Examples of the the word, friction , in a Sentence Context

The word ( friction ), is the 7839 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. From other field theories like electromagnetism, which do not have any, friction ,or resistivity at the microscopic level, because they are time-reversible.
  2. System that is closely analogous to that of a conductive stretchy membrane with, friction ,and electrical resistance—the membrane paradigm. This is different from other
  3. Hard-wearing materials are used in engineering applications to provide very low, friction ,bearings, known as ball bearings. Black powder weapons use stone and metal
  4. Iroquois tribes which had sided with the British. Both during and after the war, friction ,between the Mohawk leaders Joseph Louis Cook and Joseph Brant, who had sided
  5. D'Alembert, Gustav Kirchhoff, and Lord Rayleigh. Equations for fluid flow with, friction ,were developed by Claude-Louis Navier and George Gabriel Stokes. To simulate
  6. Dustin Hoffman, who eventually departed over differences in vision. Apart from, friction ,with the director, Ford also disliked the voice overs:" When we started
  7. Layer is important in many aerodynamic problems. The viscosity and fluid, friction ,in the air is approximated as being significant only in this thin layer. This
  8. Alveolar fricatives and affricates. With the lamina alveolar fricative,the, friction ,occurs across the blade of the tongue, the tongue tip pointing toward the lower
  9. Around 15 cm with the groove. Chalk (talcum powder) it can be used to reduce, friction ,between the cue and bridge hand during shooting, for a smoother stroke. Some
  10. The Missouri River. *1827 – John Walker, an English chemist, sells the first, friction ,match that he had invented the previous year. *1829 – Joseph Smith, Jr.
  11. From the west. The Bengali Language Movement of 1952 was the first sign of, friction ,between the two wings of Pakistan. After staging compromise talks with Mujib
  12. In fashioning the concave surface must be dissipated, for example through, friction , before an equilibrium flat surface is restored. To implement a surface of
  13. Century. Another explanation for the earth recession rate could be solar tidal, friction , The moon's recession rate is governed by similar tidal friction with the
  14. Get damaged beyond usability. They have difficulty writing on surfaces with low, friction ,(such as plastics, shiny surfaces, and wet or oily surfaces). Because of the
  15. Many older banjos did not include a tone ring The banjo is usually tuned with, friction ,tuning pegs or planetary gear tuners, rather than the worm gear machine head
  16. On the handlebars and transmitted via Bowden cables or hydraulic lines to the, friction ,pads. A rear hub brake may be either hand-operated or pedal-actuated, as in the
  17. Is used in many kinds of solder and bearing alloys, due to a low coefficient of, friction ,and fatigue resistance. Laboratory uses Helium–cadmium lasers are a common
  18. For decoration for its bright gold-like appearance; for applications where low, friction ,is required such as locks, gears,bearings, doorknobs,ammunition, and valves;
  19. And longer ranges that can be achieved (due to the reduced loss of energy to, friction ,and gas escaping around the projectile via the rifling).
  20. Made of wood. Such anchors held the vessel merely by their weight and by their, friction ,along the bottom. Iron was afterwards introduced for the construction of
  21. Pads are compressed against the wheel rims; internal hub brakes, in which the, friction ,pads are contained within the wheel hubs; or disc brakes, with a separate rotor
  22. Over-seat steering. Brakes Modern bicycle brakes may be: rim brakes, in which, friction ,pads are compressed against the wheel rims; internal hub brakes, in which the
  23. But it may have been to no avail—Carpenter has identified a further cause of, friction ,in Richard's intention to reopen an old land dispute that involved Thomas
  24. Flat and v-strip. It has been used for hundreds of years because it has low, friction , seals well and is long-lasting. It is used in building restoration and custom
  25. Stint with the band shortly after the record's release, reportedly because of, friction ,with Riley. The album was moderately successful, reaching the US top 30,a
  26. Of prompt payment of war indemnity of elephants and cash became a source of, friction ,between the Atoms and the Mughal. The first installment was paid by Jayadhwaj
  27. That Domitian's insistence on being treated as a god may have been a source of, friction ,between the Church and Rome. The earlier date, first proposed in modern times
  28. Ocean to have close relations with East Asia. However, this has often caused, friction ,between cultures which have caused occasional displays of animosity toward
  29. e. " She is speaking gringo, not Spanish ". Cognate usages may cause cultural, friction ,between U. S. nationals and Latin Americans who object to American English's
  30. Of the relationship between church and state would be a source of continued, friction ,into the next century. Stuart period For the next century, through the reigns
  31. Telescoping property whereby an inner nanotube core may slide, almost without, friction , within its outer nanotube shell, thus creating an atomically perfect linear or
  32. Then the board's central hole, and often have concave faces to reduce sliding, friction , Alternatively, the game may be played with ring-shaped pieces with a central
  33. Russia possesses an additional element of rivalry due to historically political, friction , while matches against Slovakia are in large part considered significant
  34. Developed creative differences with the band soon after Rubin's arrival;, friction ,with Rubin was a contributing factor. It is believed that Rubin objected to
  35. Of Agni (fire): Panama is the electric fire, Pavamana the fire produced by, friction , and Such the solar fire. Interpreted on the cosmic and human planes, these
  36. Victories in 1984 and 1987. Hawke's Prime Ministership saw considerable, friction ,between himself and the grassroots of the Labor Party, who were unhappy at what
  37. The federal nature of the holiday, celebrating Canada Day can be a cause of, friction ,in the province of Quebec, where the holiday is overshadowed by Quebec's
  38. The input signal varied the electric field between belt and drum, and thus the, friction ,between them, and thus the amount of lateral movement of the belt and thus
  39. Urge other suffragists to action, proclaiming," I would not waste my life in, friction ,when it could be turned into momentum. " The bicycle craze in the 1890s also
  40. Had served under Philip II, in charge of Macedon. There was also considerable, friction ,between Antimatter and Alexander's mother Olympias, and both wrote to Alexander
  41. Neutron sources. Antimony sulfides have been shown to help stabilize the, friction ,coefficient in automotive brake pad materials. The semiconductor gallium
  42. And better stopping performance due to carbon's greater coefficient of, friction , The initial versions used carbon-carbon composite brake pads and a steel disc
  43. Used a wetted rotating chalk cylinder in contact with a stationary contact. The, friction ,between cylinder and contact varied with the current, providing gain. Edison
  44. Fricative is written s; the tip of the tongue points toward the upper teeth and, friction ,occurs at the tip (apex). For example, zu" you" is distinguished from SU "
  45. S system but even more to the nature of war. Clausewitz acknowledges that, friction ,creates enormous difficulties for the realization of any plan, and the fog of
  46. And snooker) halls and home billiard rooms is" faster" ( i.e. provides less, friction , allowing the balls to roll farther across the table),and competition-quality
  47. Restoration and custom construction. Bronze also has very low metal-on-metal, friction , which made it invaluable for the building of cannon where iron cannonballs
  48. The atmosphere, using its heat shield to survive the intense heat caused by air, friction , After re-entry, it deployed parachutes that slowed its descent, allowing a
  49. Solar tidal friction . The moon's recession rate is governed by similar tidal, friction ,with the earth. Takashi Mira of Piroshki University in Japan suggests this
  50. Whitening and water or with rotten stone and oil. The final luster is given by, friction ,with flannel. When gradually heated in an oil-bath, amber becomes soft and

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