Examples of the the word, underpin , in a Sentence Context

The word ( underpin ), is the 9313 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And Spain are in broad agreement on many of the principles that should, underpin ,a lasting settlement of Spain's sovereignty claim, which included the
  2. Another and, in so doing, engenders binary oppositions and hierarchies which, underpin ,meaning itself. This notion is a neologism created by French Jacques Derrida in
  3. And delivered a national asset that has provided Ireland with a data set to, underpin ,present and future economic, environmental,infrastructural, social and policy
  4. Alto and the subsequent development of multidimensional NMR techniques. These, underpin ,applications of NMR both to chemistry (NMR spectroscopy) and to medicine (
  5. SQL" statements to be written in the PL/SQL code. However, DML statements, underpin ,the majority of PL/SQL code in typical software applications. In the case of
  6. Sections with noble brass chords that would swell and fade away, or he would, underpin ,his music with repeating figures which push against the melody and
  7. In the IAEA Statute (see below). Three main pillars – or areas of work –, underpin ,the IAEA's mission: Safety and Security; Science and Technology; and
  8. Show no warming whatsoever. Nevertheless, these same unreliable computer models, underpin ,the Global Climate Treaty. " * In preparing its 1995 report, the UN-sponsored
  9. Became almost universally accepted in traditional Jewish thought. They still, underpin ,Hard and some Modern Orthodox Jewish theology. The main dimensions of
  10. Control over colonies such as Tell Break by military force. Geographic factors, underpin ,Uruk's unprecedented growth. The city was located in the southern part
  11. The existing wooded floor, to lower the river bed under the bridge and to, underpin ,its foundations was completed in 1795. In 1881. The pointed doors on the
  12. Positivism (or logical empiricism). Logical positivism used formal logic to, underpin ,an empiricist account of our knowledge of the world. Philosophers such as
  13. Only intended to be a test program for the core library functions that would, underpin ,the new UI. Much of the original development of APT was done on IRC, so records
  14. Of the" three F's" — farming, forestry,and fisheries — that would, underpin ,the region's economy for the next century. Political career As the child of
  15. The result of dopamine release in the striatum--the same anatomical areas that, underpin ,the anticipatory and rewarding aspects of drug addiction. Sociology Music is
  16. It the Top 53 internally. The platform of the Golf/Rabbit and Jetta was used to, underpin ,the new Sirocco, although almost every part of the car was re-engineered in
  17. Used the new concept of body deterioration by slow radiation damage (age) to, underpin ,her rediscovered recklessness, and be happy.: :Even now most biotech have not
  18. Rights Watch is one of the most effective organizations I support. Human rights, underpin ,our greatest aspirations: they're at the heart of open societies. " The
  19. Between the developed member countries and developing member countries, to, underpin , all our activities. Since our restructuring in 1995,we have now provided
  20. Particles have been scrutinized for many centuries, and a few simple laws, underpin ,how particles behave in collisions and interactions. The most fundamental of
  21. A stronger British position, pushing Chamberlain to take economic steps to, underpin ,British interests in Eastern Europe and prevent additional military supplies (
  22. As for the important 18th-century philosopher David Hume, the passions, underpin ,all reason. This was a theme that she would return to throughout her career
  23. S at each node (i, j ). Relationship with Black–Sc holes Similar assumptions, underpin ,both the binomial model and the Black–Sc holes model, and the binomial model
  24. Integrated circuits. * in biostatistics and metallurgy, Monte Carlo methods, underpin ,the design of mineral processing flow sheets and contribute to quantitative risk
  25. Of interest. ITU Sector Members also develop the technical standards which will, underpin ,future telecommunication systems and shape tomorrow’s networks and services.
  26. The elites. As the surplus of food decreased, and thus the amount available to, underpin ,their power, the control of the elites began to falter. The capital city became
  27. Parts of their environments),has definite-valued states (apostates) that, underpin ,such appearances,i.e. underpin the states of belief in, or sensory experience
  28. A fully integrated mix of world-class academic research teams whose aim is to, underpin ,the technical development of the small space industry; and the commercial
  29. Of the South Sea and China has sufficient historical and legal backing" to, underpin ,its claims. On the other hand, Vietnam claims that all the Partly Islands
  30. From Lewin came the ideas of group dynamics and action research which, underpin ,the basic OD process as well as providing its collaborative consultant/client
  31. Definite-valued states (apostates) that underpin such appearances, i. e., underpin ,the states of belief in, or sensory experience of, the familiar macroscopic
  32. Syntheses for porphyrins is based on work by Paul Rotund. His techniques, underpin ,more modern syntheses such as those described by Adler and Long. The synthesis
  33. As he is said to have cured himself through techniques that would later, underpin ,Scientology and Diabetics. According to Moulton, Hubbard told him that he had
  34. Rather than lead. Whether this formulation undermines the monetary data which, underpin ,the fundamental work of monetarism is still a matter of contention. Monetarists
  35. The instrumental tracks and substituting a minimalist, sequenced " track" to, underpin ,her vocal delivery. The art of the remix gradually evolved, and soon more
  36. Led by Columbia University Medical Center has uncovered eight genes that, underpin ,alopecia errata, one of the most common causes of hair loss, as reported in a
  37. Quantities of ammunition that it uses and its level of manpower. Communications, underpin ,the artillery system, they have to be reliable and in real-time to link the
  38. Act, oust the fundamental principles of the local municipal law which generally, underpin ,areas such as labor law, insurance,competition regulation, agency rules
  39. Temples, and shrines. Buddhism introduced the rhythmic chants, still used, that, underpin , Shigin, and that were joined with native ideas to underlay the development of
  40. Is largely an issue of how symbols can have meaning. This lack of clarity may, underpin ,some differences of view indicated below. To bear out further the
  41. And for fundamental investigations in the basic energy sciences that, underpin ,the technology. *Materials science/Advanced materials - Scientists at ORAL are
  42. Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, which contains 27 principles to, underpin ,sustainable development. Commonly known as the precautionary principle
  43. Lynch both call the" Dravidian Revolution ". David's" revolution" is held to, underpin ,the development of later medieval Scotland, whereby the changes he inaugurated
  44. Reflective programming language. Small talk was created as the language to, underpin ,the" new world" of computing exemplified by" human–computer symbiosis. " It
  45. During the outro. Third Stone from the Sun incorporates a swing ride pattern to, underpin ,Hendrix's jazzy surf guitar, and the spacey breakdown section features
  46. The notion of Pull (build to order rather than target driven Push) came to, underpin ,production scheduling. It was with Karachi Ohio at Toyota that these themes
  47. Performance GM 6.0 LS2 V8. Both are on the new GM Zeta platform, which will, underpin ,many futures full-size GM vehicles. Vauxhall confirmed the importation of the
  48. Of language as system Basic tenets There are some interrelated key terms which, underpin ,Halliday's approach to grammar, which forms part of his more account of how
  49. Tool and practical use at high resolution is also restricted. Regions, underpin ,the rest of Quicker, permitting clipping to arbitrary shapes, essential for
  50. That the approach obscures or glosses altogether the material conditions that, underpin ,discourse. Tim Edwards argues that queer theory extrapolates too broadly from

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