Examples of the the word, degradation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( degradation ), is the 7089 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Livestock is also driving reductions in biodiversity. Land transformation and, degradation ,Land transformation, the use of land to yield goods and services, is the most
  2. Activities, population distribution, and the economy; overgrazing; soil, degradation ,; deforestation Environment - international agreements: party to: Biodiversity
  3. Nets and cages clean can assist positive water flow to reduce the risk of water, degradation , Not surprisingly disease and parasitism can have a major effect on fish
  4. The death of a cell. After a cell receives stimulus, it undergoes organized, degradation ,of cellular organelles by activated proteolytic campuses. A cell undergoing
  5. Insulate and neutralize the charges. The weaponized agent must be resistant to, degradation ,by rain and ultraviolet radiation from sunlight, while retaining the ability to
  6. Aspects of BDSM. Sadism describes sexual pleasure derived by inflicting pain, degradation , or humiliation on another person. On the other hand, the masochist enjoys
  7. Periods of drought, cyclical periods of topsoil erosion, environmental, degradation , deforestation, hostility from new arrivals, religious or cultural change, and
  8. Most common antibiotics prescribed for children. Amoxicillin is susceptible to, degradation ,by β-lactamase-producing bacteria, which are resistant to a broad spectrum of
  9. Through the urea cycle and is excreted in the form of urea. However, amino acid, degradation ,can produce uric acid or ammonia instead. For example, serine dehydrate
  10. Of Independence and the Constitution within argon-filled cases to retard their, degradation , Using argon reduces gas leakage, compared with the helium used in the
  11. Worsened in Muslim countries. Benny Morris writes that one symbol of Jewish, degradation ,was the phenomenon of stone-throwing at Jews by Muslim children. Morris quotes
  12. The law is used widely in infra-red spectroscopy for analysis of polymer, degradation ,and oxidation. The carbonyl group absorption at about 6 micrometers can be
  13. US-dollars (2.4 billion Euros). They are widely used to prevent the oxidative, degradation ,of polymers such as rubbers, plastics and adhesives that causes a loss of
  14. Membrane and cause apoptotic effectors to leak out. Which carry out the, degradation ,of the cell, therefore the actual degradation enzymes can be seen to be
  15. There were times I felt that I saw before me the extreme limits of man's, degradation , " He was particularly moved by the plight of the children living in the penal
  16. For over 25 years. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (Maoist) block the, degradation ,of the monoamine neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine,and dopamine by
  17. As a result of pre-designed genetic variability and partially due to the rapid, degradation ,of the perfect genomes God placed in" created kinds" or" Brain" ( see
  18. And the acknowledgment of Caesarion as a legitimate son of Julius Caesar were a, degradation ,of his office and a menace to himself. During 32 BC, a third of the Senate and
  19. Circulation was famously described by William Harvey in 1628. Production and, degradation ,of blood cells In vertebrates, the various cells of blood are made in the bone
  20. Breaks into several discrete chromatin bodies or nucleosome units due to the, degradation ,of DNA. #The cell membrane shows irregular buds known as bless. #The cell
  21. Inability to accurately represent terminal consonants has contributed to the, degradation ,of the original Ainu. For example, some words, such as" KOR" ( meaning" to
  22. Estimates of the amount of land transformed by humans vary from 39 to 50 %. Land, degradation , the long-term decline in ecosystem function and productivity, is estimated to
  23. That he was the renewer of the Roman Empire, which had apparently fallen into, degradation ,under the Byzantines. In his official charters, Charles preferred the style
  24. Aligned at right angles to the tensile strain in the product. Oxidation and UV, degradation ,are also frequently linked, mainly because UV radiation creates free radicals
  25. Of metabolic and regulatory networks, as well as clues to the evolution of, degradation ,pathways and to the molecular adaptation strategies to changing environmental
  26. Is described as the" top ", a role that often involves inflicting pain, degradation ,or subjugation. The partner referred to as the" bottom ", or more frequently
  27. Determining sequence information. Protein sequence can be determined by Adman, degradation , in which the N-terminal residues are hydrolyzed from the chain one at a time
  28. Pollution in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and several other large cities; land, degradation ,and water pollution caused by improper mining activities note: President
  29. Acid. The resulting fatty acid could be metabolized through the fatty acid, degradation ,pathway. Hazards Methane is explosive when mixed with air (1 – 8 % CH4).
  30. Difficult to detect when such degradation occurs. However, in digital systems, degradation ,can not only be detected but corrected as well. Advantages The main advantage
  31. Growth, countries in Asia face huge sustainability challenges: environmental, degradation , resource constraints and climate change, as well as social inequality and
  32. To leak out. Which carry out the degradation of the cell, therefore the actual, degradation ,enzymes can be seen to be indirectly regulated by mitochondrial permeability.
  33. Industrial uses, such as preservatives in food and cosmetics and preventing the, degradation ,of rubber and gasoline. History As part of their adaptation from marine life
  34. Pastures and the remainder used for feed crops. Through deforestation and land, degradation , livestock is also driving reductions in biodiversity. Land transformation and
  35. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1,The Holocaust *Pandora,the, degradation ,of the human condition in Works and Days and Paradise Lost. As well as The
  36. High pH. This makes aspartame undesirable as a baking sweetener, and prone to, degradation ,in products hosting a high pH, as required for a long shelf life. The stability
  37. Leading to its decomposition by various pathways. Maltese causes partial, degradation , giving D-glucose and mandolin nitrite glucoside,C6H5CH (CN)O·C6H11O5.
  38. Of many animals. Reintroduction of indigenous vegetation will help with the, degradation ,of the land. The United States Government has also entered into an agreement
  39. The body and are broken into fatty acids and glycerol, which are the final, degradation ,products of fats and lipids. Nucleic acids A nucleic acid is a complex
  40. To many critics, the economic crisis in the 1980s worsened environmental, degradation ,in Brazil because it led to overexploitation of natural resources, stimulated
  41. Which flush bilge water into the ocean. Fishing has diminished due to habitat, degradation , overfishing, trawling,by catch and climate change. Since the growth of global
  42. It is sometimes assumed that a submissive would prefer to experience pain and, degradation ,in their everyday life, or conversely, that they would prefer to have exactly
  43. Bores occur almost every year, combined with the effects of deforestation, soil, degradation , and erosion. The cyclones of 1970 and 1991 were particularly devastating. A
  44. Agricultural land is seriously degraded. In Africa, if current trends of soil, degradation ,continue, the continent might be able to feed just 25 % of its population by
  45. Its analog counterpart. In analog systems, it is difficult to detect when such, degradation ,occurs. However, in digital systems, degradation can not only be detected but
  46. Destabilisation (below critical temperatures of phase inversion or chemical, degradation ,). Temperature affects not only the viscosity, but also interfacial tension in
  47. Be deforestation, desertification,soil erosion, mineral depletion, or chemical, degradation ,(acidification and salinization). Pesticides Pesticide use has increased
  48. The UN-FAO report cites land management as the driving factor behind, degradation ,and reports that 1.5 billion people rely upon the degrading land. Degradation
  49. While damage to proteins causes enzyme inhibition, denaturation and protein, degradation , The use of oxygen as part of the process for generating metabolic energy
  50. Iron oxide),corrode, or rot. They are, however susceptible to structural, degradation ,from sunlight and extremes in temperature over their lifespan. Fiberglass

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