Examples of the the word, rejoice , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rejoice ), is the 9321 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Then to return. Jesus also lends this power to some of his disciples, who, rejoice , at their new-found ability to cast out all demons. The demons are cast out by
  2. Let thy priests, O LORD God, be clothed with salvation, and let thy saints, rejoice ,in goodness. Eastern Orthodoxy In the Eastern Orthodox Church a saint is
  3. Palm branches and boughs of leafy trees and willows of the brook, and you shall, rejoice ,before the LORD your God for seven days. " (Leviticus 23:40) Christians
  4. Is unholy in itself and its representation is impure, and for those reasons we, rejoice ,in believing that such works will not become popular. If they did, we are
  5. Of More:" To stand before a man at an inquisition, knowing that he will, rejoice ,when we die, knowing that he will commit us to the stake and its horrors
  6. Is from Susanna herself. As the curtain drops, the two newlywed couples, rejoice , Act 4 The garden, with two pavilions. Night. Following the directions in the
  7. Replacing the first four lines of the anthem with:: Australians all let us, rejoice ,: For we are proud and free;: We've golden sands and willing hands, : For home
  8. Are cut off from the fold, and there is no herd in the stalls: 3:18 yet I will, rejoice ,in Yahweh. I will be joyful in the God of my salvation! (World English Bible
  9. Of Christ's sacrifice, but it finds support in St. Paul:" Now I, rejoice ,in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I complete what is lacking in
  10. In the air,” the marriage of the Lamb takes place:" Let us be glad and, rejoice ,and give him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his wife has
  11. The world. It gives women a feeling of freedom and self-reliance. I stand and, rejoice ,every time I see a woman ride by on a wheel ... the picture of free
  12. Jack-O-Lantern) wrote of him:: You’re wrong as the deuce: And you shouldn’t, rejoice ,: If you’re calling him Seuss.: He pronounces it Voice. Gases switched to the
  13. The godly and so great a hindrance to the Gospel as the papists do exceedingly, rejoice ,at the blemish thereof, and not without cause, for every day in the week the
  14. Entire creative plan (i.e., the Great Music of the Ainu. ) The Ainu, rejoice ,in Light, but at the sounds of the Sea they feel“ a great unquiet. ” (Ibid, p
  15. Kisses her, which breaks the spell and awakens her. The dwarfs and animals all, rejoice ,as the prince takes Snow White to his castle, which glows in the presence of
  16. As he hangs there. When the news of the victory is brought to David he does not, rejoice , but is instead shaken with grief:" O my son Absalom, my son, my son Absalom!
  17. And recline on couches inlaid with gold or precious stones. Inhabitants will, rejoice ,in the company of their parents, wives,and children. In Islam if one's good
  18. Today is the day on which we defeated our enemy. Therefore, when We say let us, rejoice ,with our hearts, let not our rejoicing be in any other way but in the spirit of
  19. Put a ring upon his right hand, kill the fitted calf, and let us eat and, rejoice , ’ Your own right hand, O Lord, armed Moses in the Red Sea. By word of Your
  20. And stop acting, crying out," It is our brother Pinocchio! " While the puppets, rejoice , however, the audience grows angry, and the theater director, Mangiafuoco
  21. Where the righteous dead, awaiting in the bosom of Abraham their resurrection, rejoice ,at their future prospect, while the unrighteous are tormented at the sight of
  22. Catalina Serbia ad Popular In this speech, Cicero claims that the city should, rejoice ,because it has been saved from a bloody rebellion. He presents evidence that
  23. To be performed in the Temple in Jerusalem. Next comes Yismechu," They shall, rejoice ,in Your sovereignty "; Slogan," Our God and God of our Ancestors, may you be
  24. And soul / Which captivates the world / His millions of listeners never fail to, rejoice ,/ At his golden voice ..." Compositions Crosby co-wrote lyrics to 15 songs.
