Examples of the the word, wellington , in a Sentence Context

The word ( wellington ), is the 9316 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Co. Ltd. *William's Pissed Galoshes – a young boy and his alcoholic, wellington ,boots. The name is a pun on the UK children's TV cartoon series William's
  2. Hockey and badminton. Cricket HIS has one of the strongest cricket teams in, wellington ,and they have a high-tech training program which features the use of pitch
  3. Disasteradio (Wellington),The E. L. F. (Sydney),The Family Cactus (, wellington ,), The Finn Family Band (Liam, Niel and Elroy Finn),Guy Blackman (Melbourne
  4. The scene thus: He was six foot two, and operated in a bottle-green coat with, wellington ,boots. He sprung across the blood-stained boards upon his swooning, sweating
  5. To wear the stiff shirt and collar with mess dress. Traditionally, half, wellington , boots are worn with mess dress and mess undress, but today shoes are more
  6. The team touring Australia in 1884,his debut coming on 22 may when they played, wellington ,before the left for Australia. In the First match in Australia Helm ore was well
  7. Galoshes and tight boots in vast supplies. By the end of the war the, wellington ,had become popular among men, women and children for wear in wet weather. The
  8. Of the school's" R" Block. Building program The Building at, wellington ,secondary are well under way, on Monday 13 July 2009 the new junior school
  9. With Jack Tinker, representative of the populist Daily Mail, turning up wearing, wellington ,boots. Most, however,found a work of" genuine merit ". Other productions It
  10. See. File: VictoriaStatue. JPG|Queen Victoria in Glasgow File: WFM duke of, wellington , JPG|Duke of Wellington in Glasgow File: Lobby Dosser 1. JPG|Lobby Dosser in
  11. The first New Zealand 'rescue attempt' occurred outside Park view Clinic in, wellington ,in October 1988 by four men, Columban & Fin tan Devine, Brendan & John Greatly)
  12. Shows and trade fairs. Thought of as more up-market than the traditional black, wellington ,of the time, the 'Original' tended, initially,to be worn by middle to upper
  13. Autumn undercooking the scallops, and Benjamin not only causing a beef, wellington ,to split open, but also became non-communicative for part of the time. However
  14. Lived in the impoverished conditions seen in the film and wore plastic bags as, wellington ,boots. Robinson threw four or five years of his real life into the script
  15. Singles Each Year each district selects one under 18 bowlers to compete in, wellington ,for the NZ Junior singles. To qualify for this event you need to be under 18 be
  16. In the Australian A-League * Welly Rub, a side effect of continued wearing of, wellington ,boot. Usually results in scarring around mid-calf area of leg, and can also
  17. Cox stated ... 'I was told that Lisa was a big lady and most comfortable in, wellington ,boots .... Jane Cox had originally auditioned for the role of Nellie Dingle.
  18. Centre (GPS navigation may lead an unwary visitor astray). Image: Carrier, wellington ,entrance. JPG|Entrance to the Carrier Wellington museum Image: Carrier
  19. The ideas for their menu; Garrett offered a few suggestions, such as a lobster, wellington , but Keith and Heather kept shooting down his ideas as too complex for the time
  20. London-based luxury fashion designer Jimmy Chew for a limited edition black, wellington ,boot, embossed with signature Jimmy Chew crocodile print and containing gold
  21. Where the Model T was produced. Hunter's the most famous welly, the original Green, wellington , was made over 50 years ago in the winter of 1955. It was the first orthopedic
  22. And was the center of many problems, as she was unable to properly cook the, wellington , At one point Ramsay took her to a storage room to get her to regroup, but she
  23. JPG|Tunnel and mining trolley in the Carrier Wellington Image: Carrier, wellington ,exit. JPG|Exit no. 10 Mariano is a Spanish word used for apple trees, Malus
  24. With the hassle of living in over-populated North Island cities such as, wellington , This empathizes with the reality of life in Northern centers where people are
  25. And has now grown to be a High School. It is on the way between Connor and, wellington ,located at Mount Pleasant. It was founded and is run by Mrs Bull more a very kind
  26. Schools and universities across the country. Hunter Boot Ltd. is a major rubber, wellington ,boot and footwear designer which has offices in London, Edinburgh and New York.
