Examples of the the word, reconstruct , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Chinese. In addition, many of the older languages that would allow us to, reconstruct ,Proto-Sino-Tibetan are very poorly understood and many of the techniques
  2. Fourier transform (DTFT),it only evaluates enough frequency components to, reconstruct ,the finite segment that was analyzed. Using the DFT implies that the finite
  3. Circuitry, and associated wiring of a CRT can be captured and used to remotely, reconstruct ,what is shown on the CRT, using a process called Van Deck phreaking. Special
  4. An increasingly large number of species and organisms Future work endeavors to, reconstruct ,the now more complex tree of life. The area of research within computer science
  5. This analyzes the 3D scene projected onto one or several images, e. g., how to, reconstruct ,structure or other information about the 3D scene from one or several images.
  6. Defensive towers and to lower the walls, though a year later he decided to, reconstruct ,it, giving its control to his ally Maud in SA' dun al-Surunbaqi. The Algarve
  7. And Bertrand Russell (1872–1970) a powerful instrument that could rationally, reconstruct ,all scientific discourse into an ideal, logically perfect, language that would
  8. Not attempts to guess the phonetic value of the proto-phonemes). Step 4, reconstruct , proto-phonemes Typology assists in deciding what reconstruct ion best fits the
  9. S descendants. This has not stopped many genealogists from attempting to, reconstruct ,a valid line of descent for various medieval rulers. One of the most credible
  10. 16S diversity and environmental diversity. Several studies have tried to, reconstruct ,the phylogeny of the genus. The Bacillus-specific study with the most diversity
  11. And Manx (one of the Gaelic languages). There are also attempts to, reconstruct ,the Cambric language (a Brythonic language from Northwest England and
  12. Overlap and, when aligned properly by a genome assembly program, can be used to, reconstruct ,the complete genome. Shotgun sequencing yields sequence data quickly, but the
  13. Deposited by plants thousands or millions of years ago can help scientists to, reconstruct ,past climates and predict future ones, an essential part of climate change
  14. Is disputed. We do not have a record of their activity, but are left to, reconstruct ,it from Paul's response. However, the majority of modern scholars view them as
  15. Use similarities in material culture—from house types to styles of pottery—to, reconstruct ,communities in the past. This is based on the assumption that people or
  16. Ecologists rely on pollen records that accumulate and stratify in wetlands to, reconstruct ,the timing of plant migration and dispersal relative to historic and
  17. In this effort is that, while there is enough documentation to allow one to, reconstruct ,the ancient Chinese sounds, there is no written documentation that records the
  18. Tips, and by deep the more ancient branches further back, which are harder to, reconstruct ,and are missing unknown extinct lines. In the shallow part of the tree
  19. Used the reflexes of the clusters in four of the daughter languages to, reconstruct ,the following correspondence sets: Although all five correspondence sets
  20. Technique and are less common as a result. Both can provide enough tissue to, reconstruct ,large breasts. These procedures are preferred by some breast cancer patients
  21. All reconstruct ions are tentative; some scholars have argued that trying to, reconstruct , say, modern Cantonese from modern Canto pop rhymes would give a fairly
  22. Cooled from magma or lava). The nature of the europium anomaly found helps, reconstruct ,the relationships within a suite of igneous rocks. Divalent europium (Eu2+)
  23. Then the main reef-builders have been scleractinian corals. It is difficult to, reconstruct ,the early stages in the evolutionary" family tree" of animals using only
  24. Over an underlying implant. Enough volume can be recruited occasionally to, reconstruct ,small breasts without an implant. **Abdominal flaps The abdominal flap for
  25. To represent a string of bits by a shorter bit string (" compress" ) and, reconstruct ,the original string (" decompress" ) when needed. This allows to utilize
  26. e. g., metadata," data about the data ", and internal data structures) to, reconstruct ,the Conceptual level and External level from the Internal level when needed. It
  27. Simultaneously Communists, Japanese and provincial warlords while having to, reconstruct ,and unify the country. His sincere, albeit often unsuccessful attempts to build
  28. Are pitched. To determine whether a run is earned, the official scorer must, reconstruct ,the inning as it would have occurred without the errors (for purposes of this
  29. Evolutionism of Lamarck in what he called Darwinisms. He used morphology to, reconstruct ,the evolutionary history of life, in the absence of fossil evidence using
  30. By Andreas Eager (1686) and William Wotton (1713),who made first forays to, reconstruct ,this primitive common language. In 1710 and 1723,Lambert ten Kate first
  31. Stable than the Indo-European ones, but nevertheless Starting et al. (2003), reconstruct , them as follows: 1 Manchu /son/" single, odd ". 2 Old Bulgarian
  32. Is currently in the process of $533 million of construction to modify and, reconstruct ,I-75 through downtown Dayton. DOT is upgrading and widening I-75 from Edwin C
  33. Of the tree is lost. Alternatively, as in the following Python example, we can, reconstruct ,all ancestors of the inserted node; any reference to the original tree root
  34. Sciences Blood residue can help forensic investigators identify weapons, reconstruct ,a criminal action, and link suspects to the crime. Through bloodstain pattern
  35. Consider The Book of the Dead to be a starting-point that Smith used to, reconstruct ,the original writings of Abraham through inspiration. In the early 1980s,the
  36. Stadium in Nuremberg where Party rallies were held. Speer also made plans to, reconstruct ,Berlin on a grand scale, with huge buildings, wide boulevards, and a
  37. Signal contains timing and synchronization information so that the receiver can, reconstruct ,a two-dimensional moving image from a one-dimensional time-varying signal. In
  38. Sino-Tibetan languages is an area of active research, as is the attempt to, reconstruct ,Proto-Sino-Tibetan. The main difficulty in this effort is that, while there is
  39. This Neo grammarian Hypothesis led to application of the comparative method to, reconstruct ,Proto-Indo-European, with Indo-European being at that time by far the most
  40. Of a single language over time. Ordinarily both methods are used together to, reconstruct ,prehistoric phases of languages, to fill in gaps in the historical record of a
  41. Added to the same family. ” The comparative method developed out of attempts to, reconstruct ,the protolanguage mentioned by Jones, which he did not name, but subsequent
  42. Starting et al. (2003: 26–28) have not used Sheila to decide whether to, reconstruct ,an initial in any given word and have not reconstruct ed a for Proto-Turkic even
  43. If a Photo (-Macro)-Altaic language really existed, it should be possible to, reconstruct ,regular sound correspondences between that protolanguage and its descendants;
  44. Or third-hand information, has proved an obstacle to historians as they try to, reconstruct ,the battle. Their common complaint is that, except for its outcome, very few
  45. And thus was responsible for the Botanical Garden (which he would thoroughly, reconstruct ,and expand),botany and natural history, instead. In October that same year
  46. Relationships are discerned primarily by the comparative method, which seeks to, reconstruct ,the chronology of the languages' divergence from each other in phonology and
  47. Each strand is redundant. The nucleotides on a single strand can be used to, reconstruct ,nucleotides on a newly synthesized partner strand. DNA polymerase DNA
  48. Quentin Daniels is an enterprising engineer hired by Deign Haggard to, reconstruct ,John Galt's motor. Partway through this process, Quentin withdraws his effort
  49. Phenomenon has been studied particularly in salamanders, where the adults can, reconstruct ,a whole limb after it has been amputated. There is little spontaneous
  50. For the Ural–Altaic hypotheses. ) Nevertheless, Starostin et al. (2003), reconstruct , Proto-Altaic as lacking vowel harmony. Instead, according to them, vowel

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