Examples of the the word, respectable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( respectable ), is the 9306 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is not nearly as decorated and falsified as the work of authors of more, respectable ,works such as John Lydgate's religious and historical literature. 15th century
  2. Work to other magazines. His salary of 90 dollars a month was considered, respectable ,enough for the time. A facsimile of one of the racy magazines he did cartoon
  3. Elijah thus:" And I have heard, in a certain and explicit way, from several, respectable ,persons that one man living close to our time, whose name is R. Elijah, the
  4. 18th century. Writers in French and English did not begin to treat Baroque as a, respectable ,study until Wölfflin's influence had made German scholarship pre-eminent.
  5. In 1984 and their most recent in 2008,they have made the postseason a, respectable ,six times. It is the longest title drought in all four of the major American
  6. And with a happy temperament, proof against all strokes of fate, yet thoroughly, respectable ,and honorable. Early life and studies Golden was born in Venice in 1707,the
  7. Are very definite laws — unwritten, perhaps,but nonetheless binding; and every, respectable ,and self-respecting concocted of literary mysteries lives up to them. Herewith
  8. As an excuse to free up more room for a deluge of property programs or less, respectable ,programs (see Fat Pets) in all other free slots on Channel 4. 4Music Over
  9. And revolutionary who served as President of Mexico from 1911 to 1913. As a, respectable ,upper-class politician, he supplied a center around which opposition to the
  10. Was of Dartmouth. Notwithstanding Dartmouth's connections with the crown and, respectable ,society, it was a major base for privateering (state sanctioned or licensed
  11. Circles over time, along with barren disputation. It is more intellectual and, respectable ,but, like the first two methods, sustains capricious and accidental beliefs
  12. British terrorists. Reception of the film was largely positive and received a, respectable ,box office. Outside his central work, Morris tends to stay out of the public
  13. Rate) is (14.5%-5.0%)/ (100%+5 %) or approximately 9.0 % (still very, respectable ,). But what about risk? We assume that the $150,000 is John's best estimate of
  14. World" of the strips of the early 1940s,Batman was instead portrayed as a, respectable ,citizen and paternal figure that inhabited a" bright and colorful "
  15. Even in 1929,'La Vie Automobile' magazine offered the opinion that" Any, respectable ,traffic system would have covered the track with <> sign posts left, right and
  16. Writers regarded the book of Zephaniah as an authoritative (or at least, respectable ,) work in the prophetic corpus. The book of Zephaniah draws upon several themes
  17. The author Robert Lee speculated that Teach may therefore have been born into a, respectable , wealthy family. Teach may have arrived in the Caribbean in the last years of
  18. Style by a Chorus of 24 grown men who were otherwise known to the audience as, respectable ,citizens. *The musical extravaganza: The Chorus was vital to the success of a
  19. The group's modest expectations for its first album, Sound Magic sold a, respectable ,250,000 copies. Performing at festivals, raves,and dance clubs, the band met
  20. The 20th century. Buck minster Fuller is generally credited with making the idea, respectable ,in Western scientific circles in the 20th century. Building to some degree on
  21. Dictator and justified). Like the term" tyrant" ( which was originally a, respectable ,Ancient Greek title),and to a lesser degree" autocrat "," dictator" came
  22. Scarecrow costume, with eerie luminous paint. At night riding Gehenna,the, respectable ,Dr. Christopher Syn became the" Scarecrow ", the feared head of the smugglers.
  23. They were invested with feudal authority by Sultan Nur-al-Dīn and furnished, respectable ,contingents to the Muslim ranks in their struggle against the Crusaders. Ma'an
  24. Although she notes that it is more economical to purchase the powder at" any, respectable ,shop ". In 1810,the British Bengali entrepreneur Sake Dean Mahomes opened the
  25. Archvillain Daresay and the other dimensional realm Apologies. While sales were, respectable , they did not meet DC management's initially high expectations, and also
  26. In the AFL Championship on January 1,1961. Attendance for the 1960 season was, respectable ,for a new league, but not nearly that of the NFL. Whereas the more popular NFL
  27. The motion e tribe transferred a person from the rustic tribes to the less, respectable ,city tribes, and if the further degradation to the rank of an agrarian was
  28. The expertise in engineering, science and research of Germany is eminently, respectable , The lead markets of Germany's green technology industry are power generation
  29. Friends among baseball's owners. Nonetheless, Paige ended the season with a, respectable ,3–4 record and a 4.79 ERA. Week believed that St. Louis was too small for two
  30. To settle for being a respectable actor poncing around the West End and doing, respectable ,BBC work for the rest of my life. " Hopkins has been married three times. His
  31. Offered the post to Christopher Syn. Syn accepted and settled down to a more, respectable ,life as the vicar of Church and Dean of Peculiar in Romney Marsh, Kent
  32. The film is wearing well and has attained a classic status without becoming, respectable ,or losing its sense of danger. " Peter Travels, film critic for Rolling Stone
  33. For six consecutive weeks. The club finally ended the season with a highly, respectable ,fifth place finish, qualifying the team to play in the UEFA Cup. In 2002/2003
  34. In these years is marked by qualities and contrasts. There is Blair leading a, respectable , outwardly eventless life at his parents' house in South wold, writing; then in
  35. Play The Importance of Being Earnest ". The family's seven-bedroom home in a, respectable ,neighborhood contained a music studio for Grace and a medical office for
  36. S heretofore unpublished writings, mainly on logic. They made Leibniz somewhat, respectable ,among 20th-century analytical and linguistic philosophers in the
  37. Just pure music. For example, music that accompanies a silent film is perfectly, respectable , so long as it is done well. Also, simple music to be performed by amateurs is
  38. To follow in Milan and Naples, and these early companies quickly attained a, respectable ,production quality and were able to market their products both within Italy and
  39. Some women in Africa believe that condoms are" for prostitutes" and that, respectable ,women should not use them. A few clerics even promote the idea that condoms are
  40. District the Australian Democrats stood candidate Paul Kavanaugh, who polled a, respectable ,5.75 per cent of the primary vote, despite many candidates, and
  41. Over; it's a chapter closed. I suppose I'll just have to settle for being a, respectable ,actor poncing around the West End and doing respectable BBC work for the rest
  42. Of 1960. Again, the Texas Playboys were drawing sizable crowds and selling a, respectable ,amount of records. In 1962,Wills had a heart attack that temporarily
  43. Tom Destroy, Jr. (James Stewart) to help him make Bottleneck a lawful, respectable ,town. Destroy confounds the townsfolk by refusing to strap on a gun in spite of
  44. Church after Jesus' resurrection. The author portrays Christianity as divine, respectable , law-abiding, and international. While the gospel is written as a historical
  45. The expertise in engineering, science and research of Germany is eminently, respectable , The lead markets of Germany's green technology industry are power generation
  46. Leading the Boston Americans to victory, while Philippe, who also threw a, respectable ,game, just couldn't pitch at Dinneen's level due to wearing out his arm in
  47. The season 15–35,though, the team had some success later in the year, going a, respectable ,30–28 in August and September as the youngsters became more experienced.
  48. Began to move into private lodgings in Balsall Heath. Balsall Heath remained a, respectable ,working-class suburb until the 1950s when street prostitution first appeared.
  49. In 1987,Newsweek reported:" By one count there are some 700 scientists with, respectable ,academic credentials (out of a total of 480,000 U. S. earth and life
  50. Antigua Creole, but afterwards Antiguans began treating Antigua Creole as a, respectable ,aspect of their culture. Generally, the upper and middle classes shun Antigua

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