  25. The Apostles says, out of darkness into his admirable light, and believing we, rejoice ,with joy unspeakable. (
  26. Angel told her to go back. The surviving Bohemians and Benny gather together to, rejoice ,and resolve to enjoy whatever time they have left with each other (" Finale B
  27. End of Cross of Iron, a 1977 drama war film directed by Sam Peckinpah: Do not, rejoice ,in his defeat, you men. For though the world has stood up and stopped the
  28. Of battle:" My opinion, indeed,by no means agrees with yours, for we ought to, rejoice ,at this conduct of our adversary; for, unless supported by divine assistance
  29. The churches here celebrate grand annual feasts, an occasion to regale and, rejoice , The 'Arthurian Personal' is celebrated at the Arthurian Church. The famous
  30. Won by such an ape! The nations put him where his kind belongs. But do not, rejoice ,too soon at your escape — The womb he crawled from is still going strong.
  31. Tasks and tedious useless little habits, to see life as it really is, and to, rejoice ,in its exquisite wonderfulness. If the sigil were proved to be the top of a
  32. Lyrics published in 1879 were as follows:; Verse 1: Australia's sons let us, rejoice ,: For we are young and free;: We've golden soil and wealth for toil, : Our home
  33. Line from" Australia's sons let us rejoice " to" Australians all let us, rejoice ,". The original lyrics published in 1879 were as follows:; Verse 1: Australia
  34. Margaret Thatcher, broke the news to the media, telling them to" Just, rejoice ,at that news! " Black Buck raids On 1 May British operations on the Falklands
  35. Josephine says that she" will hesitate no longer ". The Captain and Sir Joseph, rejoice , but Josephine is now more determined than ever to marry Ralph. Dick Dead eye
  36. In Tyndale, Geneva and the Bishops' Bibles, both instances are translated ", rejoice ,". In the Douay-Rheims New Testament, both are translated" glory ". Only in
  37. Joined by a" black fleet with black sails ". The forces of Mordor initially, rejoice ,at its arrival; and then are horrified to see the banner of the King upon the
  38. My fathers, the land of my choice, The land in which poets and minstrels, rejoice ,; The land whose stern warriors were true to the core, While
  39. I cannot but feel depressed. I am very lonely and can never get in a mood to, rejoice ,about this victory. " He even let a tinge of regret flavor the statement he
  40. Jacob opened his eyes and laughed; and as it is written:" The righteous shall, rejoice ,when he sees the vengeance; he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked.
  41. Qitniyot on holidays because it is written (in Debut. 16:14) that ‘ you shall, rejoice ,in your festivals’ and there is no joy in eating dishes made from kitniyot ".
  42. Except for the change in the first line from" Australia's sons let us, rejoice ," to" Australians all let us rejoice ". The original lyrics published in 1879
  43. S command. Even then," her care for mankind continues and the world can, rejoice ,in the warmth of her daughter Proserpina: in Imperial flesh, Proserpina is (
  44. Road, and used to say: Come, O bride, come,O bride! ' And one must sing and, rejoice ,at the table in her honor ... one must receive the Lady with many lighted
  45. Hatred nor envy; but the righteous shall sit with crowns upon their heads, and, rejoice , in the radiance of the Divine Presence ". Ran also devoted much attention to
  46. He runs to Goliath before he dies and Goliath says," Hurry and kill me and, rejoice ," and David replies," Before you die, open your eyes and see your slayer; "
  47. Also, knowing that tribulation worked patience: The English terms ", rejoice ," and" glory" stand for the same word in the Greek original. In Tyndale
  48. Officially adopted in 1984 are as follows:; Verse 1: Australians all let us, rejoice ,: For we are young and free;: We've golden soil and wealth for toil;: Our home
  49. Native American history, powwows were held, usually in the spring, to, rejoice , on the beginning of new life. These events brought Native American tribes
  50. Jesus regarded John as" a burning and shining lamp, and you were willing to, rejoice ,for a while in his light" ( John 5:35). The Book of Acts portrays the

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