Examples of the the word, savvy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( savvy ), is the 9304 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. S speaking style, unabashed patriotism, negotiation skills, as well as his, savvy ,use of the media, played an important role in defining the 1980s and his future
  2. Popular music, receiving " superstar status" in the process. Her business, savvy ,has been compared to that of Madonna, gaining a level of autonomy which enables
  3. To be rounder and less elastic. The studio also instilled some of Bugs Bunny's, savvy ,into the duck, making him as brilliant with his mouth as he was with his
  4. Flawed," noting however that Wolf was" an engaging raconteur" who was also ", savvy ,about the role of TV -- especially the Thomas-Hill hearings and daytime talk
  5. Games in 1992,he impressed international audiences with his skills and, savvy , In between Olympics and Olympics, he became a dangerous shooter from the
  6. Their local BBS. Points were introduced to address this, allowing technically, savvy ,users to receive the already compressed and batched Echo mail (and Net mail)
  7. Richard Collins of Time magazine said that the film has" Plenty of tech-noir, savvy ,to keep infidels and action fans satisfied. " Time placed The Terminator on its
  8. Fictional events inject a degree of falseness or contrived efforts which media, savvy ,people today can identify easily. " News" today is virtually always dramatized
  9. Had little interest in boxing until 1965. He used his education and business, savvy ,to become a boxing promoter, and during the 1980s became a driving force behind
  10. From his real life, having impressed the Chairman of the firm with his business, savvy ,when he came in for a tire change. His old mentor once again gladly offers him
  11. It is changing the availability, or lack thereof, of jobs requiring this, savvy ,technological skill. Journalism Newspaper companies all over are also trying to
  12. Great Recession ". ** Key characteristics: acceptance of change, technically, savvy , environmental issues, globally minded, neo-conservative comeback, ideal of a
  13. Create, enlarge,or deform life (e.g., Godzilla ). As audiences became more, savvy , quantum mechanics, genetic engineering, and artificial intelligence have taken
  14. Advantages could also hinder some workers who might not possess the financial, savvy ,to choose the correct investment vehicles or have the discipline to voluntarily
  15. With each book, Hodgson learns better control of language and more writing, savvy ,and eventually begins to develop his own voice. But despite the excessively
  16. Cabbies takes Snake to see Harold 'Brain' Hellman (Harry Dean Stanton),a, savvy ,and well-educated inmate who has made the New York Public Library his personal
  17. By the Secret Service. It was the first of four films featuring Reagan as the, savvy ,Bancroft. * The Wild Wild West - A highly popular Western action television
  18. Hardly walk. His reign was a disaster because he lacked courage and political, savvy , He reacted to every challenge with impulsive cruelty, persecuting uppity
  19. Cleveland. But it is an odd connection that makes one wonder at the marketing, savvy ,of Otto Cheering, the company's founder. " Thus, in 1995,a company
  20. Pidgin English, but ultimately from Portuguese influenced Lingua franca, cf. ", savvy ,") * Susan – sister, though nowadays very commonly supplanted by" vista ".
  21. V: bevvy, bivvy, civvies,chivy, divvy,Oliver, navvy,revving, savvy , skivvy *w: arrow wood, arrowworm, bowwow,glowworm, hollowware,meadow wort
  22. Grew up surrounded by smart, independent,single women. They were also, savvy ,and came from a long line of groundbreaking women Victoria's own mother had
  23. Identify the company and the plant from which the sugar came, thus enabling the, savvy ,shopper to identify beet sugar in the store. Culinary sugars So-called raw
  24. And callous characteristics he (Sinuses) has. She has used her intellect and, savvy ,to get where she is today, at the helm of South Africa's fictional top
  25. Magnate with no experience in the housing market, Friedland nonetheless was a, savvy ,businessman who put together a team of professionals who set up a comprehensive
  26. Rights. With Wrigley's vast monetary resources and Veeck's front-office, savvy , the" double-Bills" soon had the Cubs back in business in the National League
  27. City in which to live for educational facilities, health care, technological, savvy , economic growth, cultural opportunities and cost of living. Residents of
  28. Sought after group males aged 18–34,who were also shown to be more" tech, savvy ," than most fans. The NHL estimates that fully half of its fan base roots for
  29. Leader of the group thanks to her articulate conversational style and business, savvy ,nature. Portrayal in the media The Spice Girls became media icons in Great
  30. Places to live" in the U. S. The city is home to a large, business, savvy , organized, and politically supported gay community. Leaders of the Episcopal
  31. Randolph Scott, Barbara Britton and John Carrying. The film portrays Kidd as a, savvy ,and manipulative sociopath, ultimately undone by the son of a man whom he had
  32. Increasingly commonplace in operations and require the petroleum engineer to be, savvy ,in topics as wide-ranging as thermo-hydraulics, geomechanics, and intelligent
  33. Received from his contract, Smith continued to be a national figure. Known as a, savvy ,dresser, he made the April 1988 cover of GQ magazine. Smith was witness to
  34. Started off badly, as he was completely ignored by his new, more politically, savvy ,colleagues. With the help of the Simpsons and an influential doorman, however
  35. Of the throne, arguing that not only bloodline but also intellect and political, savvy ,contribute to the makings of a good king. Richard believes that as king he is
  36. Action-mystery film, Thunderheart (1992) playing Walter Crow Horse, a gruff, savvy ,local cop living on an Indian reservation. In 1994,he began appearing as Mr.
  37. Record deal. Commercial director Duncan Reid of Ingenious explains the business, savvy ,of the deal, saying," If you're paying a small distribution fee and covering
  38. Seen by some as half-hearted or unfocused. Furthermore, the most technically, savvy ,sales representatives that might have sold office automation equipment were
  39. The Arts. The founding of the institute was both a philanthropic gesture and a, savvy ,investment by Disney, as the school provided plenty of creative talent for the
  40. Position at the station was held by a woman. Other business interests Through, savvy ,investments, Phillips soon amassed a fortune. He was one of the first investors
  41. Consume, sees a future Hamilton with younger upscale Hamiltonian's—who are tech, savvy ,and university educated—choosing to live in the downtown and surrounding areas
  42. Credit to H. J. Whitley, but Whitsett's long residence in town and political, savvy ,towards building the Colorado River aqueduct gave him more" historical credit
  43. All fifty states. This sense of momentum was reinforced when Perot employed two, savvy ,campaign managers in Democrat Hamilton Jordan and Republican Ed Rollins. In
  44. Former columnist for Byte Magazine, for instance) were very Internet, savvy , he did. The chat client grew into an incredibly vibrant community called Been
  45. That the five friends managed to get away and used their travelling street, savvy ,to return to civilization. It has been a year and one month since their
  46. Attentions when he speaks on economic matters by virtue of the fact that he is, savvy ,enough to have, over the years, built up several multi-million dollar companies
  47. Frank Morgan) and his popular attraction, belly dancer Little Egypt, with, savvy , marketing (allowing women to feel Sandow's muscles). Later, on an ocean
  48. To the same moderate pitch, with entertainment value enhanced by Mr. Boyle's, savvy ,use of wide angles, bright colors, attractively clean compositions and a
  49. Civil War while others are younger farmers who have used their skill, business, savvy , and work ethic to develop large farming operations. Notwithstanding the county
  50. Legally obtain his own mineral rights to the coal deposits. McAlister being a, savvy ,businessman quickly obtained land near the intersection of the north-south and

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