Examples of the the word, curry , in a Sentence Context

The word ( curry ), is the 9309 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And a variety of other ingredients and spices in a mildly spicy yellow, curry ,sauce, and topped over steamed rice. White pepper, soy sauce, hot sauce, and/or
  2. Mexican-style),and is found in achieve blends, adobos, sofrito, garam masala, curry ,powder, and baccarat. Cumin can be used ground or as whole seeds. Cumin was
  3. Even though the same vegetables are used in the curry , the coastal Andhra, curry ,tastes completely different from the Telangana curry . This is what made the
  4. Flavour and aroma is achieved by a blend and combination of spices including, curry ,leaves, tamarind,coriander, ginger,garlic, chili,pepper, poppy seeds
  5. Used in a wide variety of ways. Typically, rice is either boiled and eaten with, curry , or made into a batter for use in a crepe-like dish called ATT (petawatt is
  6. The meat. In Ace, curries use Dan Salem kola or Dan Kari (translated as ", curry ,leaves" )., while gulag can be commonly found in West Sumatran restaurants.
  7. Are also a common topping. Apart from with rice, karē upon (thick noodles in, curry ,flavored soup) and Korean (" curry bread" — deep-fried battered bread
  8. From Malaysian" curry me" or" curry noodles,") is also a popular Chinese, curry ,dish. Japanese cuisine is one of the most popular dishes in Japan, where people
  9. Hindi-Urdu is Masada (i.e. with masala). Pakistani A favorite Pakistani, curry ,is Karachi, which is either mutton or chicken cooked in a cooking utensil called
  10. Soup) and Korean (" curry bread" — deep-fried battered bread with, curry ,in the middle) are also popular. Curry was introduced to Korea by the Japanese
  11. Curries of Kerala typically contain shredded coconut paste or coconut milk, curry ,leaves, and various spices. Mustard seeds are used in almost every dish, along
  12. Made from vegetables and a few curries made from meat. In this region,the, curry ,is flavored with coriander powder, cumin seeds/powder, black pepper powder, red
  13. And that they are mainly to limit the company's legal liability, or to, curry ,public favor by giving the appearance of being a good corporate citizen.
  14. In Thai, British,Japanese and Caribbean cuisines. Etymology The word ", curry ," is an anglicized version of the Tamil word (கறி) meaning 'sauce ', which is
  15. Into a variety of strongly flavored dishes such as Hyderabad Biryani, fish, curry , brinjal curry , and Longer Machado the most popular dish of Andhra Pradesh. An
  16. The dominant group in Thailand. ) There are many varieties of Chinese, curry , depending on each restaurant. Unlike other Asian curries, which usually have a
  17. With breaded pork cutlet (conceits); this is called Katsu-karē (" cutlet, curry ,"). Broke (potato croquettes) are also a common topping. Apart from with
  18. Where dishes are classified as sushi (dry) and taxi (with liquid),the word, curry ,is often confounded with the similar-sounding Hindi-Urdu word taxi (from the
  19. Of strongly flavored dishes such as Hyderabad Biryani, fish curry , brinjal, curry , and Longer Machado the most popular dish of Andhra Pradesh. An Andhra dish is
  20. Nearly identical to the Japanese version. The common ingredients are rice, curry ,sauce, vegetables,kimchi, smoked pork, and wasabi. Southeast Asian cuisines
  21. And/or hot chili oil may be applied to the sauce to enhance the flavor of the, curry , The most common Chinese variety of curry sauce is usually sold in powder form.
  22. Various spices. Mustard seeds are used in almost every dish, along with onions, curry ,leaves, sliced red chilies fried in hot oil. Most of the non-vegetarian dishes
  23. Tastes completely different from the Telangana curry . This is what made the, curry ,a concept rather than a strict recipe. It can be customized to use the local
  24. And also some Southeast Asian minority groups, have their own versions of, curry , Note that these countries have had many influences from Indian culture and
  25. Indian/other east Asian curries, and is more of a thick Japanese stew than a, curry , Curry was introduced to Japan by the British in the Meiji era (1868–1912)
  26. Gyi those exists, in which wheat or rice noodles are eaten with thick chicken, curry , Indonesian cuisine In Indonesia, gulai and Kari or are are based on curry .
