Examples of the the word, glacier , in a Sentence Context

The word ( glacier ), is the 8556 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Formed approximately 570 million years ago, Because of the uneven nature of, glacier ,erosion, some higher hills became Great Lakes islands. The Niagara Escarpment
  2. Processes, combined with erosion and transport by the water network beneath the, glacier , leave moraines, drumlins,ground moraine (till),games, kame deltas, moulins
  3. Universe can generate a stronger magnetic field A, glacier ,(pronounced or) is a large persistent body of ice that forms where the
  4. As cirques. The" health" of a glacier is usually assessed by determining the, glacier ,mass balance or observing terminus behavior. Healthy glacier s have large
  5. Zone accounts for 60-70 % of the glacier 's surface area, more if the, glacier ,calves icebergs. The depth of ice in the accumulation zone exerts a downward
  6. Decided that Mr. Freeze must be" big and strong like he was chiseled out of a, glacier ,". While his prosthetic makeup and wardrobe took six hours to apply each day. *
  7. Point throughout the year, from its surface to its base. The ice of a polar, glacier ,is always below freezing point from the surface to its base, although the
  8. Columbus is considered to have relatively flat topography thanks to a large, glacier ,that covered most of Ohio during the Wisconsin Ice Age. However, there are
  9. Island has always been present off the coast of Greenland, but was covered by a, glacier , This glacier was discovered in 2002 to be shrinking rapidly, and by 2007 had
  10. Relatively recent geological times: Scientists who probed through a Greenland, glacier ,to recover the oldest plant DNA on record said that the planet was far warmer
  11. Of bedrock to crack off in the process of plucking. In ice thrusting,the, glacier ,freezes to its bed, then as it surges forward, it moves large sheets of frozen
  12. Water molecule. Liquid water is blue for the same reason. However, the blue of, glacier ,ice is sometimes distributed to Rayleigh scattering due to bubbles in the ice
  13. Depending on the depth beneath the surface and position along the length of the, glacier , Formation Glaciers form where the accumulation of snow and ice exceeds
  14. Of ice caps and ice fields. In terms of thermal characteristics, a temperate, glacier ,is at melting point throughout the year, from its surface to its base. The ice
  15. Sea ice and lake ice that form on the surface of bodies of water. The word, glacier ,comes from French. It is derived from the Vulgar Latin glacial and ultimately
  16. Features of a glacier are due to its flow. Another consequence of, glacier ,flow is the transport of rock and debris abraded from its substrate and
  17. Has several dozen small glacier s, including Palisade Glacier, the southernmost, glacier ,in the United States. About 45 percent of the state's total surface area is
  18. Receives most of the snowfall is called the accumulation zone. In general,the, glacier ,accumulation zone accounts for 60-70 % of the glacier 's surface area, more if
  19. Melt conditions. The ablation zone is the region where there is a net loss in, glacier ,mass. The equilibrium line separates the ablation zone and the accumulation
  20. Because of the huge glacier s descending hundreds of feet to the water. This, glacier ,type undergoes centuries-long cycles of advance and retreat that are much less
  21. Ice. Anatomy The location where a glacier originates is referred to as the ", glacier ,head ". A glacier terminates at the" glacier foot ", or terminus. Glaciers are
  22. Location where a glacier originates is referred to as the" glacier head ". A, glacier ,terminates at the" glacier foot ", or terminus. Glaciers are broken into zones
  23. Glaciers ". An alpine glacier that fills a valley is sometimes called a valley, glacier , Larger glacier s that cover an entire mountain, mountain range, or volcano are
  24. Fragments around and downwind from a volcanic vent *Dirt cone, a feature of a, glacier ,or snow patch, in which dirt forms a coating insulating the ice below
  25. Insects including butterflies and spiders from beneath the southern Greenland, glacier ,was estimated to date to 450,000 to 900,000 years ago, according to the
  26. Government has recognized the source of the Toto tributary at the base of a, glacier ,lying on the west of Geladandong Mountain in the Dangle Mountain Range on the
  27. Equilibrium may shift drastically over short periods of time, leaving a whole, glacier ,in the ablation area or in the accumulation area. In the high Andes of central
  28. A row (with four consonant sounds),as do the compound words' catchphrase, ( a, glacier ,crevasse). Apart from words already mentioned (and their plurals),long
  29. Is wide, meandering,and has deep narrow bays on both banks, scoured out by the, glacier ,'s movement. The lower portion (from Hell Gate to New York Bay) runs
  30. By glacier s and related to them are referred to as glacial. The process of, glacier ,establishment, growth and flow is called glaciation. The corresponding area of
  31. Of Finland was covered by a sea. Modern relief was formed as a result of the, glacier ,activities. Its retreat formed Littering Sea, which water level was some 7–9
  32. By its weight. Crevasses, seracs, and other distinguishing features of a, glacier ,are due to its flow. Another consequence of glacier flow is the transport of
  33. To Rayleigh scattering due to bubbles in the ice. Anatomy The location where a, glacier ,originates is referred to as the" glacier head ". A glacier terminates at the
  34. Grizzly bears will visit meadows right after there has been an avalanche or, glacier ,slide. This is due to an influx of legumes, such as Hedysarum, which the
  35. Zone develops. This zone is where meltwater refreezes as a cold layer in the, glacier , forming a continuous mass of ice. *The wet snow zone is the region where all
  36. Is a river almost in reverse, for long reputed to be sourced by a powerful, glacier ,fed stream high in the Pair Knot at the eastern end of Afghanistan's Khan
  37. Centuries. At least 0.1 km² in area and 50 m thick, but often much larger,a, glacier ,slowly deforms and flows due to stresses induced by its weight. Crevasses
  38. And glacial erratics in their wake, typically at the terminus or during, glacier ,retreat. Cold weather causes water trapped in tiny rock cracks to freeze and
  39. As" mountain glacier s "," niche glacier s ", or " cirque glacier s ". An alpine, glacier ,that fills a valley is sometimes called a valley glacier . Larger glacier s that
  40. Force sufficient to cause deep erosion of the rock in this area. After the, glacier ,is gone, its force often leaves a bowl or amphitheater-shaped prostatic
  41. The end of the previous summer has been raised to 0 °C. The upper part of a, glacier ,that receives most of the snowfall is called the accumulation zone. In general
  42. Zone. In general, the glacier accumulation zone accounts for 60-70 % of the, glacier ,'s surface area, more if the glacier calves icebergs. The depth of ice in the
  43. Forward, it moves large sheets of frozen sediment at the base along with the, glacier , This method produced some of the many thousands of lake basins that dot the
  44. Although the surface snowpack may experience seasonal melting. A sub-polar, glacier ,has both temperate and polar ice, depending on the depth beneath the surface
  45. Is referred to as the" glacier head ". A glacier terminates at the ", glacier ,foot ", or terminus. Glaciers are broken into zones based on surface snowpack
  46. Suddenly leap up out of the water. The Hubbard Glacier is the longest tidewater, glacier ,in Alaska and has a calving face over long. Yakut at Bay and Glacier Bay are
  47. Of drumlin ridges located south of the city center which were deposited as the, glacier ,receded. The nearest the river gets to the city center is at Dean Village on
  48. Finger Lakes, to smaller mountain basins, known as cirques. The" health" of a, glacier ,is usually assessed by determining the glacier mass balance or observing
  49. Been present off the coast of Greenland, but was covered by a glacier . This, glacier ,was discovered in 2002 to be shrinking rapidly, and by 2007 had completely
  50. S Rate of change in Ice Sheet Height shows something different, since, glacier , is melting at the border but growing up at its center. Recently,Greenland's

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