Examples of the the word, molly , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Is able to survive oxygen-depleted habitats. An euryhaline species, the sail fin, molly ,may be found in a variety of saline environments, tolerating salinizes as high
  2. Poeciliidae. (See: Sexual selection) It is a smaller fish than the Yucatán, molly ,(P. veliger),though that species often does not grow to full length if bred
  3. To 34 species: * Camacho molly , Poecilia catemaconis Miller,1975. * CANCA, molly , Poe cilia calcanei (Standalone,1880). * Elegant molly , Poecilia elegant (
  4. Much like Ted is short for Edward. One of the most famous of these was Clap's, molly ,house. Clap's molly house Margaret Clap ran a coffee house that served as a
  5. The Tower of London. *1726 – Five men arrested during a raid on Mother Clap's, molly ,house in London are executed at Ty burn. *1864 – Second War of Schleswig: The
  6. Link is executed for female sodomy in Germany. * 1726 – Mother Clap's, molly ,house in London is raided by police, resulting in the execution of three men. *
  7. Broader 'homosexual' identity of the 20th and 21st centuries. The most famous, molly ,house was Mother Clap's open for two years from 1724-1726 in the Osborn area
  8. Then 15 fin rays, counting where the fin meets the back, whereas the Yucatán, molly ,has 18-19 (intermediate numbers may indicate hybrids which should be avoided)
  9. Polish),subunits (Tagalog),and molliénésie á failure or simply ", molly ,voile" ( French). There is some confusion with the Yucatán molly , P. Velifera
  10. Insects, animals,and vegetation. IUCN list two of the species, the sulfur, molly , P. sulfuric, and the broad spotted molly , P. Latipunctata, as Critically
  11. Two of the species, the sulfur molly , P. Sulphuraria, and the broad spotted, molly , P. latipunctata, as Critically Endangered. The generic name Poe cilia derives
  12. Virginia, and Kentucky area). In parts of West Virginia, they are known as ", molly ,moochers. " Other common names for morels include sponge mushroom. Genus
  13. 1978. * Sail fin molly , Poecilia Latina (Lesser,1821). * Broad spotted, molly , Poe cilia latipunctata Meek,1904. * Short fin molly , Poecilia Mexican
  14. 1880). * Elegant molly , Poecilia elegant (Troops,1948). * Hispaniola, molly , Poe cilia Hispaniola Rivas,1978. * Sail fin molly , Poecilia Latina (
  15. That has estrus cycles and thus, in theory, could carry a fetus, is called a ", molly ," or" Molly mule," though the term is sometimes used to refer to female mules
  16. Out of jail, selectively arrest criminals, and coerce sexual services from, molly ,houses. His testimony about the rise of crime was given during an investigation
  17. Wright) were hanged at Ty burn for sodomy following a raid of Margaret Clap's, molly ,house. Charles Kitchen, the Under City Marshal (and crime lord),was also
  18. From all classes could find partners or just socialize, called molly houses,", molly ," being slang for a gay man at the time - and possibly originating from
  19. Mexico. Preferring marshes, lowland streams, swamps,and estuaries, the sail fin, molly ,is very common in peninsular Florida. Non-indigenous populations are
  20. Or simply" molly voile" ( French). There is some confusion with the Yucatán, molly , P. veliger. While most names that contain an element refer to the present
  21. Premise to retrieve alcohol to serve to her customers, it is likely that the, molly ,house was hosted in her own private residence. Unlike other molly houses, it
  22. Relegating Mollienesia to the synonymy of Poe cilia. Common names Sail fin, molly ,(English),Breitflossenkärpfling (German),seilfinne molly (Norwegian)
  23. Court records of sodomy trials of the period provide much of the evidence about, molly ,houses. On 9 May 1726,three men (Gabriel Lawrence, William Griffin, and
  24. Miller,1975. * CANCA molly , Poecilia calcanei (Standalone,1880). * Elegant, molly , Poe cilia elegant (Troops,1948). * Hispaniola molly , Poecilia Hispaniola
  25. And black mollies There exists an entirely mechanistic form called the midnight, molly , or nondescript," black molly ". The latter originally refers to mechanistic
  26. Carolina to Texas and the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico. Taxonomy The sail fin, molly ,was originally described in 1821 as Mollienesia Latina by the naturalist
  27. For Edward. One of the most famous of these was Clap's molly house. Clap's, molly ,house Margaret Clap ran a coffee house that served as a molly house for the
  28. In the 18th century, Holborn was the location of the infamous Mother Clap's, molly ,house but in the modern era High Osborn has become a center for entertainment
  29. Tooth-carps, and include well-known aquarium fish such as the guppy, molly , platy, and sword tail. The original distribution of the family was the
  30. Segelkärpfling, the Latin veliger and possibly others are used for the Yucatán, molly , The French terms are used for both species indiscriminately.
