Examples of the the word, quo , in a Sentence Context

The word ( quo ), is the 7081 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Apathetic it would rather fight a war against itself than challenge the status, quo , Marcel Junco recalled, : We had lost confidence in our culture. Everything had
  2. Business with, or payoffs made by contracting parties" as part of a quid pro, quo ," as biographer David NASA writes. In 1855,Scott made it possible for
  3. Remedy for such violations have been petitions for common law writs, such as, quo ,warrant. History and development Early constitutions Excavations in modern-day
  4. The Lucknow Court has put a stay on the land donation and said that the status, quo ,on the land be maintained. On 12 October 2007,Bachchan abandoned his claim in
  5. To portray his nation as a peacemaker and preserver of the European status, quo , as well as gain more power for the German Empire and unify Germany. In 1878
  6. Sector but its eventual submission to the Review was in favor of the status, quo ,– self-regulation. Norway There are no specific laws regulating franchising in
  7. Shares, much more money was fed to the company, while maintaining the status, quo ,of power distribution. In 1930,a second issue of" B"-shares took place, and
  8. The end of the decade, with social tensions and dissatisfaction with the status, quo ,rising, the Bennett government's achievements could not stave off its growing
  9. India but was frustrated by weak French support, and the war ended status, quo ,antebellum with the 1784 Treaty of Mangalore. French opposition was led in
  10. Makes it less likely for researchers to publish findings challenging the status, quo , Net worth of households and nonprofit organizations The net worth of
  11. To be held until their market value stabilizes. This would imply, as a quid pro, quo , adjustments in taxation and expenditure in the economies of the weaker states
  12. By the West are reasserting themselves and looking to challenge the status, quo , Thus, culture has replaced the state as the locus of war. This is kind of
  13. Was deeply involved with its situation in Poland. That war ended in status, quo ,two years later, but it complicated matters even further for Khmelnytskyi, as
  14. Of the building of the stockade. " For a few weeks it appeared that the status, quo ,had been restored, and Red ruled the camps with an iron fist. Trials for
  15. Contended that" financial institutions don't want to change the status, quo ,because they make good and easy money off their own customers' mistakes and
  16. The existing territorial division among the communities and set a status, quo ,for arrangements to" remain forever ", caused differences of opinion about
  17. Sport is a counter-cultural aura — a rejection of authority and of the status, quo ,by disaffected youth. Some youth of Generation Y have seized upon activities
  18. May therefore have been intended to emphasize the stability and status, quo ,of the regime. The revolt had been suppressed, and the Empire returned to order.
  19. Monks during celebrations for the Feast of the Holy Cross. Under the status, quo , no part of what is designated as common territory may be so much as rearranged
  20. Historic preservation are framed in the dualism of the retention of the status, quo ,versus a" restoration" that creates something that never actually existed in
  21. Suggested this dramatic fall was a sign of the general acceptance of the status, quo ,and the likelihood of Labour's majority remaining unassailable. For the
  22. 1846. He created a new political group that sought to preserve the old status, quo ,while accepting the basics of laissez-faire and free trade. The new coalition
  23. To find suitable solutions to problems or to make improvements to the status, quo , More than ever, engineers are now required to have knowledge of relevant
  24. Also where any change in the structure might result in a change to the status, quo ,disagreeable to one or more of the communities. A less grave sign of this state
  25. Mine, won the competition, but it was decided to make no change to the status, quo , Up until 1974 God Save the Queen was Australia's national anthem. In 1973 the
  26. Subsequently, in July the Center Party was voluntarily dissolved in a quid pro, quo ,with the Pope under the anti-communist Pope Pius XI for the Reichskonkordat;
  27. Of Tobago, sovereignty in the West Indies was returned to the status, quo ,antebellum in the peace of 1783. India and the Netherlands When word reached
  28. Over a period of time the revisionist ideas become the new establishment status, quo ,a paradigm shift is said to have occurred. Historian Forrest McDonald is often
  29. Political views Orwell liked to provoke argument by challenging the status, quo , but he was also a traditionalist with a love of old English values. He
  30. Adamant in rejecting any candidate who was viewed as maintaining the status, quo ,with respect to NFL policies. Before his passing, Bell had told his son, Bert
  31. Eugenics asserted new policies were needed to actively change the status, quo ,towards a more" eugenic" state, while the Social Darwinist's argued society
  32. States," The outcome of the treaty is arguably better than the status, quo ,going into the negotiations ... For the first time, there is now an insecticide
  33. To unite and stand up against the ruling classes and fight the status, quo , Karma and a few of his other comrades in the National Assembly, represented
  34. References in Euripides's plays to contemporary events provide a terminus a, quo , though sometimes the references might even precede a datable event (e.g.
  35. Redrew both state and Federal legislative districts to preserve the status, quo , ensuring the electoral safety of the politicians from unpredictable voting by
  36. Who have the most to gain and the least to lose in challenging the status, quo , In the friction between the mainstream of accepted beliefs and the new
  37. On relations with the U. S. military since. However, maintenance of the status, quo ,vis-à-vis the current political relationship between the territory and the
  38. Identity of the Church of England. He was not a servant of the status, quo , but argued for a lively religion which emphasized grace, holy and charitable
  39. Japan, the United States, Britain and France agreed to recognize the status, quo ,in the Pacific, and Japan and Britain agreed to terminate formally the
  40. Grace. Still, Luther insisted that the letter upheld the social status, quo ,: though not explicit, the text could be interpreted to indicate that Paul did
  41. And" mortal love" into a tranquil world of women wreaks havoc with the status, quo , Gilbert had created several" fairy comedies" at the Haymarket Theatre in the
  42. Focused on critiques of mainstream psychology's support for an unjust status, quo , No departments of critical psychology exist, though critical perspectives are
  43. U. S.) in the eighteenth century became the leading protector of the status, quo ,in the twentieth century. " Mesquita and Downs evaluated 35 U. S. interventions
  44. Someone placed a wooden ladder there sometime before 1852,when the status, quo ,defined both the doors and the window ledges as common ground. The ladder
  45. They claim authority, often have the most to gain by maintaining the status, quo , This can be called an accepted paradigm, which in some circles or societies
  46. Communities improved their conditions of tenure on such estates. The old status, quo ,began a retrenchment after the end of the main civil war in 1646,and more
  47. Its stance that the two-state solution was an artificial and temporary status, quo , West Germany, established as a federal parliamentary republic with a" social
  48. And the estate, the case may be dismissed resulting in a return to the status, quo ,before bankruptcy. If the case is dismissed, creditors will look to
  49. Campaigned deep into Persian territory and briefly restored the status, quo ,in 628 as the Persians surrendered all their conquests. However, the empire was
  50. Was divided during these years among three segments: those favoring the status, quo , those supporting union with Peru, and those advocating independence for the

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