Examples of the the word, assay , in a Sentence Context

The word ( assay ), is the 9303 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. HIV-1 testing consists of initial screening with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent, assay ,(ELISA) to detect antibodies to HIV-1. Specimens with a nonreactive result
  2. F of feed of assay of into a mass P of product assay XP and waste of mass W and, assay ,PW is expressed in terms of the number of separative work units needed, given
  3. Expended in separating a mass F of feed of assay of into a mass P of product, assay ,XP and waste of mass W and assay PW is expressed in terms of the number of
  4. The Folin-Ciocalteu reagent, and the Troop equivalent antioxidant capacity, assay , Antioxidants are found in varying amounts in foods such as vegetables, fruits
  5. And proteomics. The basic idea of microfluidic biochips is to integrate, assay ,operations such as detection, as well as sample pre-treatment and sample
  6. Although IFA can be used to confirm infection in these ambiguous cases, this, assay , is not widely used. In general, a second specimen should be collected more than
  7. Test (e.g., Western blot or, less commonly, an immunofluorescence, assay ,(IFA) ). Only specimens that are repeatedly reactive by ELISA and positive by
  8. Substantially reducing the possibility of artifacts, as well as speeding up the, assay , The researchers also tested their method on blood samples from apparently
  9. Or K1c). The new subclade has provisionally been named K1ö for Ötzi. Multiplex, assay ,study was able to confirm that the Iceman's mt DNA belongs to a new European
  10. Is the process of elucidating the genotype of an individual with a biological, assay , Also known as a genotypic assay , techniques include PCR, DNA fragment analysis
  11. And one of the Taxes samples was found to be cytotoxic in a cellular, assay ,on 22 May 1964. They named the pure compound taxon in June 1967. The NCI
  12. Is to determine the optimum dose for flocculation or stabilization. Assay An, assay ,is a form of biological titration used to determine the concentration of a
  13. Metals. The short-lived Breakneck Valley Gold Rush ended with the results of an, assay ,of the deposits in London, showing that they were iron pyrites. A census in
  14. Providers In medicine * Bovine serum albumin, used as a standard for protein, assay ,curves Other * Bethesda Soft works Archive, a common extension used by this
  15. Characteristics of the ligands (attractant, neutral and repellent molecules; *, assay ,systems applied to evaluate chemotaxis (see incubation times, development and
  16. 0.55 to 0.98) ). " The second meta-analysis found: #"Elevated serum prolactin, assay , when measured in the appropriate clinical setting at 10 to 20 minutes after a
  17. Are available from fluorescent-based assay s like the microscale thermoforms, assay ,to http://www.reactionbiology.com/pages/kinase.htm radioisotope based
  18. Seizure among adults and older children (Level B). " #" Serum prolactin, assay ,does not distinguish epileptic seizures from syncope (Level B). #"The use of
  19. Biology by Steppe and co-workers first described a method using an enzymatic, assay ,to replicate a short DNA template with primers in vitro. However, this early
  20. Can be taken advantage of with LIGO (DT) beads in an affinity chromatography, assay , # A poly-T oligonucleotide primer is hybridized onto the poly-A tail of the
  21. Standard quantity used in assay ing ores of precious metals; it is grams (short, assay ,ton) or grams (long assay ton),the amount which bears the same ratio to a
  22. For PKU soon after birth. Screening for PKU is done with bacterial inhibition, assay ,(Guthrie test),immuno assay s using fluorometric or photometric detection, or
  23. Abi Word 2.5.2. The Ames test is a biological, assay ,to assess the mutagenic potential of chemical compounds. A positive test
  24. Initially given the name the Bettendorf Beast, was later determined by DNA, assay ,conducted at University of California, Davis to be a coyote with Democratic or
  25. Separation work) The work W_\math rm necessary to separate a mass F of feed of, assay ,x_ into a mass P of product assay x_, and tails of mass T and assay x_ is given
  26. Be selected, depending on the experimental objectives. A common identification, assay ,involves culturing a sample of the organism deep within a block of nutrient
  27. Agent for certain other precious metals, and so used in the so-called fire, assay , as a collector of platinum group elements (PGE). As such, nickel is capable
  28. A gene trap strategy was used in order to generate an APAF-1 -/- mouse. This, assay ,is used to disrupt gene function by creating an iatrogenic gene fusion. When an
  29. Organisms in a dose, infective doses may be expressed in terms of biological, assay , such as the number of LD50's to some test animal. In biological warfare
  30. Measuring chemotaxis and chemokines utilizes the under-agarose cell migration, assay ,whereby a layer of agarose gel is placed between a cell population and a
  31. And false-negatives are known. The test also serves as a quick and convenient, assay ,to estimate the carcinogenic potential of a compound since standard carcinogen
  32. Ores of precious metals; it is grams (short assay ton) or grams (long, assay ,ton),the amount which bears the same ratio to a milligram as a short or long
  33. It to be the antiscorbutic factor, but could not prove it without a biological, assay , This was finally done by King's laboratory at the University of Pittsburgh
  34. Genotype of an individual with a biological assay . Also known as a genotypic, assay , techniques include PCR, DNA fragment analysis, allele specific oligonucleotide
  35. Results of active migration of cells Despite the fact that an ideal chemotaxis, assay ,is still not available, there are several protocols and pieces of equipment
  36. Digestion in the gastrointestinal environment. Therefore, a non-invasive imaging, assay ,was developed to monitor gastrointestinal activity of exogenous enzymes (
  37. Expressed in kilograms. The effort expended in separating a mass F of feed of, assay ,of into a mass P of product assay XP and waste of mass W and assay PW is
  38. Substantially reducing the possibility of artifacts, as well as speeding up the, assay , The researchers also tested their method on blood samples from apparently
  39. It to be the antiscorbutic factor, but could not prove it without a biological, assay , At the same time, for five years,King's laboratory at the University of
  40. The titerand is most commonly determined through enzyme-linked immunosorbent, assay ,(ELISA). Measuring the endpoint of a titration Different methods to determine
  41. For pure copper, where kill timeframes ranged between 45 and 90 minutes. A novel, assay ,that mimics dry bacterial exposure to touch surfaces was developed because this
  42. Unique molecular characteristics which are understood by the use of crude oil, assay ,analysis in petroleum laboratories. Barrels from an area in which the crude oil
  43. Culture remains useful in selected circumstances and is currently the only, assay ,approved for testing non-genital specimens. Treatment C. trachomas infection
  44. Positive control and questions regarding the sensitivity and specificity of the, assay , it is not possible to assign a negative predictive value to this" Aid sent by
  45. Possibility of selecting chemo tactic responder cells with a simple chemotaxis, assay , By chemo tactic selection we can determine whether a still characterized
  46. To one specific type of molecule. In fact, the enzyme-linked immunosorbent, assay ,(ELISA),which uses antibodies, is currently one of the most sensitive tests
  47. For example, multiple sclerosis) can be recognized. A beta-2 transferring, assay ,is highly specific and sensitive for the detection for, e. g., CSF leakage.
  48. Since Ecus are often the only available treatment. Recently, hormonal, assay , has been suggested as a more accurate method of estimating fertility for EC
  49. Distinguish epileptic seizures from syncope (Level B). #"The use of serum PRL, assay ,has not been established in the evaluation of status" epileptics, repetitive
  50. To plush. Depending on which monoclonal antibodies are used, this type of, assay ,can distinguish between all five different species of human malaria parasites

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