Examples of the the word, flex , in a Sentence Context

The word ( flex ), is the 9310 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To plunger pumps, where the plunger pressurizes hydraulic oil which is used to, flex ,a diaphragm in the pumping cylinder. Diaphragm valves are used to pump
  2. Their weight as a safety precaution. The recommended weight corresponds to a, flex ,rating that is determined by the manufacturer by placing a standardized amount
  3. Introducing his" deflection theory" by which a thin, flex ible roadway would, flex ,in the wind, greatly reducing stress by transmitting forces via suspension
  4. Enabling more downward force to be applied to the broom head with reduced shaft, flex , Shoes Curling shoes are similar to ordinary athletic shoes except that they
  5. Specialize in jibbing often use boards that are shorter than usual, with softer, flex ,and filed down edges. Shorter length enables the board to be rotated faster
  6. Pró-Álcool program, Owing to the success and rapid consumer acceptance of the, flex ,versions, by 2005 VW had sold 293,523 flex cars and light-duty trucks, and only
  7. The designer uses to determine the skier's needs. The designer can change, flex , materials and ski shape to suit the skier's skills, weight and target snow
  8. Frame (PPF) which connects the engine to the differential, minimizing, flex , and contributing to responsive handling. Some MX-5s feature limited slip
  9. Contained pairs of muscles which would act in opposition (one muscle to, flex ,the knee, a different muscle to extend it),as is seen in most others climbed
  10. Hand. A zigzag like two chevrons (^^) joined together means that the fingers, flex ,repeatedly and in sync. A double-line zigzag means that the fingers wriggle or
  11. Being more of a" flashy" team with Roger Staubach's aerial attack and the ", flex ," Doomsday Defense; while the Steelers were more of a" blue-collar" team with
  12. Bindings. Alpine snowboards tend to be longer and thinner with a much stiffer, flex ,for greater edge hold and better carving performance. Snowboard bindings
  13. Protection against cracks originating at the edge. It also allows the top to, flex ,more independently of the rib structure. Painted-on faux purling on the top is
  14. Support phase. When contact is made with the ground, the knee joint begins to, flex , and the extent it flex es varies with running style. Stiff-legged running
  15. Flanges. The height of the vertical section provides opposition to vertical, flex ,when weight is applied to the top of the frame (beam resistance). Though
  16. A" heel side" turn. Some high backs are stiff vertically but provide some, flex ,for twisting of the riders legs. Plate bindings are used with hard boots
  17. Wood core. Desired properties of the core include damping, rebound,strength, flex ,and reduced weight. *Base: The bottom of the board that is in contact with the
  18. The first decade of the 13th century. In August 1209 King John decided to, flex ,the English muscles by marching a large army to Nor ham (near Berwick),in
  19. And rapid consumer acceptance of the flex versions, by 2005 VW had sold 293,523, flex , cars and light-duty trucks, and only 53,074 gasoline-powered automobiles
  20. Flex-fuel cars in 2007,and reaching 93,361 in 2008. Due to the success of the, flex ,versions, by early 2009 a hundred percent of Honda's automobile production for
  21. Applying a rolling moment directly to the wing. The flex ible wing is built to, flex ,differentially across the span in response to the pilot applied roll moment.
  22. And have a smaller side cut than a common carving ski. The differences in the, flex ,pattern of the ski are made to let the ski absorb the impact of the moguls with
  23. Of the plantar arches and also adducts the big toe and then might plantar, flex ,the proximal phalanx. Muscles of the little toe: Stretching laterally from the
  24. The long crankshafts of the latter suffered from an unacceptable amount of, flex ,when engine designers began using higher compression ratios and higher
  25. Pushing out). Furthermore, the fact that the wing is designed to bend and, flex , provides favorable dynamics analogous to a spring suspension. This allows the
  26. Of an overly complex mechanical design with a very low-cost internal, flex ,circuit system. Another major flaw of the controllers was that the design did
  27. Light trucks powered by gasoline in 2007,and reaching new car sales of 564,959, flex , fuels in 2008,representing 96 percent of all cars and light-duty trucks sold
  28. Great leg strength was required to generate the enormous pressure necessary to, flex ,them into a curved shape, a shape called reverse camber. When a modern ski is
  29. Be lowered and raised. The hull’s sides were fastened together to allow it to, flex ,with the waves, ensuring stability and integrity. The ships were large enough
  30. Bone. These three muscles act to support the arch of the foot and to plantar, flex ,the fifth digit. Central muscle group: The four lubricates arise on the medial
  31. Manipulation with their forelimbs as a primate can. Function Each finger may, flex ,and extend, abduct and adduct, and so also circumduct. Flexion is by far the
  32. On ethanol-powered vehicles was restored, allowing a rapid adoption of the, flex ,technology, which was facilitated by the fuel distribution infrastructure
  33. And its army's more advanced training and technology, led it to increasingly, flex ,its military muscle and caused it to become attractive to a portion of the
  34. Project Management processes within which programs and projects can, flex ,according to their individual needs. To achieve this increase in P3M3 maturity
  35. Ethanol" to clearly mark the car as an E85 FFV. GM is the leader in E85, flex , fuel vehicles, with over 3 million Flexible vehicles on the road in the U. S.
  36. To allow the toe and heel pieces to slide, which in turn allows the ski to, flex ,deeply, without a non- flex ing spot underfoot due to the binding. Secondly, it
  37. Skis are specifically designed for moguls. They typically have a different, flex ,pattern, are narrower and have a smaller side cut than a common carving ski. The
  38. CLIP, Scheme,Objective Came, Prolog * Development tools: make, autotools, flex , bison, doxygen * Version control systems: CVS, subversion,git, mercurial *
  39. Feet warm. A snowboarder shopping for boots is usually looking for a good fit, flex , and looks. Boots can have different features such as lacing styles, heat
  40. Of wiring code ASKS 3000. European color codes are used for all IEC or, flex ,cables such as extension leads, appliance leads etc. and are equally permitted
  41. 93,is believed to have committed suicide by hanging himself with an electrical, flex , He was the last remaining prisoner at the complex, which is soon demolished.
  42. Archers have found an apparent improvement in their accuracy with the use of, flex ,/ mounts. The weight in hand remains unchanged, and so may contribute to
  43. it's primarily found in uses such as drum heads where it does not need to, flex ,significantly; it is also cut up into cords for use in lacing or stitching and
  44. Stabiliser weight. Similarly, the weight may be on an extension rod that may, flex ,in itself. The object of the exercise should be kept in mind, and that object
  45. Ground clearance, many owners aim to increase suspension articulation or ", flex ," to give their Jeeps greatly improved off-road capabilities. Good suspension
  46. Third Super Bowl in team history with their rather high-tech offense and ", flex ," defense. Quarterback Roger Staubach had a solid season, passing for 2,666
  47. Hatches closed to protect the crew. On the M1A2 and M1A2 SEP, this gun is on a, flex ,mount, the commander having to expose himself to fire the weapon manually. With
  48. Wing will maintain balanced trimmed flight with little pilot input. The, flex ,wing pilot is suspended beneath the wing by a strap attached to his harness.
  49. Would produce excessive stress on many submarine systems. Titanium does not, flex ,as readily as steel, and may become brittle during many dive cycles. Despite
  50. Transition temperature on an unusually cold Florida morning, and thus could not, flex ,adequately to form proper seals between sections of the two solid-fuel rocket

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