Examples of the the word, professionalism , in a Sentence Context

The word ( professionalism ), is the 9318 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Created an inverted structure, with more officers than simple soldiers, eroding, professionalism , and straining the defense budget. Indiscipline, criminality and impunity are
  2. For amateur skaters, which was enforced. Peter Sinners was disqualified for, professionalism ,in 1904 and lost his world title. Long track world records were first
  3. Third) refers only to the professionalism of the used medium, and not to the, professionalism ,of the language itself or its creator. In fact, most professional languages are
  4. Of the game, and set a high standard for personal conduct, appearance,and, professionalism ,among his players. Given Schooling Park's huge dimensions, Foster developed a
  5. Previously been dealt with only by regional or local lords. John increased the, professionalism ,of local sergeants and bailiffs, and extended the system of coroners first
  6. That ancient Olympic athletes were amateurs as incorrect. This question of the, professionalism ,of ancient Olympic athletes is a subject of debate amongst scholars, with Young
  7. Were cleaner, although not without incident. In evidence there was increased, professionalism ,amongst Olympic athletes, exemplified by US basketball's" Dream Team ". 1992
  8. Code enacted in 1994 by Gen. Joaquín Clara, who espoused a policy of greater, professionalism ,in the renamed Army of Nicaragua. A new police organization law, passed by the
  9. Have adopted a code of ethics which provides the protagonists guarantees, professionalism ,More recently, the International Mediation Institute, a joint venture between
  10. Undergoing times of crisis. In recent years, the improved conditions and, professionalism ,of the Foreign Legion have in turn attracted a new kind of 'vocational '
  11. Operations. 7. Improve accountability and transparency in the DND. 8. Increase, professionalism ,in the Through reforms in areas such as promotions, assignments,and
  12. The peace accords of January 1992. Current status The military's new doctrine, professionalism , and complete withdrawal from political and economic affairs leave it one of
  13. Be temporary, and describing someone as a" hacker" might imply that they lack, professionalism , In this sense, the term has no real positive connotations, except for the idea
  14. Listings (who played what) and other details that raised the level of, professionalism ,to a level that had never been seen in Bollywood recordings or folk recordings
  15. The attack on the Israeli sportsmen with the recent arguments about encroaching, professionalism ,and disallowing Rhodesia's participation in the Games, which outraged many
  16. As opposed to" amateur" ( used for the second and third) refers only to the, professionalism ,of the used medium, and not to the professionalism of the language itself or
  17. Of Castile. He worked with the Parliament of Paris in order to improve the, professionalism ,of his legal administration. He is the only canonized king of France;
  18. And ethical decision processes * Professional ethics, or ethics to improve, professionalism ,* Clinical ethics, or ethics to improve our basic health needs * Business
  19. Fulham Supporters Trust stated:" His dedication, skill, professionalism , grace and charm - both in his playing days and in retirement - serve as a
  20. To join the rugby revolution. In 1897,the line-out was abolished and in 1898, professionalism , introduced. In 1906,the Northern Union changed its rules, reducing teams from
  21. And Herzegovina, War declaration, Natural disasters, Conflict of interests and, professionalism , Oath to Bosnia-Herzegovina, Flags,Anthem and Military Insignia, and
  22. Lawyers as such; litigants acted solely in their capacity as citizens. Whatever, professionalism ,there was tended to disguise itself; it was possible to pay for the services of
  23. A quick inspection would instantly reveal the difference in the level of, professionalism ,of the designers. The adjective associated with hacker is" hackish" ( see the
  24. Thus unavailable for further offensive operations. In addition, despite the, professionalism ,and discipline of the British troops, unfamiliar guerrilla warfare and
  25. Joins the confederation of Canada. *1885 – The Football Association legalizes, professionalism ,in football under pressure from the British Football Association. *1903 – The
  26. Then other air forces. They also brought about the high level of training and, professionalism ,seen today throughout the Luftwaffe, and the start of a strategic direction for
  27. Commerce. President Callers, a United States-trained economist, brought new, professionalism ,and technical skills to the central government as he began the arduous task of
  28. Higher police salaries to attract professionally qualified officers. During the, professionalism ,era of policing, law enforcement agencies concentrated on dealing with felonies
  29. Tribe. There is no clear command structure, the level of discipline is low, and, professionalism , and training are almost non-existent, according to locals and foreign oil
  30. Band presentation. New DJs as well as bandleaders with years of experience and, professionalism ,transformed the entire industry. 1990s During the early 1990s,the rave scene
  31. Perfect practice makes perfect! " The Oriole Way was a belief that hard work, professionalism , and a strong understanding of fundamentals were the keys to success at the
  32. Be required to have a license. This Ministerial decision aims at encouraging, professionalism ,in the industry as well as providing career opportunities for Omanis who will
  33. Ramón Calderón and manager Fabio Capella praised Beckham for maintaining his, professionalism ,and commitment to the club. Beckham was the first England player ever to
  34. Division advanced to the River Title and then withdrew to Dunkirk with great, professionalism , returning to Britain intact with minimal casualties. During Operation Dynamo —
  35. World Bank Mission Statement: *"To fight poverty with passion and, professionalism ,for lasting results. To help people help themselves and their environment by
  36. Military that is smaller, lighter,and more mobile, with a higher degree of, professionalism ,and with greater rapid deployment capability. Such change proved extremely
  37. O. W. Wilson, a student of Volume, helped reduce corruption and introduce, professionalism ,in Wichita, Kansas,and later in the Chicago Police Department. Strategies
  38. To receive higher insurance payments for specialist services. Performance and, professionalism ,supervision The issue of medical errors, drug abuse, and other issues in
  39. Case histories. Professionalism Hippocratic medicine was notable for its strict, professionalism , discipline, and rigorous practice. The Hippocratic work On the Physician
  40. Over 400 years of industry experience. Mission: IATAN's mission is to promote, professionalism , administer meaningful and impartial business standards, and provide
  41. British military in World War II joined the Pakistani Armed Forces giving it, professionalism , experience and leadership. After independence, the military was supposed to
  42. As were skis, but hardly anyone knew how to use them. In Markham's view, professionalism ,was considered less praiseworthy than" unforced aptitude ", and possibly Scott
  43. Britain by a House of Commons Select committee. Following the introduction of, professionalism ,transnational club competitions were started, with the Heineken Cup in the
  44. Relatively modern and competitive sector of the GDR's economy, the criteria of, professionalism ,were secondary to political criteria in personnel recruitment and development.
  45. Budget for the year 2004-05. It included proposals to increase the openness and, professionalism ,of its operations, and greatly increased its proposed spending from US $8.27
  46. Which Inter won 3–1. This game is considered another prime example of the great, professionalism ,shown by Baguio throughout his career. Inter president Massimo Marathi had
  47. Impartiality, nondiscrimination,free and direct access to victims, professionalism , and transparency. In the short term, Action Against Hunger addresses hunger
  48. Highly skilled in matters of war ", and that it was this mixture of piety and, professionalism ,which endeared him to his fellow conspirators. And Sir William Stanley, who
  49. In peace-keeping missions around the world and generally commended for its, professionalism , Further, in the aftermath of the national elections of December 2007 and the
  50. Brigades have an estimated 10,000 operatives" of varying degrees of skill and, professionalism ," who are members of Hamas or their supporters and the internal security forces

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