Examples of the the word, patriotism , in a Sentence Context

The word ( patriotism ), is the 9311 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With Henry Fonda were produced in a Hollywood that was once known for its overt, patriotism ,and wartime propaganda. In documentary film the sixties saw the blossoming of
  2. Belongs to you in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of, patriotism ,more than any appellation. " Originally, the name" the United States" was
  3. Of US involvement in World War II also brought a proliferation of films as both, patriotism ,and propaganda. American propaganda films included Desperate Journey, Mrs.
  4. Goals are to instill students with the" essentials" of academic knowledge, patriotism , and character development through traditional (or back-to-basic) approaches.
  5. Meeting with President Richard Nixon at the White House, where he expressed his, patriotism ,and his contempt for the hippie drug culture. He asked Nixon for a Bureau of
  6. Was a" fatal delusion ". As Able concludes," For Stephens, the essence of, patriotism , the heart of the Confederate cause, rested on an unyielding commitment to
  7. More reactionary than the conservatism of Burke. Eventually conservatives added, patriotism ,and nationalism to the list of traditional values they support. German
  8. Near people began looking for candidates. New England voters admired Adams ', patriotism ,and political skills, and it was mainly due to their support that he entered the
  9. Track and field athletics and floor ball. Sport is a source of strong waves of, patriotism , usually rising several days or weeks before an event. The events considered
  10. Class. Beam was the only student that was not quickly influenced by Kantorek's, patriotism ,to join the war. Eventually, due to pressure from friends and Keynote, he
  11. His early actions and his later attitudes, his widow suggests Wayne's rampant, patriotism ,in later decades sprang not from hypocrisy but from guilt. Polar Wayne wrote,"
  12. Chants used to establish the timing of standard drills under arms. He stressed, patriotism ,:" For 'tis a fair thing for a good man to fall and die fighting in the van for
  13. Within the native culture, however,establishing a connection between ELT, patriotism ,and Muslim faith is seen as one of the aims of ELT, as the chairman of the
  14. Together, he wrote," We will glorify war—the world's only hygiene—militarism, patriotism , the destructive gesture of freedom-bringers, beautiful ideas worth dying for
  15. Anthem Was Lied her Deutsche) * the Greeks as Paris, the root word for, patriotism , * the Icelanders as overland literally meaning" land of the father" * the
  16. The country. It was within this environment, defined by the confluence of Swiss, patriotism ,and humanism, that Zwingli was born. Life Early years (1484–1518) Aldrich
  17. Music and a dance. It is mostly related to ancient harvest celebrations, love, patriotism , or social issues. Its music is coordinated by a musical instrument called the
  18. In the United States presidential election in 1960,he expressed his vision of, patriotism ,when John F. Kennedy won the election:" I didn't vote for him, but he's my
  19. Of The Republic, using some military pressure. This led to a surge of, patriotism ,in England, the country being, as Samuel Pepys put it," mad for war ". The
  20. Of Savoy also tried to reconcile his political ambitions with local Geneva, patriotism , and in 1523 marched into Geneva in a ceremony designated to appease its
  21. Conducive to international revolution which would be destructive to the idea of, patriotism ,and Christian civilization, the Conference denounces the nefarious action of
  22. Has stimulated a greater emphasis on a more English-specific identity and, patriotism , There is no devolved English government, but an attempt to create a similar
  23. IAN Xuan (1235–1305 AD),who was an official of the Song Dynasty, but out of, patriotism , refused to serve the Yuan court and dedicated himself to painting. Examples of
  24. Some social message. The songs are usually about Freedom, community strength, patriotism , Due to the British occupation in India, a lot of protest songs about
  25. As a" dreadful weariness ". Germanic folklore Reflecting Friedrich's, patriotism ,and resentment during the 1813 French occupation of the dominion of Pomerania
  26. By her commercial relations with the Persian Empire. She was forced into, patriotism ,in spite of herself, and the glory won by Salamis was paid for by the loss of
  27. In 1967 is often seen as an important milestone in the history of Canadian, patriotism , and in Canada's maturing as a distinct, independent country, after which
  28. Reluctance of the campaign to cater to the prevalent mood of nationalism and, patriotism , instead focusing on subjects such as global warming (a campaign poster at the
  29. Any nostalgia for Soviet Communism. He defended moderate and self-critical, patriotism ,(as opposed to radical nationalism),argued for the indispensability of local
  30. Worked. Basis volunteers which were used were swept up in the atmosphere of, patriotism ,of the war mobilization and Shi'I love of martyrdom encouraged by the
  31. Court stresses the importance of masculine self-sacrifice for one's country and, patriotism , the Distribution of Eagles would ask for self-sacrifice for one's Emperor (
  32. The Senate. With the powers of a censor, Augustus appealed to virtues of Roman, patriotism ,by banning all other attire besides the classic toga while entering the Forum.
  33. Is a hypocrite, urging the young men he teaches to fight in the name of, patriotism , while not voluntarily enlisting himself. In a twist of fate, Kantorek is later
  34. Who attempted to defy the boycott by importing British goods. They promoted, patriotism ,and home manufacturing, advising Americans to avoid luxuries and lead more
  35. Chauvinism, in its original and primary meaning, is an exaggerated, bellicose, patriotism , and a belief in national superiority and glory. It is an eponym of a possibly
  36. British, being thus less interested in celebrating distinctly Canadian forms of, patriotism , No official celebrations were therefore held until 1917—the golden anniversary
  37. Of dysfunctionality in Cha's works would then become setting to showcase the, patriotism ,and loyalty of the protagonists to their epoch or their emperors. Integral to
  38. Fichte answered the call of Fraser com Stein, who attempted to develop the, patriotism ,necessary to resist the French specifically among the" educated and cultural
  39. Scott deliberately used Ivanhoe to illustrate his own combination of Scottish, patriotism ,and pro-British Unionism. One inaccuracy in Ivanhoe created a new name in the
  40. That of a King ". In 1756, he wrote: I am sensible that from the prostitution of, patriotism , from the art of ministers who have had the address to exalt the semblance
  41. Leader of the Reformation in Switzerland. Born during a time of emerging Swiss, patriotism ,and increasing criticism of the Swiss mercenary system, he attended the
  42. Because, as Rep. Ron Paul says, since " Conscription is wrongly associated with, patriotism , when it really represents slavery and involuntary servitude. " In 1917,a
  43. From across the nation into an organized corps helped breed national unity and, patriotism , and during this period the modern notion of the nation state was born. However
  44. Πατρίδαterra" native / ancestral land ". Hence, also the English terms patriot, patriotism , Motherland may refer to a mother country,i.e. the place of one's
  45. November 3. In this essay he appealed to German intellectuals not to fall for, patriotism , What followed from this, Hesse later indicated, was a great turning point in
  46. Was the setting up of a school that produced statesmen with a strong sense of, patriotism ,and duty, known as Russia ({ {ZH|c=, China grew greatly and the need arose for
  47. That zeal for Russian Orthodox thought was an essential factor of Russian, patriotism ,and that this was to be specially cultivated by every right-minded Tsar. On his
  48. European knowledge of Africa. 20th century During this era a sense of local, patriotism ,or nationalism took deeper root among African intellectuals and politicians.
  49. Officers with younger soldiers who had demonstrated their ability and, patriotism , The Republican army was able to throw back the Austrians, Prussians,British
  50. Its opposition to the war and adopted a political position of" revolutionary, patriotism ,". In December 1940 he wrote in Tribune (the Labor left's weekly):" We are

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