  31. This term may also include the presence of possible adulterants. The terms ", molly ,and Mandy can colloquially refer to MDMA in crystalline or powder form. MDMA
  32. Were one precursor to some types of gay bars. In 18th century England, a ", molly ," referred to an effeminate usually homosexual male. Mollies, and other third
  33. Minimizing their chances of being observed by potential predators. The sail fin, molly ,is a tolerant species, as it can exploit the thin film of oxygen-rich surface
  34. Of an orgy of brutality and mass hysteria, especially if the victim were a, molly , " The Act was repealed by section 1 of the Offenses against the Person Act
  35. Ran a coffee house from 1724 to 1726 in Osborn, London. Notable for running a, molly ,house, an inn or tavern primarily frequented by homosexual men, she was also
  36. That the molly house was hosted in her own private residence. Unlike other, molly ,houses, it was not a brothel. The surveillance seems to have been instigated by
  37. One new species was added, bringing the total to 34 species: * Camacho, molly , Poe cilia catemaconis Miller,1975. * CANCA molly , Poecilia calcanei (
  38. Orleans, Louisiana. However, Lesueur described other collections of the sail fin, molly ,as Mollienesia multilinear in 1821,the same year in which he described M.
  39. The sequel,PoE2 won the 2006 Mod of the Year award on Mod DB. The sail fin, molly , Poe cilia Latina, is a species of fish, of the genus Poe cilia. They inhabit
  40. Where men from all classes could find partners or just socialize, called, molly , houses," molly " being slang for a gay man at the time - and possibly
  41. 1948). * Hispaniola molly , Poecilia Hispaniola Rivas,1978. * Sail fin, molly , Poe cilia Latina (Lesser,1821). * Broad spotted molly , Poecilia
  42. Especially on Sunday Nights. " Clap was present during the vast majority of the, molly ,house's operational hours, apparently only leaving to run across the street to
  43. House. Clap's molly house Margaret Clap ran a coffee house that served as a, molly ,house for the underground gay community. Her house was popular during the two
  44. 1821). * Broad spotted molly , Poecilia latipunctata Meek,1904. * Short fin, molly , Poe cilia Mexican Standalone,1863. * Poe cilia Rosie Meyer, Radda, Schartl
  45. Occur (Hinckley 1973). Biology Distinctive features The body of the sail fin, molly ,is essentially oblong. The head is small and dorsally flattened, with a small
  46. Geographical distribution The sail fin, molly ,is found in fresh, brackish,and coastal saltwater in coastal lowland habitats
  47. Derisively known as" Molly Wood's Bush" in the early nineteenth century — ", molly ," being a contemporary slang term for" homosexual ". In the Spring of 2005,a
  48. In fish keeping, a group of extremely hardy live bearing fish, along with the, molly ,and guppy, that adapt to almost any water conditions, from cold to tropical
  49. Kit Witches),Pig Dyke Molly. To this day Dept ford Fowlers' Troop perform, molly ,dances, as well as parading Jack in the Green. They take their name from a
  50. The dorsal fins are the most distinctive character: Those of the sail fin, molly ,have less than 15 fin rays, counting where the fin meets the back, whereas the

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