Examples of the the word, vicinity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( vicinity ), is the 8554 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Earthquake destroyed much of the city along with a number of castles in the, vicinity , The city offered courts to nobles as an alternative to rebuilding their
  2. Over time in which the body under consideration is at t1 found in the, vicinity ,of one group of" landmark" bodies and at some t2 is found in the vicinity of
  3. And killed several Roman soldiers who were foraging for wood in the nearby, vicinity , The survivors fled back to their camp, followed by Ambrosia and his men. There
  4. Brigade only),were used to bolster the morale of those units in their, vicinity ,at times of crisis, and filled gaps in the Anglo-Allied line caused by high
  5. More than 20 lines connect the outlying quarters and some villages in the, vicinity ,to the Central Bus Station. In addition, there are several" Night Lines" (
  6. Cash town in accordance with Lee's order for the army to concentrate in that, vicinity , turned south on the Carlisle and Harrisburg roads toward Gettysburg, while the
  7. Comes to a town, Mattiacum, which must be at the border of the Roman Germany (, vicinity ,of Wiesbaden). Upstream from it and between the Rhine and ANOVA (in the
  8. Protective measures were necessary to protect structures in the immediate, vicinity , Future launches used a damping mechanism directly at the launchpad which
  9. The site of the battle is deemed by Leicestershire County Council to be in the, vicinity ,of the town of Market Bosworth. The council engaged historian Daniel Williams
  10. Sea. Geography Baku is situated on the western coast of the Caspian Sea. In the, vicinity ,of the city there are a number of mud volcanoes (Karate, Bogkh-bogkha
  11. Tiberius, as well as the Bishop of Rome Leo I, who met Attila at Mini in the, vicinity ,of Mantra, and obtained from him the promise that he would withdraw from Italy
  12. In the 1970s and 80s to play small club gigs around the U. S.) in 1967 in the, vicinity ,of Stony Brook University on Long Island, New York, at the prompting of critic
  13. In 1938 off Southern Africa; other coelacanths have since been found in the, vicinity ,of the Comoros Islands. Several mammals are unique to the islands themselves.
  14. Such as webs. If arachnophobia see a spider, they may not enter the general, vicinity ,until they have overcome the panic attack that is often associated with their
  15. Open on Alexanderplatz since 2008. Many historic buildings are located in the, vicinity ,of Alexanderplatz. The traditional seat of city government, the Notes Bauhaus
  16. Aramaic dialects. Seven dialects of Western Aramaic were spoken in the, vicinity ,of Judea in Jesus' time. They were probably distinctive yet mutually
  17. Earthquake did occur on the southern segment of the Hayward Fault in the, vicinity ,of today's city of Hayward (hence, how the fault got its name). This quake
  18. In the 5th century. On the mainland, life seemed to have centered in the, vicinity ,of the Serapeum and Caesar, both of which became Christian churches. The
  19. An emirate on the verge of dissolution, his power extending not far beyond the, vicinity ,of Córdoba. To the north, the Christian Kingdom of Asturias was continuing its
  20. Peninsula of Jutland and the communities on the many smaller islands in its, vicinity , which meant that trade always had a great significance to the town – a
  21. As either: *Deep supporting fire: directed at objectives not in the immediate, vicinity ,of own force, for neutralizing or destroying enemy reserves and weapons, and
  22. As many as 500 persons of rank at one time, besides relieving the poor of the, vicinity ,twice a week. He had his country houses and fisheries, and when he travelled to
  23. Are nomads living in the area between the Nile and the Red Sea, in the, vicinity ,of Aswan in Egypt. They are a subgroup of the Beja people who are bilingual in
  24. Ostrogothic Ting of all Gets in Sara and the Ostrogothic Long ting in the, vicinity ,of today's Linköping. Adam of Bremen's Burka In Vesta Hammaburgensis
  25. Summer, where Linnaeus and his students explored the flora and fauna in the, vicinity ,of Uppsala. Publishing of Linnaeus published in 1751. The book contained a
