Examples of the the word, sticky , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sticky ), is the 9312 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Include apple pie, mince pies, spotted dick, scones,Eccles cakes, custard and, sticky ,toffee pudding. Common drinks include tea, whose popularity was increased by
  2. Over time, the rubber would slowly dissolve making the contents slightly, sticky ,and the mixture would separate into two layers – this was intentional and the
  3. For example, is " morning rice ".: Japanese rice is short grain and becomes, sticky ,when cooked. Most rice is sold as Hokusai (" white rice" ), with the outer
  4. Effects. Keynesian's argue that in a modern industrial economy, many prices are, sticky ,downward or downward inflexible, so that instead of prices falling in this
  5. Rain fell overnight, and next day the pitch soon developed into a traditional, sticky ,wicket. England seemed doomed to be bowled out cheaply and to lose the match.
  6. Who wrote 'Incommunicado '! ": :He turned me around and wanted me to shake my, sticky ,hand with all of them. I wiped it on my jacket and stepped back. My hair felt
  7. Literally" red rice ", is served for any celebratory occasion. It is usually, sticky ,rice cooked with Audi, or red bean, which gives the rice its distinctive red
  8. Address features of the Point-to-Point Protocol. Sticky dynamic IP address A, sticky ,dynamic IP address is an informal term used by cable and DSL Internet access
  9. Analogous carboxylic acids Nucleic acids Asphalt also known as bitumen is a, sticky , black and highly viscous liquid or semi-solid that is present in most crude
  10. IEEE 754. Arithmetic exceptions are (by default) required to be recorded in ", sticky ," error indicator bits. That they are" sticky " means that they are not reset
  11. During the unification process, microbes (bacteria and fungi) secrete, sticky ,gum-like mucilage; these contribute to the crumb structure of the soil by
  12. Space, then that region of space must be occupied by a brand. These type of ", sticky ," brakes are called Dirichlet-P-branes, or D-P-branes. His calculations showed
  13. Shots. Some indoor arenas prohibit the usage of resin since many products leave, sticky ,stains on the floor. Awarded throws The referees may award a special throw to a
  14. With the melting temperature Tm (also the annealing temperature) of the, sticky ,ends being ligated. If the ambient temperature exceeds Tm, the homologous
  15. Rests on microeconomic models that indicate that nominal wages and prices are ", sticky ," i.e., do not change easily or quickly with changes in supply and demand, so
  16. Complicated non-Newtonian stress-strain behaviors. These materials include, sticky ,liquids such as latex, honey,and lubricants which are studied in the
  17. Hand with all of them. I wiped it on my jacket and stepped back. My hair felt, sticky , My face felt sticky . I was ashamed of being so disheveled and unprepared to
  18. Maintaining the shape of the bird, the cavities being filled with seasoned, sticky ,rice. * Beef meatball soup - very simple clear broth with lettuce and beef meat
  19. Adaptations for living on a diet of ants. These adaptations include long, sticky ,tongues to capture ants and strong claws to break into ant nests. Brown bears (
  20. I wiped it on my jacket and stepped back. My hair felt sticky . My face felt, sticky , I was ashamed of being so disheveled and unprepared to discuss electronic
  21. And coherence of Enlightenment thinking, art,and music. But the past proves, sticky , Arnold Schoenberg rejected traditional tonal harmony, the hierarchical system
  22. Required to be recorded in" sticky " error indicator bits. That they are ", sticky ," means that they are not reset by the next (arithmetic) operation, but stay
  23. Disorder as a result of experiencing Otis media with effusion (glue ear, sticky ,ear, grommets ) and other severe ear conditions. * Specific language impairment
  24. For the animal to wash its eyelids and clean its ears (inside and out). This, sticky ,tongue is pointed and bluish gray in color like the giraffe's. Male okapis
  25. Few roads were paved. The ground in the USSR was very loose sand in summer, sticky ,muck in autumn, and heavy snow in winter. German tanks had narrow treads with
  26. Extract, a by-product of beer brewing. The British version of the product is a, sticky , dark brown paste with a distinctive, powerful flavor, which is extremely
  27. They remain attached to the string, an activity that inevitably leads to a very, sticky ,face. Some games traditionally played at Halloween are forms of divination. A
  28. Sintering, electrostatic attraction as well as the existence of a ", sticky ," liquid-like layer on the crystal surface. The individual ice crystals often
  29. Added as a thickener (the Precept Military refer to the substance as,", sticky ,fire" ), and to increase the duration and intensity of the flame. A
  30. Ligated. If the ambient temperature exceeds Tm, the homologous pairing of the, sticky ,ends would not be stable because the high temperature disrupts hydrogen bonding
  31. Aware I had not showered or even combed my hair since god knows when. I felt, sticky , but I bluffed it out, extended my sweaty hand with matching vigor and said. "
  32. Major rice variety used in Japan is mocha rice. Cooked mocha rice is more, sticky ,than conventional Japanese rice, and it is commonly used for median (cooked
  33. The tension of the hair. Rosin is applied by the player to make the hairs, sticky , Bows need to be re-haired periodically. Baroque style (1600–1750) cello bows
  34. IEEE 754 specifies five arithmetic errors that are to be recorded in ", sticky ,bits ": * inexact, set if the rounded (and returned) value is different from
  35. Badly, losing the first two Tests heavily after Australia were caught on, sticky ,wickets. However, the Australians fought back and Brahman won his first series
  36. In early June and continuing for about a month. It is followed by hot, sticky ,weather. Five or six typhoons pass over or near Japan every year from early
  37. On termites and can eat more than 200,000 in a single night, using its long, sticky ,tongue to collect them. The Adolf is the only surviving species of the
  38. Or taffy apples are common Halloween treats made by rolling whole apples in a, sticky ,sugar syrup, sometimes followed by rolling them in nuts. At one time, candy
  39. Would only lead to price changes. New Keynesian models investigated sources of, sticky ,prices and wages, which would not adjust thereby leading monetary policy impact
  40. CAM's create an ideal environment for atonal growth. This seems to provide a ", sticky ," surface for axons to grow along. Examples of CAM's specific to neural
  41. However, for optimal ligation efficiency with cohesive-ended fragments (", sticky ,ends" ), the optimal enzyme temperature needs to be balanced with the melting
  42. Set of molecules called extracellular matrix adhesion molecules also provide a, sticky ,substrate for axons to grow along. Examples of these molecules include lamina
  43. Players were vocal in their disdain for the new ball, saying that it was too, sticky ,when dry, and too slippery when wet. On December 11, 2006,Commissioner Stern
  44. Association with the host plant Mirella phosphor (Chrysobalanaceae),and a, sticky ,fungus which is used to trap their insect prey. Lemon ants make devil's
  45. Impregnate the structure of the leather artifact with active chemicals, are, sticky , and attract stains. Leather in book binding Leather used in book binding has
  46. Disrupts hydrogen bonding. Ligation reaction is most efficient when the, sticky ,ends are already stably annealed, disruption of the annealing ends would
  47. Segments at both 5' ends. These two single-stranded segments are the ", sticky ,ends" of what is called the cos site. The cos site circularizes the DNA in the
  48. Of oils including displacement and weakening of fibers) and stiffen, leave a, sticky ,surface, collect dust, wick into adjacent materials, form unstable surface
  49. Resin often contains other fossils called inclusions that were captured by the, sticky ,resin. These include bacteria, fungi,other plants, and animals. Animal
  50. Thicker because the shaved hairs are blunted. Waxing involves using a, sticky ,wax and strip of paper or cloth to pull hair from the root. Waxing is the ideal

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