  27. See. File: VictoriaStatue. JPG|Queen Victoria in Glasgow File: WFM duke of, wellington , JPG|Duke of Wellington in Glasgow File: Lobby Dosser 1. JPG|Lobby Dosser in
  28. The team had grown to 600 members of staff. World War I and II Production of, wellington ,boots were dramatically boosted with the advent of World War I when the company
  29. The 2008 Olympics in Beijing, China,Hunter Boot Ltd sent specially made gold, wellington ,boots to every member of the Great Britain Olympic team who won a gold medal at
  30. Cold. Nowadays, working gauchos are as likely to be found in overalls and, wellington ,boots as in their traditional dress. Just as the disappearance of the" Wild
  31. COI pre-makes spaghetti instead of cooking it to order. Colleen makes one beef, wellington ,too many. A butt of a head of lettuce was found in someone's Caesar salad
  32. Fuji is expending its product line to premium seafood products, such as, wellington ,and pinwheel. The company services over 3,000 store accounts across the United
  33. Sheen. Beaver hats were made in various styles as a matter of civil status: the, wellington ,(1820–40),the Paris beau (1815),the d'Orsay (1820),the regent (1825)
  34. Caused the Red team to slow down when she was unable to prepare the lamb, wellington ,entrées quickly enough. Chef Ramsay was angry at Maribel and disappointed in
  35. World War II Hunter were once again called upon to supply vast quantities of, wellington ,and thigh boots. 80 % of production was for war materials - from ground sheets
  36. Rugby academy and continued making Wellington rep teams like Wellington u19, wellington ,u21 and Wellington B team. He is the older brother of Thomas Waldron. He played
  37. Night with egg whites instead of egg wash, and that the women have run out of, wellington , he had enough. He shut down the restaurant and did not even let either team
  38. Upper, was also added to extend from the company's traditional all-rubber, wellington ,boot range. 2006: Administration and buy-out In 2006,the Hunter Rubber Company
  39. Entrance. JPG|Entrance to the Carrier Wellington museum Image: Carrier, wellington ,tunnel. JPG|Tunnel and mining trolley in the Carrier Wellington Image:
  40. Flooded well in the center of it. One of them had placed frog spawn in Neil's, wellington ,boots, and Neil had panicked, screaming and crying and slowly backing into the
  41. Retaliating. Brad was trying to scrap the burnt part of the pastry of a beef, wellington ,that he burnt, but Ramsay saw him and said he would shove the galoshes up
  42. But also spotted her mistake too late, pouring the wrong sauce on the beef, wellington ,; Christina's service behind the stove was" crap ", but she persevered at the
  43. To 'row out to sea '. He pretended to fish from his 'boat' and caught a, wellington ,boot full of custard. He was cast as a presenter and first appeared on the
  44. For an appearance on TV-am. Roland had to avoid enemies in the form of animated, wellington ,boots which could be temporarily incapacitated with a squirt of glue, which
  45. The aim of providing recreation to Te Are Flat children associated with the, wellington ,city missions as to prevent them becoming" stop outs ", period slang for
  46. He has fallen off buildings and through a roof, swum through a river wearing, wellington ,boots before jumping soaking wet on a bus and begging a free ride; has been
  47. Finally barring him from doing anything else in the kitchen. Virginia cooked, wellington ,rare when the order was medium. Finally, when Ramsay realized the women were
  48. And has become a fashion item. The Argyle though is favored by those who wear, wellington ,boots day in and day out. History Beginnings In the first week of January 1856
  49. Bighead, Artie Springer) *" Trouble with a Puddle ": Ozzie the Squid has new, wellington ,boots, and he wants a puddle to splash in. Mop atop doesn't think he can
  50. With a warm but mocking smile. He wore a shabby yellow suit and a pair of green, wellington ,boots. He has six toes, webbed feet, carries a heart shaped watch, and has six

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