  27. A year according to a survey made in 2005. It is usually eaten as are raise —, curry , rice and often pickled vegetables, served on the same plate and eaten with a
  28. Experience the dish. The Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force traditionally have, curry ,every Friday for lunch and many ships have their own unique recipes. The
  29. The spices added vary, but usually include turmeric, black mustard seed, and, curry , leaves. It is often eaten with rice. North India, where dishes are classified
  30. Unlike other Asian curries, which usually have a thicker consistency, Chinese, curry , is often watery. " Galician," (from Malaysian" curry me" or" curry
  31. Rotte/bread from Santa grains, and Hyderabad biryani. In this region,the, curry ,is flavored with spices like clove, cinnamon,nutmeg, anise,and bay leaf. The
  32. Of the green weaver ant (Mesophyll marauding) is served as a condiment with, curry , Weaver ant eggs and larvae as well as the ants themselves may be used in a
  33. Or not, would be considered a curry dish, simply because it is wet). In Urdu, curry ,is usually referred to as Alan (سالن). The equivalent word for a spiced
  34. Or other Southeast Asian cuisines. The chief spices found in most South Asian, curry ,powders are turmeric, coriander,and cumin; a wide range of additional spices
  35. Whilst spicy curries are favorite dishes for dinner and lunch. 'Rice and, curry ,' refers to a range of Sri Lankan dishes. Other South Asian cuisine Afghan and
  36. With rice, karē upon (thick noodles in curry flavored soup) and Korean (", curry ,bread" — deep-fried battered bread with curry in the middle) are also popular
  37. Northern and eastern Japan including Tokyo, pork is the most popular meat for, curry , Beef is more common in western Japan, including Osaka, and in Okinawa chicken
  38. Curry is often watery. " Galician," (from Malaysian" curry me" or ", curry ,noodles,") is also a popular Chinese curry dish. Japanese cuisine is one of
  39. Consistency, Chinese curry is often watery. " Galician," (from Malaysian ", curry ,me" or" curry noodles,") is also a popular Chinese curry dish. Japanese
  40. Curry. Indonesian cuisine In Indonesia, gulai and Kari or are are based on, curry , They are often highly localized and reflect the meat and vegetables available.
  41. May be stir-fried, spicy or sweet). Curry varies in flavor and heat. Mild, curry ,could be made of cardamom, coriander,cumin, turmeric,star anise, and salt.
  42. The dish is Indian or not (e.g. any stew, spicy or not, would be considered a, curry ,dish, simply because it is wet). In Urdu, curry is usually referred to as
  43. After Japan ended its policy of national self-isolation (Shikoku),and, curry ,in Japan was categorized as a Western dish. It's spread across the country is
  44. Pepper powder,red-hot chili peppers/powder, asafoetida, ghee,fenugreek seeds, curry ,leaves and turmeric. Even though the same vegetables are used in the curry , the
  45. With or without a gravy. Another school of thought indicates that the word ", curry ," originated from the Bengali word" Workers ", a general term often used in
  46. For lunch and many ships have their own unique recipes. The standard Japanese, curry ,contains onions, carrots,potatoes, and sometimes celery, and meat that is
  47. Curry leaves and turmeric. Even though the same vegetables are used in the, curry , the coastal Andhra curry tastes completely different from the Telangana curry .
  48. Shrimp paste (terms),cumin, coriander seed and coconut milk. One popular, curry ,is rending from West Sumatran cuisine. Authentic rending uses water buffalo
  49. Burmese curries are fresh onion (which provides the gravy and main body of the, curry ,), Indian spices and red chilies. Usually, meat and fish are the main
  50. Sauce to enhance the flavor of the curry . The most common Chinese variety of, curry ,sauce is usually sold in powder form. It seems to have descended from a

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