Examples of the the word, mimic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mimic ), is the 9301 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Effect created by the moving sound sources. It was originally designed to, mimic ,the complex tones and constantly shifting sources of sound emanating from a
  2. The note information to a sound bank device. The resulting sound can closely, mimic ,numerous types of instruments. The MIDI setup can also enable the guitar to be
  3. Hammond called these" Harmonic Controllers" because they were intended to, mimic ,harmonic overtones making it possible to come up with millions of combinations.
  4. Myrmecomorphy) varies, with some cases involving Batesian mimic ry, where the, mimic ,reduces the risk of predation. Others show Tasmanian mimic ry, a form of
  5. Ideal form for working robots, the fascination in developing robots that can, mimic ,it can be found historically in the assimilation of two concepts: simulacra (
  6. That they are simple programs that are carefully designed to statistically, mimic ,the processor usage of some common set of programs. Whetstone, developed in
  7. Levels. * Drug-induced parkinsonism due to dopamine D2 receptor blockade may, mimic ,idiopathic parkinsonism. The typical antipsychotics are more prone to cause
  8. Has showed that these nylon-3 polymers can either work as host defense peptides, mimic , or as signal to stimulate 3T3stem cells functions. The Bishopric of
  9. And mannitol; and local anesthetics, such as lidocaine or endocrine, which, mimic , or add to cocaine's numbing effect on mucous membranes. Cocaine may also be "
  10. Some common set of programs. Whetstone, developed in 1972,originally strove to, mimic ,typical Algol 60 programs based on measurements from 1970,but eventually
  11. And there are, not surprisingly, a great many beetles and other insects that, mimic ,these chemically protected species. Parasitism There are over 1000 knowns
  12. GIMP shop: is a derivative of GIMP that re-arranges the user interface to, mimic ,Adobe Photoshop. This is achieved by modifying menus and user interface items.
  13. Of all sponges except for the usual dactyl in the fifth foot, and is meant to, mimic ,the pounding sound of the work. A third example that mixes the two effects
  14. In a vocalist's performance. Simulators: Simulators enable electric guitars to, mimic ,the sound of other instruments such as acoustic guitar, electric bass, and
  15. In permaculture, which consists of agroforestry systems carefully designed to, mimic ,natural forests, with an emphasis on plant and animal species of interest for
  16. Having very little flavor of their own. With the proper seasonings, they can, mimic ,various kinds of meat quite closely. Some of these Buddhist vegetarian chefs
  17. Substances such as" site enhancement oil ", commonly known as menthol, to, mimic , the appearance of developed muscle where it may otherwise be disproportionate
  18. The guitar. A common form of scordatura involves tuning the 3rd string to F to, mimic ,the standard tuning of the lute, especially when playing renaissance repertoire
  19. Debates about climate change and effects of some pesticides and herbicides that, mimic ,animal sex steroids, science has shown that some claims of
  20. Symptoms of gastric esophageal reflux disease, GERD or simply" reflux ", may, mimic , those of a heart attack. Misdiagnosis can be fatal. A bleeding ulcer can be
  21. Actual sprints. One popular technique is to mock external interfaces or data to, mimic ,other stories which might not be played out during an iteration (as those
  22. Trademarked. Experienced blade smiths can manipulate the layered patterns to, mimic ,the designs found in the surface of the medieval Damascus steel. One
  23. Panda (2008,USA),Ice Age (2002,USA). * C-shaped animation, is used to, mimic ,traditional animation using CG software. Shading looked stark and less blending
  24. Neoteny. Conversely, the high-pitched purrs cats make to solicit food may, mimic ,the cries of a hungry human infant, making them particularly hard for humans to
  25. And amino are among several window managers for the X Window System seek to, mimic ,the Workbench interface. Unix and Unix-like systems Commodore-Amiga produced
  26. To a subfield within computer vision where artificial systems are designed to, mimic ,the processing and behavior of biological systems, at different levels of
  27. And sometimes genetic testing are useful to rule out other disorders that may, mimic ,AND. However, the diagnosis of MND remains a clinical one. Having excluded
  28. Less durable metals such as steel, or even a photonic energy shield designed to, mimic ,a uranium matrix. Rogers, having relinquished his regular shield to Barnes
  29. Vary depending on how the smith works the billet. Modern materials intended to, mimic ,the appearance of Damascus steel are usually made by pattern welding two tools
  30. Are widely used in dyeing industries, such as: Drugs Many drugs are designed to, mimic ,or to interfere with the action of natural amine neurotransmitters, exemplified
  31. Of the signal and mixing it with the unaltered portion. Chorus: Chorus pedals, mimic ,the effect choirs and string orchestras produce naturally by mixing sounds with
  32. As well as to decorate household linens, draperies,and decorator fabrics that, mimic ,the elaborate hand embroidery of the past. Edward Mitchell Bannister (ca. 1828
  33. Antifreeze proteins with a regular array of The side chains on one face that, mimic ,the structure of ice. Right handed β helices, typified by the spectate lyase
  34. Sony Reader, Barnes & Noble Nook or the Amazon Kindle. These devices attempt to, mimic ,the experience of reading a print book. Throughout the 20th century, libraries
  35. And electronic ink are a range of display technology which are designed to, mimic ,the appearance of ordinary ink on paper. Unlike conventional backlit flat panel
  36. Snyder theorizes that Marathon might have made a deliberate effort to, mimic ,the sumptuous attire of his famous fellow-poet, although by Agathon's time
  37. It was believed by many that the best way to heat certain materials was to, mimic ,the supposed natural processes, occurring in the Earth's core, by which
  38. Applicability. Heat engines are often confused with the cycles they attempt to, mimic , Typically, when describing the physical device the term 'engine' is used. When
  39. And coastal areas in much of the West Coast of the USA since these environments, mimic ,their native South African habitat. Many bulbs sold as Amaryllis and described
  40. Colours. A photo printer is a color printer that can produce images that, mimic ,the color range (gamut) and resolution of prints made from photographic film
  41. To be obtained by digitally manipulating the signal. This allows a guitar to, mimic ,many vintage models of guitar, as well as output alternate tuning without the
  42. Rendering that makes detailed skin, plants,water, fire,clouds, etc. to, mimic ,real life. Examples include Up (2009,USA),Lungful Panda (2008,USA),Ice
  43. Of the range of 64-bit values. Thus, an arbitrary 64-bit pattern is unlikely to, mimic ,a valid pointer. Whether a precise collector is practical usually depends on
  44. Preceding the words of institution—such that it would not be possible to, mimic ,the Mass with the priest communicating alone. He appears nevertheless, to have
  45. To Highland Scotland, for example, and it has been hypothesized that they, mimic ,the rhythms of the Scottish Gaelic language. The Celtic music scene involves a
  46. The term epinephrine is used over adrenaline. However, pharmaceuticals that, mimic ,the effects of epinephrine are often called adrenergic, and receptors for
  47. Of instruments like the electric upright bass, whose playing characteristics, mimic ,that of the double bass. Transportation The double bass's large size and
  48. Rione (section of the city) of Naples),his unique twisted face, his special, mimic ,expressions and his gestures, created an inimitable personage and made him one
  49. Not have the sweet taste. Artificial sweeteners such as sucrose are used to, mimic ,the sugar molecule, creating the sensation of sweet, without the calories.
  50. Lighting with a rocky substrate, like gravel. It is recommended that the tank, mimic ,their natural environment, so artificial or natural rock is highly appreciated.

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