Examples of the the word, pasture , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pasture ), is the 8558 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And is covered" live" in the breeding shed. She may also be turned out in a, pasture ,with the stallion for several days to breed naturally (' pasture bred' ). The
  2. Ownership by the clan. They often converted land from cattle to more profitable, pasture ,for black-face and Cheviot sheep. Tenants faced eviction since they were no
  3. First farming communities. Fire was the main method of clearing land, creating, pasture , and swidden types of fire-fallow farmland. Areas less suited for farming tended
  4. Spring of water ". However, in June 1821 someone set fire to the" turf and, pasture ,", and permanently destroyed the island's grazing, with gales blowing much of
  5. Seasonally (see transhumant) as herding families return to the high mountain, pasture ,(or jail) in the summer. The retention of this nomadic heritage and the
  6. More than. The available agricultural land consists of arable land and of, pasture ,and hay land. Chief livestock products are dairy products, leather,meat, and
  7. Are used as, or sold, for fuel or as timber, while cleared land is used as, pasture ,for livestock, plantations of commodities, and settlements. The removal of
  8. In nearby Hawks head. With William Heels acting for her, she bought contiguous, pasture , and in 1909 the Castle Farm across the road from Hill Top Farm. Visiting Hill
  9. The former constantly travelling from one place to another seeking water and, pasture ,for their flocks, while the latter settled and focused on trade and agriculture
  10. An agricultural region that contains many citrus groves, olive groves and, pasture ,lands. It is the location of the largest orange production in the Peloponnese
  11. District and Marshal’s Exchange district, demarcated in 1969,is a sheep, pasture ,with juniper and wood pasture of old willow oaks. The large Goldshöfer Sand
  12. Double-cropped areas are counted only once),temporary meadows for mowing or, pasture , land under market and kitchen gardens and land temporarily fallow (less than
  13. Be 130 years old at that time. After the meeting, the families were directed to, pasture ,in the land of Ramses where they lived in the province of Goshen. The house of
  14. The meeting, the brothers came before the Pharaoh first, formally requesting to, pasture ,in Egyptian lands. The Pharaoh honored their stay and even made the notion that
  15. The harvest-tide story of is shortly followed by reference to green springtime, pasture ,at. Again, the historically consistent reference to the period of the temple
  16. Of Bosnia and Finland. About 20 % of the land is used for agriculture and, pasture , mainly in Poland and around the edge of the Baltic Proper, in Germany, Denmark
  17. The sea. It has mostly deciduous rainforest although most has been converted to, pasture ,for cattle and fields for crops. It has numerous estuaries with mangroves and
  18. Also is used traditionally to remove tall, dry,and nutrient-poor grass from, pasture ,at the end of the dry season. Until mechanization and the use of chemical and
  19. Initiated the ambitious" Virgin Lands" program to turn the traditional, pasture ,lands of Kazakhstan into a major grain-producing region for the Soviet Union.
  20. Animals, and their major source of nutrients is good-quality forage from hay or, pasture , They can consume approximately 2 % to 2.5 % of their body weight in dry feed
  21. Inhabited parts of the cities were separated from one another by stretches of, pasture ,even within the city walls. Lombard states *Principality of Benedetto and List
  22. As well as afforestation and natural reversion of abandoned crop and, pasture ,land to forest. However, in many areas of the United States, the area of forest
  23. Cream produced by cattle (particularly Jersey cattle) grazing on natural, pasture ,often contains some natural carotenoid pigments derived from the plants they
  24. Whereas" intensive" raising of livestock is based in fodder rather than, pasture , Although the productivity is higher than with extensive techniques, the
  25. And during the dry summer months. Nomadic Favorites from the northwest would, pasture ,their flocks of sheep and goats to graze on the stubble and be watered from the
  26. In hot summers these can dry out). The rest of the moor is mostly rough, pasture ,or overgrown with heather and other low vegetation. The Moor contains about 500
  27. Brief wet season, attracting herders from throughout the region who come to, pasture ,their cattle and camels. Because very few wells and springs have water
  28. District, demarcated in 1969,is a sheep pasture with juniper and wood, pasture ,of old willow oaks. The large Goldshöfer Sand protected area was demarcated in
  29. Hand, paw ) Irish lamp;" Carver" ( bull) Irish March; and" ærgi" (, pasture ,in the outfield) Irish dirge. Between the 9th and the 15th centuries a
  30. Become extinct. Many cultivated places (which are traditionally dedicated to, pasture ,or to growing Colombia, potatoes,maize and other crops) have now been
  31. Reform Law focused on land development and agriculture, therefore anything in, pasture , specified forest cover and cultivated land was to be left untouched by the
  32. A wall to be built around Pompey's position in order to cut off water and, pasture ,land for his horses. Pompey built a parallel wall and in between a kind of no
  33. Medieval and modern times when practicable areas of the moor were used for, pasture ,by herdsmen from the parishes surrounding the moor. Granite boulders were also
  34. The soil is so difficult to cultivate, most of the land is used for cattle, pasture , The Ardennes region also includes the Upper Sure National Park, an important
  35. Demon is called" Satan ":" Stand not in the way of an ox when coming from the, pasture , for Satan dances between his horns ". Demonology never became an essential
  36. Bad years, wild winter pasture s would be in short supply, nomads would seek to, pasture ,their flocks in the grain fields, and conflicts with farmers would result. It
  37. Petroleum, arable land use (1993 estimate) includes 29 percent permanent, pasture , 27 percent arable land,8 percent perm ant crops,5 percent forests and
  38. Up to of food. Sometimes, concentrated feed such as grain is fed in addition to, pasture ,or hay, especially when the animal is very active. When grain is fed, equine
  39. Flos," flower" ), starting 20 or 21 April **Prevail (from French prairie,", pasture ,"),starting 20 or 21 May **Messier (from Latin messes," harvest" )
  40. With secondary growth and because fires, as mentioned above, may occur in old, pasture ,rather than signifying new clearing. Public policies intended to promote
  41. Galicia's economy. There is also some farming, both crops for direct use and, pasture ,for livestock. Apart from tree plantations, Galicia is also notable for the
  42. Maharajah where little farm land exists, Hazara people rely on these, pasture ,lands for their livelihood and survival during long and harsh winters. In 2007
  43. Zulu or Lesotho because those people did not value open lowland plains as, pasture , Basutoland In 1818,Moshoeshoe I () consolidated various Lesotho groupings
  44. May be unsafe, as the water may have run unimpeded from a sinkhole in a cattle, pasture , through a cave and to the well, bypassing the normal filtering that occurs in
  45. Of living organisms. The term" botany" comes from Greek βοτάνη, meaning ", pasture , grass, fodder ", perhaps via the idea of a livestock keeper needing to know
  46. As Sapokanikan (" tobacco field" ). The land was cleared and turned into, pasture ,by Dutch and freed African settlers in the 1630s,who named their settlement
  47. Year for which EPA statistics are available),agricultural soils including, pasture ,land sequestered 0.8 % (46 teragrams Because only 5 % of US farmland currently
  48. The Occitan Alp/AUP and the French Alp age or Alps in the singular mean" alpine, pasture ,", and only in the plural may also refer to the mountain range as a whole.
  49. Of crop plants. Plant selection and breeding in the 1920s and 1930s improved, pasture ,(grasses and clover) in New Zealand. Extensive X-ray and ultraviolet induced
  50. The dwellers in the miserable valley, that it seems that Circe had them in her, pasture , " Shakespeare makes a reference to Circe in The Comedy of Errors. When the

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