  25. A diagonal stride. Another turning technique is the kick-turn, conducted by, lifting ,the ski while double poling. The skate-turn transfers the weight onto the
  26. Example, Buprestidae, Scarabaeidae),flight does not include large amounts of, lifting ,of the extra, having the metathorax wings extended under the lateral extra
  27. By increasing repetitions, whereas fibrillar hypertrophy is triggered by, lifting ,heavier weight. In either case, there is an increase in size and strength of
  28. Performing manual tasks, seeing,hearing, eating,sleeping, walking,standing, lifting , bending, speaking,breathing, learning,reading, concentrating,thinking
  29. Ammonia is less dense than atmosphere, and has approximately 60 % of the, lifting ,power of hydrogen or helium. Ammonia has sometimes been used to fill weather
  30. To use a wind tunnel to hone their designs to reduce drag and stop the cars, lifting ,off the ground at speed. The practice only became the norm in the early 1980s
  31. Disaster wrought by the Darren scheme through English assistance and the, lifting ,of measures put in place through the Alien Act to force the Scottish Parliament
  32. Being central to health, he names many exercises as running, swimming,weight, lifting , polo, fencing,boxing, wrestling,long jumping, high jumping, etc. He also
  33. But poses no problem to sailboats designed for the ice, typically with, lifting ,keels and long shorelines. McCurdy Station (), Palmer Station (); government
  34. Of its skin is many times that of a human. Elephants have even been observed, lifting ,up their legs to expose the soles of their feet, presumably in an effort to
  35. Recipients of these operations should refrain from strenuous sports, overhead, lifting , and sexual activity during the recovery period. TRAM flap patients can show
  36. Fantasy (with Beethoven at the piano). *1809 – The Non-Intercourse Act, lifting ,the Embargo Act except for the United Kingdom and France, is passed by the U.
  37. States' support for the elected government of Mexico against the rebels there, lifting ,the arms embargo on that country. He sent his close friend Dwight Morrow to
  38. Which can cause acromial. Rest Although muscle stimulation occurs in the gym, lifting ,weights, muscle growth occurs afterward during rest. Without adequate rest and
  39. Or helium. Ammonia has sometimes been used to fill weather balloons as a, lifting ,gas. Because of its relatively high boiling point (compared to helium and
  40. Lifting the lead leg and pushing with the rear leg. Rearward motion involves, lifting ,the rear leg and pushing with the lead leg. During lateral motion the leg in
  41. On the retainer button at the rear of the receiver cover while simultaneously, lifting ,up on the rear of the cover to remove it. The operator then pushes the spring
  42. Years, aside from the occasional jibe, he had pretty much shrugged off Leary's, lifting , Comedians borrowed, stole stuff and even bought bits from one another. Milton
  43. Tailored to their interests or work activities such as hobbies, computer use, lifting , driving or performance in acting, sports,speech or music. Alexander teachers
  44. Vehicles such as fork lifts, or gravity, with no manual trucking. Heavy, lifting ,is done by machines such as overhead cranes or fork lifts. Each worker
  45. Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) report stated that" the airplane was seen, lifting ,off the runway, and then nose down, impacting in a marsh on the south side of
  46. Experiments have tested claims that Archimedes designed machines capable of, lifting ,attacking ships out of the water and setting ships on fire using an array of
  47. War: A coalition of Spanish, British,and Portuguese forces succeed in, lifting ,the two-and-a-half-year-long Siege of Cádiz. *1814 – British troops invade
  48. Per capita income increased a stunning 21-fold over the last four decades, also, lifting , hundreds of millions out of income poverty. Yet it was not among the region’s
  49. To position control and stabilization surfaces in specific relationships to, lifting ,surfaces, required for aircraft stability and maneuverability. Wing The wings
  50. Light trucks),a vehicle manufacturer in Greece Sport * Atlas Stone, a boulder, lifting ,event in strength events * Club Atlético Atlas, an Argentinian amateur football

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