Examples of the the word, providence , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Which is" doubt concerning basic religious principles (such as immortality, providence , and revelation) ", but philosophical skepticism is an overall approach that
  2. That chance and God's providence amount to the same thing. By both chance and, providence , Ruth, a destitute, widowed and childless outsider, becomes an ancestress of
  3. Gasser and William Nix wrote:" The process of inspiration is a mystery of the, providence ,of God, but the result of this process is a verbal, plenary,inerrant, and
  4. Man; religious conversion; atonement; activism; devotion to the Bible; God's, providence ,; and the belief in an eternal life after death. However, they were primarily
  5. Death if Josephus died with them! But Josephus - shall we put it down to divine, providence ,or just luck - was left with one other man .... he used persuasion, they made a
  6. Which none then doubted — and gave them a tangible connection to their divine, providence , Theseus and Spirituous Theseus's best friend was Spirituous, prince of the
  7. Deals with questions of vision and light, and the final four with fate and, providence , Problems and Solutions (Questions) consists of three books which, although
  8. And decay. In this treatise, Alexander opposes the Stoic view that divine, providence ,extends to all aspects of the world; he regards this idea as unworthy of the
  9. Higher power. Some scholars maintain that in the 1850s,Lincoln acknowledged ", providence ," in a general way, and rarely used the language or imagery of the evangelicals
  10. To be the creator of only the good (Asia 31.4),the" supreme benevolent, providence ," (Asia 43.11),that will ultimately triumph (Asia 48.1). In this schema
  11. Should allow the marriage. Rowena is immediately sent to Northern and the, providence ,of Kent is given to Hen gist, without the knowledge of the then-ruler of Kent
  12. Others; Onesies coming to Paul by chance (or in the Christian view, by divine, providence ,); or Onesies deliberately seeking Paul out, as a friend of his master's, in
  13. Job was an examining, pious man, not a philosopher, and he did not have, providence , He was unwise, simply grateful for what he had. God, according to Elite, did
  14. Represents famous, distinct schools of thought concerning God and divine, providence , According to Maimonides, the correct view of providence lies with Elite, who
  15. To help him, but says that he rejoices at their arrival as," whether by God's, providence , or some other agency," their assistance is much needed, for Northern is
  16. In Christianity, salvation is the belief that, as part of divine, providence , God saves people from some or all of the following: # from biological death
  17. Notion that in Bible terms there is no mere chance, but that chance and God's, providence ,amount to the same thing. By both chance and providence , Ruth,a destitute
  18. But also conversion, from being 'lost' and 'blind' to 'now I see '. God's, providence , and Cowper's sense of a close and personal relationship with God are voiced
  19. Essays, extant only in Latin translation: Ten doubts concerning providence ; On, providence ,and fate; On the existence of evils. He also wrote a number of minor works
  20. Eleven with logic and metaphysics, and six with questions of fate and, providence , Ethical Problems was traditionally counted as the fourth book of the
  21. Refuses to call a doctor. He dies according to his principles, trusting in the, providence ,of God and not fighting against his fate. This is in contrast to Narrow, who
  22. To be sinful in the sense that it denotes a lack of trust in the divine, providence ,of God and, as such, is a violation of the first of the Ten Commandments. The
  23. Of the century to impose upon the working classes the Victorian values of, providence , self-reliance, foresight,and self-discipline ". Gladstone was associated with
  24. To dispute their interpretation. (Hume 1974:400-402) 11. Of a particular, providence ,and of a future state Hume continues his application of epistemology to
  25. Atheist" was frequently applied to people who believed in God, but not divine, providence , or to people who believed in God, but also maintained other beliefs which were
  26. Of God lead to idolatry. At the end of the first book, he offers his views on, providence , writing," By his Power God cherishes and guards the World which he made and
  27. Are still in existence and use today. An example of this is in the Kurdistan, providence ,of Afghanistan where the Kefir Harp has been part of the musical traditional
  28. In the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a Superintending, providence ,in our favor. ... And have we now forgotten that powerful friend? Or do we
  29. So Paul VI does not allow for arbitrary human decisions, which may limit divine, providence , The Pope does not paint an overly romantic picture of marriage: Marital
  30. Make it a genuine part of one's life. Elite believed in the concepts of divine, providence , rewards to individuals, as well as punishments. He believed, according to
  31. The Theory of Vision, or Visual Language, shewing the immediate presence and, providence ,of a Deity, vindicated and explained (1733) * The Analyst: a Discourse
  32. Speech at the opening of the assembly on 4 July 1653,Cromwell thanked God’s, providence ,that he believed had brought England to this point and set out their divine
  33. As regards the principles of creation ex Hilo and divine individual, providence , The manuscripts include twelve letters which are not included in the printed
  34. The existence of the Deity; that He made the world, and governed it by His, providence ,; that the most acceptable service of God was the doing good to man; that our
  35. Lots, probably had religious significance, that is, giving trust to divine, providence ,to guide the seemingly random decision-making. There were also sacred rituals
  36. Above all, he was a thorough believer in revelation and in a divine, providence , and was a sincere, law-observing follower of rabbinical Judaism. He would not
  37. Indirect paths. Monotheistic faiths generally support some version of divine, providence , which acknowledges that the divinity of the faith has a profound but
  38. Of nothing, as evidenced particularly by the Sabbath; (3) that of the special, providence ,of God, as manifested in the Biblical miracles. In the preface, Abba Mari
  39. God and divine providence . According to Maimonides, the correct view of, providence ,lies with Elite, who teaches Job that one must examine his religion (). This
  40. Consider ourselves blessed. We have much to give thanks for. But the gift of, providence ,we cherish most is that we were given as our neighbors on this wonderful
  41. Too much by imaginary ideals and encouraged people to lazily leave events up to, providence ,or, as he would put it, chance,luck or fortune. While Christianity sees
  42. Itself was accidental. There must be countless indications of the course of, providence , for the most part unobserved, the meaning of only a few having become known to
  43. To be the creator of only the good (Asia 31.4),the" supreme benevolent, providence ," (Asia 43.11),that will ultimately triumph (Asia 48.1). In this schema
  44. It held out, but in a speech on 13 April 1657 he made clear that God's, providence ,had spoken against the office of king:“ I would not seek to set up that which
  45. Knew how to play on Hitler's fantasies, encouraging him to see the hand of, providence ,in the death of United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt on 12 April. On
  46. Your necessity, which is to exercise those creative faculties which a kind, providence ,has given you. Your time of universal recognition will come. " In 1899,that
  47. v. 38). De providential consists of apologetic discourses, proving the divine, providence ,from the physical order (chapters i-iv),and from the moral and social order
  48. Paul VI, does not allow for arbitrary human decisions, which may limit divine, providence , The Pope does not paint an overly romantic picture of marriage: marital
  49. Had borne sway in France; conquest and convulsion had desolated Europe ... the, providence ,of mortals is not often able to penetrate so far as this into futurity ".
  50. Also have three essays, extant only in Latin translation: Ten doubts concerning, providence ,; On providence and fate; On the existence of evils. He also wrote a number of

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