Examples of the the word, globally , in a Sentence Context

The word ( globally ), is the 7836 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. However, architectural improvements alone do not solve all the drawbacks of, globally ,synchronous CPUs. For example, a clock signal is subject to the delays of any
  2. Laptops, computers,printers and digital cameras via a secure, low-cost, globally , available short-range radio frequency band. Originally developed by Ericsson
  3. Basel. The outstanding location benefits logistics corporations, which operate, globally ,from Basel. Trading firms are traditionally well represented in the Basel
  4. Researchers estimate that actual attendance at weekly LDS worship services, globally ,is around 4 million. Members living in the U. S. and Canada constitute 46 % of
  5. Other companies. Adobe announced the new Creative Suite series (CS5) launched, globally ,Monday, April 12, 2010. New software such as Flash Catalyst and Business
  6. People. The bubonic plague continued to circulate through different ports, globally ,for the next fifty years; however, it was primarily found in Southeast Asia. An
  7. In 1936. The BWF now governs international badminton and develops the sport, globally , While initiated in England, competitive men's badminton in Europe has
  8. Change (IPCC) have concluded that: *" Most of the observed increase in, globally ,averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the
  9. Nutria in some countries),and in 2008 Nutritive sales exceeded US$3billion, globally , In 2001,five Nutritive products were the first dietary supplements to be
  10. At Hamden Park. It would be the start of a long, prolific,record-breaking and, globally ,respected career for his country. Charlton was handed his debut as England
  11. The range 2,400-2,483.5 MHz (allowing for guard bands). This range is in the, globally ,unlicensed Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) 2.4 GHz short-range radio
  12. Ecosystems are also represented across Belize's landscape. As a part of the, globally ,significant Mesoamerican Biological Corridor which stretches from southern
  13. Of each point of the space—and to extend it to information that holds, globally ,throughout the space. An example of this phenomenon is Dirichlet's theorem, too
  14. The region. China's CO2 and sulfur dioxide emissions are now the highest, globally , nearly 50 % of China's cities are affected by acid rain, and 20 of the world
  15. 330 freshwater and marine fish and 80 mammal species. There are some 91, globally , threatened species found within the country, among which the Dalmatian pelican
  16. Long before the term synergy became popular. Fuller was a pioneer in thinking, globally , and he explored principles of energy and material efficiency in the fields of
  17. Education With the growing importance and influence of China's economy, globally , Mandarin instruction is gaining popularity in schools in the USA, and has
  18. Bicycle market is $61 billion in 2011. 130 million bicycles are sold every year, globally ,and 66 % of them are made in China. Legal requirements Early in its development
  19. YFB. But this seemed unlikely to happen, considering Bolivia's weak position, globally , The Banner government basically continued the free-market and
  20. X-rays. Extraction and processing Distribution and mining Amber is, globally ,distributed, mainly in rocks of Cretaceous age or younger. Historically, the
  21. Following the engine displacement number (denoted in liters). BMW is now, globally ,standardizing this nomenclature on X & Z vehicles by using 'drive' or 'xDrive
  22. By land mass and topology, the amount of arable land, both regionally and, globally , fluctuates due to human and climatic factors such as irrigation, deforestation
  23. In Nevada gambling houses, however its availability online has now made it a, globally ,played game. Bank craps use a special table layout and all bets must be made
  24. The Columbus City Ballet School, while her instruction remains in strong demand, globally , Her students of the last couple of decades have furthered their education at
  25. Freedom from defects. The purpose of the random variance is to find close to, globally ,optimal solutions rather than simply locally optimal ones, the idea being that
  26. And engaged in more complex transactions and were able to profit from dealings, globally ,on a moment's notice, these practices became mandatory, if only to ensure that
  27. If modern family planning and maternal health services were readily available, globally , Forty percent of the world's women are able to access therapeutic and
  28. Every year to the best album from a British or Irish musician or group. Many, globally ,popular sports had modern rules codified in the British Isles, including golf
  29. The industry trade body, more than 400,000 businesses transacted $10 billion, globally ,in 2008 — and officials expect trade volume to grow by 15 % in 2009.
  30. Fine dust blown to a great height by the volcano's explosion, and then, globally ,diffused by the high atmospheric currents. Edvard Munch's painting The Scream
  31. Reinforced masonry structures constitute one of the largest earthquake risks, globally , These risks can be reduced through seismic retrofitting of at-risk buildings
  32. Of The Golden Bough, analyzed similarities in religious belief and symbolism, globally , Neither Taylor nor Fraser, however,was particularly interested in fieldwork
  33. During the latter 1960s,the Ann Arbor vicinity acquired a greater recognition, globally ,among certain fans of rock music, as the area included a number of populars
  34. Produced eight studio albums with the ABBA. The group achieved great success, globally ,and scored a chain of #1 hits. After ABBA:" Chess "," Kristina" and" Mamma
  35. Philips and ING, are based in the city. In 2010,Amsterdam was ranked 13th, globally , on quality of living by Mercer, and previously ranked 3rd in innovation by
  36. The Twelve Concepts for World Service guide how the organization is structured, globally , A member who accepts a service position or an organizing role is a" trusted
  37. Which leads to radiative forcing. This effect is more significant locally than, globally , Livestock and land use Worldwide, livestock production occupies 70 % of all
  38. In Boston, a fad of abbreviation started that swept the United States, with the, globally ,popular term OK generally credited as a remnant of its influence. After World
  39. Ranks as: the 4th most densely populated country in the Americas (18th, globally , ),and the 10th most populated island country in the region, ( 101st globally )
  40. Reduce emissions. There is as yet no carbon audit regime for all such markets, globally , and none is specified in the Kyoto Protocol. National carbon emissions are
  41. Professional boxing remains by far the most popular form of the sport, globally , though amateur boxing is dominant in Cuba and some former Soviet republics.
  42. Some varieties of acacia, are potentially an invasive species. One of the most, globally ,significant invasive Acacias is Black Wattle Acacia means, which is taking
  43. Means" coal-bearing ". Many coal beds containing coal balls were laid down, globally ,during this period, hence the name. The Carboniferous is often treated instead
  44. Has further advanced the barter industry's growth. Organized barter has grown, globally ,to the point where virtually every country now has a formalized barter and
  45. Was named an Innovation Nexus City and ranked 12th in Europe and 17th, globally , for innovation across 31 sectors, out of 256 cities in the Innovation Cities
  46. Continuous in time, so that the body changes in a way which is realistic, *, globally , invertible at all times, so that the body cannot intersect itself, *
  47. Phototrophs, the coccolithophores synthesize hard calcium carbonate scales. A, globally ,significant species of coccolithophore is Emiliano Huxley whose calcite
  48. Sacks, warned that what he called a" tsunami of antisemitism" was spreading, globally , In an interview with BBC Radio 4,Sacks said:" A number of my rabbinical
  49. For a variable reference,whether a variable symbol has been, locally or, globally , declared special. This determines whether the reference is resolved within a
  50. Globally),and the 10th most populated island country in the region, ( 101st, globally , ). Close to 90 % of all Barbadians (also known colloquially as Bajan) are of

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