Examples of the the word, primate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( primate ), is the 9319 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Disambiguation) The breast is the upper ventral region of the torso of a, primate , in left and right sides, which in a female contains the mammary gland that
  2. Southern two-thirds of England. #As Primate of All England, he is the senior, primate ,and chief religious figure of the Church of England (the British sovereign is
  3. Any direct authority in any province outside England, of which he is chief, primate , Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury since 2003,was the first
  4. Bishop of the communion is the Patriarch of Constantinople, who is also, primate ,of one of the autocephalous churches. These organizations are in full communion
  5. Member of the level Animalia; more specifically, a human" is a" primate ,a, primate ," is a" mammal, and so on. A subsumption hierarchy can also be defined
  6. In that it is, for the most part, answerable to the Pope, or to the abbot, primate , rather than to the local bishop. The abbot wears the same habit as his fellow
  7. Is not usually associated with a particular episcopal see like the title of a, primate ,.; Major archbishop: Major archbishops are the heads of some Eastern
  8. Centre of Malaysia due to its position as the capital as well as being a, primate ,city. Kuala Lumpur is defined within the borders of the Federal Territory of
  9. Autosomal recessive alleles. Many mammal species including humanity's closest, primate ,relatives avoid close inbreeding possibly due to the deleterious effects.
  10. Is a" member of the level Animalia; more specifically, a human" is a ", primate , a primate " is a" mammal, and so on. A subsumption hierarchy can also be
  11. The" Spiritum primate s sacerdotal Hagar potentate emitter peccary ": the, primate ,of sacrificial priesthood and the power to forgive sins. Bishops and civil
  12. Mother church of the worldwide communion) and specifically with its principal, primate , the Archbishop of Canterbury. The status of full communion means, ideally
  13. Process and overall episcopal polity, under the leadership of a local, primate , The Archbishop of Canterbury, religious head of the Church of England, has no
  14. Primates arose from ancestors that lived in the trees of tropical forests; many, primate ,characteristics represent adaptations to life in this challenging
  15. To life in this challenging three-dimensional environment. All but a few, primate ,species remain at least partly arboreal. Except humans, who
  16. Or ATH Climate, ) is the capital and most populous city of Ireland It is a, primate ,city serving a population of approximately 1.8 million within the Greater
  17. Jurisdiction over metropolitan bishops, but usually it is purely honorific. The, primate ,of the Scottish Episcopal Church is chosen from among the diocesan bishops, and
  18. Michael Tomatillo see it as having developed from animal communication, either, primate , gestural or vocal communication. Other continuity based models see language as
  19. Marcin Bunin, archbishop of Poznań and Gino and Roman Catholic, primate ,of Poland, was imprisoned by Prussian authorities for ten months in 1839-1840;
  20. Whenever they see it out of balance,e.g. to prevent man made climate change, primate ,extinction, or rainforest loss. In effect, they seek to cooperate to become the
  21. Development of structuralism. Saussure's predictions about the existence of, primate ,coefficients/laryngeal and their evolution proved a resounding success when
  22. All 38 provinces of the Anglican Communion are independent, each with its own, primate ,and governing structure. These provinces may take the form of national churches
  23. Severity. The acts of the process were sent either to the metropolitan or, primate , who carefully examined the cause, and,after consultation with the suffragan
  24. That visual processing areas occupy more than half of the total surface of the, primate ,neocortex. The other part of the brain that is greatly enlarged in primate s is
  25. Fact that Bigfoot is alleged to live in regions unusual for a large, nonhuman, primate , i.e., temperate latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere; all recognized nonhuman
  26. The Armenian),roughly similar to a Patriarch (see above).; Primate: A, primate ,is usually the bishop of the oldest church of a nation. Sometimes this carries
  27. In the American novelist Robin Cook's book, Chromosome 6,takes place at a, primate ,research facility based in Equatorial Guinea due to the country's permissive
  28. A small parasitic bacterium that lives on the ciliated epithelial cells of the, primate ,genital and respiratory tracts. M. genitalia is the smallest known genome that
  29. Is expressed dynamically, although individual provinces may accord their, primate ,with more or less authority to act independently. Called variously" synods,"
  30. Grand duchess of Luxembourg (b. 1927) * 2005 – Metropolitan Easily Medal, primate ,of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada (b. 1909) *2007 – Carlo Ponzi
  31. In power (450/1058. ) In the 14th century Ana was the seat of a Catholics, primate ,of the Persians (Marin Santa). In 1610 Pietro Della Value found a Scot
  32. With the discovery of a Saadanius fossil. Saadanius is considered to be a, primate ,closely related to the common ancestor of the Old World monkeys and apes. The
  33. 2010,the Mecca area became an important site for paleontology with respect to, primate ,evolution, with the discovery of a Saadanius fossil. Saadanius is considered to
  34. Has become part of the Georgian political debate since the Georgian Orthodox, primate ,and other leading Georgians suggested the idea in 2007. Recent developments
  35. Culture, something long believed to be unique to humans (and possibly other, primate ,species). In May 2005,a discovery in Australia found Indo-Pacific bottle nose
  36. Order. * The abbot of Sent'Anselmo di Aventine, in Rome, is styled the" abbot, primate ," and is acknowledged the senior abbot for the Order of St. Benedict (O. S.
  37. Bones within bat wings, for example, are very similar to those in mice feet and, primate ,hands, due to the descent of all these structures from a common mammalian
  38. Capital. It is also the economic and business center of the country, and is a, primate ,city. Kuala Lumpur is also rated as a gamma world city, and is the only global
  39. Short and Farnham discovered the pre-erythrocytic liver stage, first in the, primate ,parasite P. cynomolgi and subsequently the human malaria P. viva and P.
  40. Persons connected with the city *Marcin Bunin archbishop of Poznań and Gino, primate ,of Poland. Imprisoned in the fortress in the city
  41. To horizontal, using a long tail to balance the weight of their bodies. The, primate ,version of bipedalism is unusual because the back is close to upright (
  42. Everyone shares the responsibility of carrying the offspring. They are the only, primate ,group that regularly produce twins, which constitute over 80 % of births in
  43. Researcher and writer on a range of topics involving human and, primate ,evolution. * Jeffrey H. Schwartz, an American physical anthropologist and
  44. Most arbitrary royal commands, led Charles to deprive him of his functions as, primate , putting them in commission. The need of summoning parliament, however,soon
  45. In Japan announced that they had successfully transferred a gene into a, primate ,species (marmosets) and produced a stable line of breeding transgenic
  46. Provinces of the Anglican Communion are independent, each with their own, primate ,and governing structure. These provinces may take the form of national churches
  47. The first Antarctic ice in the early Oligocene around 30 million years ago. A, primate ,from this time was Notharctus. Fossil evidence found in Germany in the 1980s
  48. A simple, colloquial Samoan lacks and, while Rotors and Quilpué lack and. A, primate ,() is a mammal of the order Primates (; s. Primates arose from ancestors that
  49. Which enjoy the status of being stauropegiac will be subject only to a, primate ,or his Synod of Bishops and not the local bishop. Though the title" abbot" is
  50. Canine is consistent with reduced inter-male aggression in a group living, primate , Other behavioral models There are a variety of ideas which promote a specific

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