  26. Development. However, some small-medium enterprises located in the immediate, vicinity ,of the terminal have used the opportunity to re-brand the profile of their
  27. To the Pachomian institution. We learn many details concerning those in the, vicinity ,of Antioch from Chrysostom's writings. The monks lived in separate huts
  28. As construction began on the new site, more residences were constructed in the, vicinity ,of the new campus. At the same time, a settlement of residences, saloons,and
  29. Success engaging Iraqi fighters with their F-15E Strike Eagles in the same, vicinity ,where Tomcats operated. According to Cooper, the Islamic Republic of Iran Air
  30. Monitor-Merrimac Memorial Bridge-Tunnel, built in Hampton Roads in the general, vicinity ,of the famous engagement, with both Virginia and federal funds, also reflects
  31. A handful of songs in the 1930s and then died, only becoming well known in the, vicinity ,of the state where he used to live. He is now much more famous and respected as
  32. A legacy of this ballot measure that survives was the naming of streets in the, vicinity ,of the proposed capitol grounds for the counties of California. In 1909,the
  33. Cornelius Hooftstraat and Cornelius Schuytstraat, which are located in the, vicinity ,of the Vondelpark. One of Amsterdam's busiest high streets is the narrow
  34. He had discovered the existence (of asphaltum) in large quantities in the, vicinity ,of Neuchatel ", and that he proposed to use it in a variety of ways - "
  35. Thousands of participants is currently under construction in the immediate, vicinity ,of the UN Campus. From 1597 to 1794,it was the residence of the Archbishops
  36. However, even these common five are not universal. Several languages in the, vicinity ,of the Sahara Desert, including Arabic, lack. Several languages of North
  37. When the river was tamed by dams, levees,and other controls, the Nile in the, vicinity ,of Cairo was highly susceptible to changes in course and surface level. Over
  38. Sufficient food at affordable prices as they marched through. Probably in the, vicinity ,of Philippopolis (modern Provide, Bulgaria ), the Pasternak broke out of their
  39. Had taken up a temporary residence at Pageant, one of Asolo's boroughs in the, vicinity ,of the senator's mansion. This took place whilst Canola was in his thirteenth
  40. The Drought in the Sahel. Delimitation of international boundaries in the, vicinity ,of Lake Chad, the lack of which led to border incidents in the past, has been
  41. Stages of development, each axon from the retina is guided to the right general, vicinity ,in the midbrain by chemical cues, but then branches very profusely and makes
  42. Adjacent to the city center were also built in this style. The houses in the, vicinity ,of the Museum Square in Amsterdam Oud-Zuid are an example of Jugendstil. The
  43. Of approximately 58,000,and is the largest settlement in the immediate, vicinity ,of the Arctic Circle. The Arctic Circle passes through the Arctic Ocean, the
  44. The gravimeter was used to obtain readings at the landing site in the immediate, vicinity ,of the Lunar Module, as well as various locations on the mission's traverse
  45. The vicinity of one group of" landmark" bodies and at some t2 is found in the, vicinity ,of some other" landmark" body or bodies. Descartes recognized that there
  46. Temperatures less than a billionth of a kelvin. At very low temperatures in the, vicinity ,of absolute zero, matter exhibits many unusual properties, including
  47. Also fields sports teams. For a period during the latter 1960s,the Ann Arbor, vicinity ,acquired a greater recognition globally among certain fans of rock music, as
  48. Palestinians held large demonstrations and threw stones at police in the, vicinity ,of the Western Wall. Police used rubber-coated metal bullets and live
  49. The very fact that the Carolina Parakeet was finally tolerated to roam in the, vicinity ,of human settlements proved its undoing. In 1977,ecologist Daniel McKinley
  50. Africa. International Disputes Delimitation of international boundaries in the, vicinity ,of Lake Chad, the lack of which led to border incidents in the past, is

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